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Melissa Hill

I like random things. I am a proud unicorn warrior as well.

Tutorial: Homemade Sidewalk Chalk | oh my! handmade goodness. By Michelle Vackar, Modern Handmade Child One of our favorite outside activities at our home is drawing with chalk on the driveway. You can play hopscotch, four-square, and of course draw and create silly stories. My daughters and I were talking one day as we played hopscotch about how to make chalk and I thought to myself, let’s try it! It ended up being quite a lot of fun. What you will need: • Toilet paper or paper towel tubes • Scissors • Duct tape • Wax paper • Small bucket or disposable container to make the recipe • ¾ cup of warm water • 1 ½ cups Plaster of Paris • 2-3 tablespoons of tempera paint • Paper bag or a “mess mat” ** we made six tubes of chalk – we simply doubled the above recipe.

Step 1: If you are using paper towel tubes, cut each tube in half, so it is roughly the length of a toilet paper roll tube. Step 2: Cover one end of each tube with duct table to hold the contents within. Step 3: Cut as many pieces of wax paper as you have tubes. How To: Make Sidewalk Chalk Paint | Apartment Therapy Ohdeedoh. Doityourselfpopegm1bh8.jpg (JPEG Image, 800x1056 pixels) - Scaled (74%) 5 Lovable Animals You Didn't Know Are Secretly Terrifying. If there’s two things Cracked is all about, it’s fucked up animals and dongs. And since they won’t let me write “The 7 Most Fucked Up Animal Dongs,” (Editor's Note: Only because it's been written already) I had to settle for focusing on just the animal stuff. So hey, here you go: Here’s a bunch of adorable animals that will probably nonetheless scar you for life.

Let's skip the pleasantries and get right down to hyperventilating and swearing at nature, shall we? Bears are pretty intrinsically scary, but come on – look at that guy! Holy shit! If there was a color-coded scale for cuteness like there is for Terror Alert Levels, the red fox would be at Level Orange: way above Adorable Bomb Threat and just half a notch below Snuggle Jihad. I would name him Mr. Now, here’s the sound he makes: If you came of age in a small town, you’re probably already familiar with the sound red foxes make.

You: Jesus, this weed is amazing. Your Dickhead Friend Barry: Ha! Red Fox:AWWAAUUUUGHHGGGHHHH!!!! “What? 13 Real Animals Lifted Directly Out of Your Nightmares. Nature seems to have a limitless supply of creativity. From giant spiders to gamma ray bursts, nature has gotten more mileage out of the same old material than the writers of The Simpsons. But sometimes the things she comes up with are so goose-fucking insane they make Crispin Glover look like Jean-Luc Picard. We're talking about creatures that seemed to have abandoned all earthly processes of evolution to achieve pure horror. Like... Deep Sea Hatchetfish A.K.A. the Fish That Will Eat Your Soul Also known as the fish of the damned, it appears the only reason we don't hear their curse-filled lamentations is because they're underwater.

Fill your aquarium with these fuckers and you'll fall asleep every night watching them silently proclaim your impending damnation. They only grow to be about four and a half inches long, but their bite-sized terror is potent--they hide in the deep during the day, then rise up at night, returning once more to the abyss as day breaks. That is a Matsuba Koi. The 9 Most Badass Bible Verses. #3. Quote from: 1 Kings 18:24,38-40 That is how they used to do religious debates back in the day. The situation was that people of Israel had taken to Baal worship, a faith that added a lot of whores to its rituals and thus gained immediate popularity. Elijah (not the one with the bears, that was Elisha) decided that the people had to choose between Baal and God. Rather than write a series of books or give a bunch of boring speeches, Elijah invited 450 Baal prophets to a contest, where both sides would set up an animal sacrifice. It's brilliant in its simplicity, and we're surprised religious debates were ever carried out any other way after that.

We like to think Elijah stood in front of the howling column of heavenly fire, straightened his robes, turned to the crowd and said, "Thus, my opponent's argument falls. " #2. Samson could have dominated this list if we had let him. On this particular day, the Philistines had burned Samson's wife to death, and sent some men to capture him. ... The Worst Jobs in the World Matrix | Adzuna. 20 Great Websites To Earn Part-time Money While Working In College | Get Degrees. There are literally thousands of ways to make money online. They range from affiliate marketing, blogging, domain parking, web designing and many more.

But most of them, like any other real world business require time and patience to bring in a decent amount of cash every month. Contrary to the general belief, there is no get-rich-quick scheme online. Having said that, there are various ways which help you get started quickly and make a few bucks. These are great for college students who can spare a few hours every week to earn part-time income. Instead of delivering pizzas and serving coffee, they could now work from the comfort of their home and make money.

The following list contains 20 such websites/methods which can help teens and college students generate some cash quickly. Sell Stuff 1.eBay Buying and selling on eBay is probably one of the most common methods to earn money online. College students can utilize eBay to sell old unused items and generate cash. 2.BuyMyTronics 3.Zazzle 12. Camera Mail. Burglar Beatdown. Imageshenrieta-the-chicken.jpg (JPEG Image, 387x1629 pixels) - Scaled (48%) Video. Hideseek.gif (GIF Image, 199x135 pixels) wAkE Up EveRy MOrNiNG WiTh THE ThougHT tHAt SOMeThInG WoNderfUl IS AbOut To hAppEN.

I'm a ninja by ~AshamanJung on deviantART. Random funny pictures. Pano4.jpg (JPEG Image, 1500x761 pixels) - Scaled (84%) Collection-of-very-weird-photos18.jpg (JPEG Image, 580x476 pixels) Zoom.gif (GIF Image, 640x688 pixels) 1308839446234844.jpg (JPEG Image, 215x650 pixels) Genius Part 1 [30 Pics] Real World Existentialism Trolling [PIC] Dumb Student Late Assignment [PIC] 25 Cartoon Characters Whose Real Names You Never Knew: Pics, Videos, Links, News.

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