> Richardclements
Baader Hyperion Mark-III Clickstop Zoom Eyepiece 8-24mm # HYP-ZOOM 2454824. Product Details The Baader Hyperion 8-24mm Clickstop Zoom continues the Hyperion tradition of delivering top-of-class performance and quality, at very reasonable prices.
Zoom eyepieces have earned a lackluster reputation over the years, due to their compromises in optical design and execution. We think the Hyperion zoom will surprise many jaded zoom users with its combination of performance, quality, and novel features. Some highlights of the Hyperion Clickstop Zoom: • Consisting of 7 elements, the Hyperion optical design delivers outstanding sharpness and color correction over its wide flat field, even with fast telescopes.
• Continuously variable focal length, with click-stops at 8, 12, 16, 20, 24mm. .
• Wide field. .
• Excellent viewing comfort. .
• As with the fixed focal length Hyperions, Baader Planetarium has gone to great lengths to give the Hyperion Zoom the most advanced multicoatings ever used on amateur telescope eyepieces. .
• Includes both 1.25" and 2" barrels.
Night Sky Observer's Guide by George Kepple, Glenn Sanner, Jenni Kay amd Ian Cooper. Volume 1, Autumn & Winter by George Robert Kepple and Glen Sanner, 8.5 by 11 inches, hardbound, 446 pages, $34.95 Volume 2, Spring & Summer by George Robert Kepple and Glen Sanner, 8.5 by 11 inches, hardbound, 512 pages, And Now Volume 3, The Southern Skies by by George Robert Kepple, Ian Cooper and Jenni Kay, 8.5 by 11 inches, hardbound, 434 pages$34.95 From the reviews of Volumes 1 and 2 A subtitle to the two-volume Night Sky Observer’s Guide could have been Burnham’s Celestial Handbook: The Next Generation...
(it is) a bible of very deep-sky observing, taking objects constellation by constellation with full page charts and numerous smaller finder charts and drawings. Sky & Telescope magazine …Birders have their bible in the form of Roger Tory Peterson’s field guide. Astronomy magazine About the three-volume Night Sky Observer’s Guide. The Astronomical League. Visual Astronomy. Caring for Your Optics - Do It Yourself. Any telescope or binocular that you use for astronomy, no matter how humble it may be, deserves the best care you can give it.
Much of the time you’ll be using it right at the limit of its capabilities, and when you’re trying to see very faint objects or fine detail, little things make a big difference. Then again, life is full of imperfections, and there’s no point fretting about them. Every telescope gets dirty. Dirt on lenses or mirrors scatters light, making dark skies less dark and bright objects less crisp — but not nearly as much as you probably think. The right attitude toward optics means knowing when to be vigilant and when to relax. The first tactic against dirt is defensive, and this is when you should be vigilant. I store my two reflectors with their main and secondary mirrors both facing somewhat down. Never touch the surface of a lens or mirror.
So much for vigilance — now to relax. But if things get really bad and you decide a cleaning has to be done, here’s how.
Weather Tools. Often when you are planning outdoor events you need good weather information.
Certain events, like astronomy programs, also require clear skies. The Weather Ninja is a one-stop weather program available from CCDWare, a company that supplies high quality software for astronomical imaging. This program is free, and does a great job of incorporating many useful features that are all available with a click of the mouse. The "Forecast" tab includes many links to various NOAA sites, as well as current weather conditions. Besides showing a current Clear Sky Chart (see below), the program includes an animated loop of either visible clouds or infrared clouds for the southeast region, the jetstream forecast, lightning strikes (useful for determining where there is severe weather) detailed weather forecasts for the next week, and rise and set times for the sun and moon.
The Clear Sky Chart is a marvel designed by Attilla Danko. Then hit "OK". Home. Home Page. Starbound Observing Chairs Available in Black or White. Small Wonders. Dobsonian Telescopes Forum - Astronomy Forums. Setting Circles for Dobsonian - Astronomy Forums. Setting Circles - You are not logged in. This site allows you to build a variety of very accurate degree circles and degree strips that can be formatted and customised in just about any way.
This site was originally used to build analogue setting circles for telescope mounts, but can be used for anything at all where you need to accurately print circles or lines with degrees on them, such as specialist protractors for schools or surveying. Move your mouse over the gallery below to see what can be printed. This is just a small set of what can be done. The basic functionality is free to use, just click on the various links, Setting Circles, Linear Strips, Hartman Masks , Bahinitov Masks, Equal Circles or Regular Shapes, 2D Hartman Mask, Declination Circle, Declination Strip or Learning Clock under the Generators menu at the top of the page to see what is available.
There is a full and comprehensive manual that is free for download. The EU Directive on cookies comes into force the weekend of 26th May 2012. Thanks. Forum/assoc. Telescope Forums & Reviews. Telescope Reviews: Mega-mod thread for Zhumell dobs. Yup ...
I was gonna post something to that effect a few days back, but had trouble getting my shiny new account approved. Third time was the try, with a bit of a hand for the admin. A bit of a hand for the admin, ok? <clap clap clap> Oh. I'm already kinda regretting ever having seen this thread. .
- Loctite OTA seam. .
- Add handles to OTA above pivot bearings. .
- Add spinner handle on the tube up by the secondary to aid in aligning the scope.