The Vietnam War. Calisphere - Early Advertising. Questions to Consider What do these early ads reveal about American culture during the early 20th century?
How are today's ads different from these older ones? Which brands have survived? The History of the Ancient Near East Electronic Compendium. Social Studies Central. Digital Collections & Programs. Historic Newspapers Enhanced access to America's historic newspapers through the Chronicling America project.
Historic Sound Recordings The National Jukebox features over 10,000 78rpm disc sides issued by the Victor Talking Machine Co. between 1900 and 1925. Performing Arts Collections, articles and special presentations on music, theater and dance materials from the Performing Arts Encyclopedia. Prints and Photographs Catalog of about half of the Library's pictorial holdings with over 1 million digital images. Veterans History Project Experience first-person stories of wartime service through personal artifacts, audio and video interviews. Primary Source Materials & Document Based Questions. Primary Source Materials & Document Based QuestionsAn Internet Hotlist on Document Based Questions created by Paula GoldsteinNassau BOCES Introduction | Primary Source Materials | Document Based Questions | Assessments | General Resources | Constructed Response Questions Introduction Don't depend on someone else's interpretation of a document.
Read it yourself and draw your own conclusions. Listen to speeches and hear for yourself, who said what. Document based questions (DBQs) are a major focus in schools today. U.S. History Image Sources. Below you will find a list of the primary sources used for the U.S.
History Images available on this site. I have, to the best of my ability, used the original captions and descriptions found in these books to label the pictures. It might also be useful to note that the books and periodicals shown below are not listed in strict alphabetical order. Since I am always adding books as I go along, it is much easier to give books with identical author or title names a number to distinguish them, rather than to go back and rename the source captions under each picture.
These images are free for you to use any way you want with just a couple of exceptions. Abbot, Willis J. TOP 100 HISTORY SITES SORTED BY POPULARITY. Transcontinental Railroad Photo: The Over-Land Route. Orginal Source Documetns in US History. Women and the American Experience. Primary source. This wall painting found in the Roman city of Pompeii is an example of a primary source about people in Pompeii in Roman times.
Primary sources are original materials that have not been altered or distorted in any way.[1] Information for which the writer has no personal knowledge is not primary, although it may be used by historians in the absence of a primary source. In the study of history as an academic discipline, a primary source (also called original source or evidence) is an artifact, a document, a recording, or other source of information that was created at the time under study. It serves as an original source of information about the topic.
Similar definitions are used in library science, and other areas of scholarship, although different fields have somewhat different definitions.[2] In journalism, a primary source can be a person with direct knowledge of a situation, or a document written by such a person. DBQ Resource Guide. Getting the Message Out! About this Site. A List of Helpful Web Sites for a DBQ in the Period 1810-1860. Mesopotamia. Halsall Home | Medieval Sourcebook | Modern History Sourcebook Other History Sourcebooks: African | East Asian | Indian | Islamic | Jewish | LGBT | Women's | Global | Science See Main Page for a guide to all contents of all sections. Common Issues: Mesopotamian/Egyptian/Hebrew/Greek History MEGA Abzu: Guide to Resources for the Study of the Ancient Near East Available on the Internet [At Chicago] 2ND Emergence of Civilization in Ancient Near East [At Internet Archive, from UNT][Modern Account] 2ND The Near East 3000-1200 BCE [At Internet Archive, from UNT][Modern Account] 2ND The Near East 1250-500 BCE [At Internet Archive, from UNT][Modern Account] 2ND Arden Eby: The Origin and Development of Writing in Mesopotamia : An Economic Interpretation [At Internet Archive][Modern Illustrated Account] Interactive Map: Political Change in Ancient Mesopotamia , 3000-1000 BCE [At U.
The Emergence of Kingship: Inscription of Umma and Lagash , c. 2500BCE [At] 2ND Arthur A. 2ND Harry A. Primary sources. DBQ Resource Guide. Primary Sources. Industrial revolution advertisements. The University of Oklahoma College of Law: A Chronology of US Historical Documents. Links marked with an asterisk (*) are to other websites and will open in a new window.
Pre-Colonial To 1600 The Magna Carta (1215) Letter from Christopher Columbus to the King & Queen of Spain (1490's) The *Iroquois Constitution 17th Century 18th Century. The World Factbook. The surface of the Earth is approximately 70.9% water and 29.1% land.
The former portion is divided into large bodies termed oceans. The World Factbook recognizes and describes five oceans, which are in decreasing order of size: the Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, Southern Ocean, and Arctic Ocean. Because of their immense size, the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans are generally divided at the equator into the North and South Pacific Oceans and the North and South Atlantic Oceans, thus creating seven major water bodies - the so-called "Seven Seas. " Some 97.5% of the Earth's water is saltwater. Of the 2.5% that is fresh, about two-thirds is frozen mostly locked up in the Antarctic ice sheets and mountain glaciers worldwide.
History. Texts for Alexander the Great. Never-Seen: Hiroshima and Nagasaki - Photo Gallery. Alexander the Great: Defining "Great" ~ Social Studies ~ Instruction. Where can I find primary sources on Alexander the Great. Macedonia , Battle of Gaugamela (331 BC) Alexander the Great - 2\2 Gaugamela 331 BC. Industrial revolution advertisements. DBQ 2000 Documents. DBQ Resource Guide. Primary Source Materials & Document Based Questions. Making Sense of Evidence. Making Sense of Evidence This section helps students and teachers make effective use of primary sources.
“Making Sense of Documents” provide strategies for analyzing online primary materials, with interactive exercises and a guide to traditional and online sources. “Scholars in Action” segments show how scholars puzzle out the meaning of different kinds of primary sources, allowing you to try to make sense of a document yourself then providing audio clips in which leading scholars interpret the document and discuss strategies for overall analysis. Making Sense of Documents Making Sense of Oral HistoryWritten by Linda Shopes, this guide presents an overview of oral history and ways historians use it, tips on what questions to ask when reading or...