> Rpeswani
Rosenshine Masterclass I Intro and Research. Home - Character Lab. Making the Best Use of Cognitive Load Theory in the Classroom. Just as with use of images and analogies to give students something concrete to understand, I have made greater, and better use of modelling.
Everything from sentence openers, to whole essays or narratives, I model the processes needed to be able to complete a task. This enables them, to not only see then end product, as with exemplars, but also to see the steps they needed to take to get there. This reduces the load they are under and allows them to think carefully about each step as we encounter it.
Again, I would sometimes break this process down, modelling an opening paragraph for them, getting them to attempt their own and then returning to the next step together.
5 minute essays. /watch?v=CPxSzxylRCI&feature=emb_title. Reductive Rubrics, Authenticity & Opportunities for Learning. A quick post to share an animated gif, made in the new Keynote 9 update.
It is a rebuild of a lower-quality animation I made years ago and use often, inspired by a cartoon I saw but cannot track down again (and I’d love to find it). I have used it in the context of critiquing my own MA dissertation and more frequently in conversations about not over-describing the 7-8 level of MYP assessment criteria. ……….o0O0o………. “Zooming In” to MYP Assessment A growing concern for me in MYP is the power this line from MYP subject guides can have on the opportunities and expectations for and the language of learning in the classroom: Subject groups must assess all strands of all four assessment criteria at least twice in each year of the MYP.MYP Subject Guides.
Wayfinder Learning Lab. Stephen Taylor Currently MYP Coordinator, Middle School curriculum Coach and Science Teacher at Western Academy Beijing, I am a recent arrival in China after serving as PreK-12 Director of Learning and IBMYP Coordinator at Canadian Academy, Kobe, Japan.
Former HOD Science and IBDP Biology and MYP Science teacher. Middle school girls’ football coach and Roots & Shoots supervisor. IBEN school visitor, candidate school consultant, Project Zero online coach.
Untitled. 2019 Survey – Thank you to the participants who completed the pre- and post- surveys.
For now, we have discontinued this 12-week survey. 2020 Survey – We would love to learn how we can improve Tech Balance and find out how it has helped the families that are subscribed!
5 Step Prep to Make Essay Writing As Painless as Possible.
Managment skills. Social skills. CAS 2018-2020. BBC Radio 4 - The Educators, Sir Ken Robinson. A Teacher's Wonderings. Copy of ATL Workshop (Grade 7/8) To Share - Google Slides. Approaches to Learning. Hybrid teaching: Be Safe, Be Kind, Be Adaptive, Be Imaginative - αℓιѕση уαηg. Reopening school As there has been no local COVID-19 transmission for at least 50 consecutive days in Thailand, we are currently planning on opening the school and welcoming our students physically back to campus in August with precautions.
We need to comply with the government laws, regulations, policies and as a school, it is important to ensure that everyone feels safe to return on campus. The logistics and planning details are definitely daunting. When searching information and ideas regarding reopening schools, key words, such as "uncertainty", "ambiguity", "complexity", keep showing up in the literature. This makes me think of the term "VUCA".
Podcasts - Narratively. La questiologie ou l'art de poser les bonnes questions: Frederic Falisse at TEDxPantheonSorbonne. INFORMED LANGUAGE TEACHER. Private School in Beijing China. 1.
WAB’s culture is learning-focused WAB is a community of deliberate learners. We understand how people learn. Learn more. 2.
Getting Smart - Innovations in Learning. Blog - Atlas. Council Post: 10 Ways Edtech Advances Are Shaking Up Education. Education technology or edtech offers unique opportunities for student development.
The roots of edtech in whiteboards, projectors and tablets have given rise to popular learning platforms. Now, students can access on-demand courses, and learn whatever they want thanks to technological advances in the field. Companies can provide classes to their workers the same way, allowing them to leverage industrial edtech for their own business needs and purposes. The development of edtech isn't expected to slow down any time soon. No traditional teaching methods can compete with the levels of student attentiveness, availability and convenience that edtech currently offers. 1.
Digital transformations are now letting students ditch the physical classroom.
My top 10 quotes to challenge the way you think. Why Feedback Rarely Does What It’s Meant To. Different Definitions of Personalized Learning Conflict, Cause Confusion. "In a personalized system," he says, "students are receiving instruction exactly at the point where they need it.
" It's a concept grounded in the psychology of motivation, learning science and growing technologies like artificial intelligence (AI). And the hype around it is blowing up. Personalized learning is the No. 1 educational technology priority around the country, according to a recent survey by the Center for Digital Education, a news service that promotes ed-tech. More than nine out of 10 districts polled said they were directing devices, software and professional development resources toward personalized learning. Personalized learning is also a major priority of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (which is a supporter of NPR's education coverage) and the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative. But there's already a backlash to the idea: it's drawn teacher, parent and student protests--even walkouts--in several states.
ATL - IBO. November 1, 2016.
Understand and Promote academic honesty - IB Speak. Academic honesty is an alternative word more commonly used for academic integrity.
The term first coined by Don McCobe who emphasized on adopting an honest behavior in education system. The other side of this usually considered as academic dishonesty is defined by center of academic integrity as a behavior of academic achievement including cheating, plagiarism, lying, deception and other form of advantage unfairly obtained by one student over other.
Online Diagram Software. Natalie Fratto: 3 ways to measure your adaptability.
How time multipliers compound productivity. Teachers College Record. Main - TeachThought. Cult of Pedagogy. MI Oasis. Project Playback. How to Create a Team Purpose Statement in Three Steps (and Why) - People Leaders. SUBSCRIBE HERE:Email | iTunes | Stitcher | Subscribe on Android | | RSS | Spotify Bring clarity and focus to your team and understanding within your organisation Creating a Team Purpose Statement is a useful practice for several reasons.
Writing Prompts. 550 Prompts for Narrative and Personal Writing. [Sign up for our free Learning Network newsletter. Receive new writing prompts in your inbox every week.] We’ve been posting fresh writing prompts every school day for over a decade now, and every so often we create a themed collection like this one to help you find what you need all in one place. This fall, in honor of our new narrative-writing unit and our first-ever Personal Narrative Essay Contest for teenagers, we’ve rounded up 550 evergreen questions on everything from family, friendships and growing up to gender, spirituality, money, school, sports, social media, travel, dating, food, health and more.
(They’re also all available here as a PDF.) We hope they’ll inspire you, whether you’re entering our related contest or just want to improve your writing skills.
Why does time seem to speed up as we get older? - BBC Ideas. Why smart people do stupid things - BBC Ideas. Presentation Zen. Creativity - PD Resources. Spanish Analogy template. 'Do you wind it up?': today’s teens tackle rotary phones, FM radio and map reading. Three 15-year-old school children are on the phone, in class. No, it’s OK, they’re supposed to be; they’ve been told to, by me, with permission from their teacher.
All learning is a consequence of thinking — The Learner's Way. All learning is a consequence of thinking. I have these words printed and posted on the wall above my desk. It is a reminder of what I believe is a vital understanding.
The consequences of this one statement are quite profound.
Home - BBC Reel. Standards Based Learning - Washtenaw International High School and Middle Academy. Standards Based Learning (SBL) FAQLink to the SBL Basics Infographic 1. Why transition to a new grading system? Our primary focus is creating better learners, who are knowledgeable, reflective and inquiring lifelong learners.
Language learning outside of the classroom. The Best Team Building Games - Circles #34. Escribe una carta por los indígenas aislados de Brasil - Survival International. BBC Ideas: The latest short films for curious minds - r.peswani - Gmail. Teaching Strategies. Fishbowl. Motivating Students. Introduction Fostering student motivation is a difficult but necessary aspect of teaching that instructors must consider.
All About Me Bags. On the first day I share items that tell the class something about me.
Relationships Matter More Than Rules. Daniel Pink on the surprising science of motivation. Seligmans' Learned Helplessness. HookED SOLO Taxonomy in teaching and learning. 21 Things Every 21st Century Educator Should Try in 2019. In 2014 I wrote the original “21 Things” post with the hope that an educator reading it would be inspired to try one or two new things in their classroom.
Future - How do we measure language fluency?
The Explosion of Social Media. Why should schools prioritise ATL? - Tracker Apps. By Lance G King. TaoLearn. Portable Knowledge. The benefits of a bilingual brain - Mia Nacamulli. Language is not just about ordering a beer. Future - Are there alternatives to air conditioning?
At first sight, the view could be mistaken for the rolling hummocks of Hobbiton, right down to the perfectly circular doors opening out of the lush green hillside.
But the doors are made of glass, and inside them are not cosy hobbit holes but an array of large mechanical steel arms and levers holding some of the doors ajar. These hills are part of the roof of the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco, US. The undulating green roof is one of a series of engineering and design features that make the academy one of the largest passively ventilated spaces in the US.
Using Scrum in the Classroom. Future - Is crying truly cathartic?
When Theresa May announced in Downing Street that she would be standing down as British Prime Minister, it was her visible struggle to hold back tears that most captured the world’s headlines. Commentators were quick to observe that this emotional display had finally humanised a politician widely seen as remote and aloof.
How to Be Confident (When You Don’t Have Anything to Be Confident About)
11 Simple Ways to Improve Your Memory. How to Keep Criticism From Sinking Your Confidence. What Happens to Student Behavior When Schools Prioritize Art. Are you able to switch off when on holiday?
15 Obscure Words for Everyday Feelings And Emotions. How to Help Students Develop a Love of Reading. Sir Ken Robinson on how to encourage creativity among students. Margaret Heffernan: The human skills we need in an unpredictable world. Margaret Heffernan: The human skills we need in an unpredictable world. Public Media for Northern CA. 7 Things You Can Do with Technology to Improve Your Research.
Common sense education 50 favorite tools. The Big List of Bloom's Taxonomy Question Stems. The one class that should be taught at every school. Soñando Cuentos (página)
The problem with America's college entrance exam. Amy Cuddy: Your body language may shape who you are. Generalise, don't specialise: why focusing too narrowly is bad for us.