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Effetto risorse and collaterals 2019

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How to Stop Freaking Out and Tackle Climate Change. Step 3: Join an effective group.

How to Stop Freaking Out and Tackle Climate Change

These sweeping, systemic changes are complicated and will be hard won. No single person alone can make them happen. Luckily, there are already dozens, if not hundreds, of groups dedicated to climate activism. Some are local and focused on stopping particular fossil-fuel projects, like Rogue Climate in Southern Oregon, with which I am working. Others are national and focused on changing federal policy, like Zero Hour and the Sunrise Movement. Cosa sarebbe successo a Venezia se il Mose avesse funzionato. Don’t Call Me a Pessimist on Climate Change. I Am a Realist. The Centre for the Study of Existential Risk. The Centre for the Study of Existential Risk. Acteurs du Paris durable. Ah ... The Best People: Ignoring the American Need for Environmental Deliverance for Over 50 Years - The Eastern Woodlands Fusion.

The Best People: Ignoring the American Need for Environmental Deliverance for Over 50 Years By Marc A.

Ah ... The Best People: Ignoring the American Need for Environmental Deliverance for Over 50 Years - The Eastern Woodlands Fusion

How to prepare for “Collapse” – Living the Great Turning. The Checklist – Local Resilience Project. Developed from a Self Assessment Checklist by Chris Martenson at – used with permission.

The Checklist – Local Resilience Project

No personal data is collected in relation to you completing this checklist. We don’t even see your score Welcome to The Checklist, a comprehensive list of 100 questions to sharpen your focus on what it might take to develop a highly resilient household, capable of supporting you in the face of disruptive climate change, ecological collapse and economic uncertainty. The questions cover 12 areas of life: community, psychology, practical skills, food, water and shelter, health and wellbeing, technology and finance, energy, transport and security. What if We Stopped Pretending the Climate Apocalypse Can Be Stopped? Call me a pessimist or call me a humanist, but I don’t see human nature fundamentally changing anytime soon.

What if We Stopped Pretending the Climate Apocalypse Can Be Stopped?

I can run ten thousand scenarios through my model, and in not one of them do I see the two-degree target being met. Carbon calculator: how taking one flight emits as much as many people do in a year. Taking a long-haul flight generates more carbon emissions than the average person in dozens of countries around the world produces in a whole year, a new Guardian analysis has found.

Carbon calculator: how taking one flight emits as much as many people do in a year

The figures highlight the disproportionate carbon footprint of those who can afford to fly, with even a short-haul return flight from London to Edinburgh contributing more CO2 than the mean annual emissions of a person in Uganda or Somalia. Waiting For The Black Swan. 5 maps that reveal the world’s remaining wildernesses. Researchers from the US and Australia recently produced a global map to illustrate this decline, made by combining data on things such as population density, night-time lights and types of vegetation.

5 maps that reveal the world’s remaining wildernesses

The problem with such an approach is that the question of where wilderness begins and ends is not as simple as it may first seem. There’s another story to tell about climate change. And it starts with water. It’s easy for all concerned about air, water and nature to descend into despair as we watch brazen rollbacks of environmental legislation in the US.

There’s another story to tell about climate change. And it starts with water

Just last week, developments included an executive order to rewrite US carbon emissions rules, jeopardising the country’s ability to uphold its Paris climate talk commitment; the end of a moratorium on new coal leases; and the green-lighting of a pesticide claimed to cause harm to children. But as apathy is not an option, let’s try to think beyond the usual strategies. For one, we can recognise that the way we talk about our environmental challenges has interfered with our ability to truly grapple with them: that we limit ourselves by creating too simple a story.

Specifically, the story we tell about climate. But it is worse than that. – Rosher dot net – the home of Incredibish. Credit for this post goes to, and the author of the main article is, Marc Doll.

But it is worse than that. – Rosher dot net – the home of Incredibish

I’m putting Marc’s post here because it is, to date, the best all encompassing précis of the situation we find ourselves in. It is terrifying, awesome and inspiring in equal measure. It may not change your life or your chosen life style, but then again it may. I want to read it all slowly, and seek out collaboration of the facts from peer reviewed sources I would trust. Perché Godzilla non esiste? - statistiche mondiali in tempo reale. È il capitalismo che sta uccidendo la natura, non l’umanità. Question Everything: Spring Equinox - 2019: Climate Chaos and More. Not so good news. This is Tim Watkins at his best I think…..

Not so good news

I wish I had time to write well researched articles like this, but I have a flailing mower arriving today, the double glazed windows at the end of the month, and the front wall to build in preparation of this event. Never a dull moment around here. Put simply, if you cannot turn on your lights, operate your business or recharge your electric car, because there is no electricity, it is little comfort to learn that on a good day the grid is capable of supplying more electricity than you might need.

From the truly amazing Consciousness of Sheep website… Protesters today intend bringing central London to a standstill by blockading several major arterial roads into the capital. Dichotomie à l'axe et libre arbitre - liberté. La loi de la dichotomie à l’axe est une pièce maîtresse du modèle Essai Sur la Raison de Tout (voir chapitre 4.5).

Dichotomie à l'axe et libre arbitre - liberté

Il ne semble pas possible de concevoir que nous, individus humains, qui interagissons ensemble, qui croyons ou non au libre arbitre mais qui prenons des décisions qui ont un effet sur le monde, puissions ne pas être coordonnés afin que nos actions suivent un mouvement d’ensemble cohérent. Si l’Univers entier est soumis à des lois, l’humanité ne saurait en être dispensée. Ce mouvement, selon Essai sur la raison de tout, est le principe évolutif défini dans le paragraphe 1.3.11 :

Laurent Testot : Le passé éclaire l'avenir - Sismique. 2″ – Une Histoire globale ? Mettre en perspective de manière transdisciplinaire les passés de l’humanité pour faire un récit d’ensemble (par opposition aux récits nationaux et européo-centrés)Les grands facteurs d’évolution de l’histoire humaine.« Jusqu’à l’agriculture, l’humain n’était qu’un animal parmi d’autres. »« Rome n’était pas européenne, elle était méditerranéenne… nous ne sommes pas romains. »« L’environnement dicte le cadre des possibles. »De l’importance du hasard dans l’évolution des civilisations : l’exemple de la conquête des Amériques grâce aux virus. « Personne ne pouvait prévoir cette histoire de microbes. » 10″ – Le facteur environnemental dans l’histoire des civilisations 17″ – Le rapport à la nature est-il le même dans toutes les civilisations ?

Cambiamento climatico: perché tutto può collassare (Max Strata) - Decrescita Felice Social Network. Non possiamo più fare niente – IL CANCRO DEL PIANETA. ESRL Global Monitoring Division - Global Greenhouse Gas Reference Network. Calendar | People | Publications Earth System Research Laboratory Global Monitoring Division Global Greenhouse Gas Reference Network Trends in Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide History of atmospheric carbon dioxide from 800,000 years ago until January, 2016. Download full-resolution version of this animation (warning: large file, ~50 MB) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Earth System Research Laboratory Global Monitoring Division. Rovesciare la Piramide di Maslow. - Apocalottimismo.

Facingextinction. Audio versions available:Stream or download hereYouTube audio here © 2019 Catherine IngramAll rights reserved. Effondrement : des stratégies libertaires pour la survie collective ? Facingextinction. Alfred McCoy, Climate Change as the End Game for U.S. Global Power. [Note for TomDispatch Readers: As you check out Alfred McCoy’s monumental new piece on the shifting “world orders” of the last six centuries, think about making a donation to this website and ensuring that more such pieces lie in our future. In return for a contribution of $100 ($125 if you live outside the United States), you can get a signed, personalized copy of McCoy’s already classic Dispatch book, In the Shadows of the American Century: The Rise and Decline of U.S. Global Power. The Future is Rural: The Unexpected Consequence of Energy Descent. L’insetto nella miniera è MORTO, chissenefrega. [Infographie] Interdiction des long-courriers, couvre-feu thermique, quotas sur le café… les mesures extrêmes pour rester sous 1,5°C.

Collapse Is Already Here.