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Traversées pédestres de la Slovénie. Plus de 7000 kilomètres de sentiers balisés sillonnent les montagnes et collines slovènes.

Traversées pédestres de la Slovénie

Les itinéraires les plus exigeants peuvent être parcourus en compagnie de guides de montagnes expérimentés. La meilleure période pour parcourir les hautes montagnes slovènes s’étend du printemps à l’automne. EURORANDO 2011: Les E-Itinéraires. GR-48: Sendero de Sierra Morena. Start page. Senderismo Mallorca – Caminar por Mallorca – Nordic Walking Mallorca – Caminar per Mallorca – Senderisme Mallorca – Excursions per Mallorca – Hiking Mallorca – Walking Mallorca – Nordic Walking Mallorca – Ramblers Mallorca – Treking Ma.

Deutsches Wanderinstitut e.V. – Wandern auf erstklassigen Wegen. European Trails. Thanks to the initiative and efforts of the European Ramblers Association (ERA), a network of long distance hiking trails traversing Europe came into being.

European Trails

The ERA was founded in Germany in 1969, and today has over 50 member-organisations devoted to long distance walking, but also to sustainable development of the countryside and, among other things, to the protection of something called European heritage, whatever that may be. At this moment there are 11 European Long Distance Paths which as a rule lead through several countries (see map).

Wherever possible these paths make use of, and coincide with, existing national or regional trails. They number from E1 to E11 (a new one is envisaged for the future: E12). But not all paths are complete. In addition to the E-paths, there are other cross-boundary trails. Hiking holidays in Europe. Wanderbares Deutschland - Portal für Wandern in Deutschland. Sveriges bästa vandringsled!

Kullaleden is one section of the Skåneleden Trail SL 5 around the Kullen peninsula from Helsingborg to Utvälinge.

Sveriges bästa vandringsled!

Kullaleden is 70 km long, and offers a great variety of experiences along the way. Here you find everything including the medieval city centre of Helsingborg, beautiful views over the strait from the plateau heights, the well-known Sofiero Palace, Kulla-Gunnarstorp and Krapperup Estates, beaches and picturesque seaside villages, and Kullaberg’s dramatic cliff formations. David Åberg ”When I was a Child” filmed on Kullaberg Kullaleden is certified according to the European Ramblers’ Association’s (ERA) criteria for being a Leading Quality Trail. This entails a quality assurance of the trail’s physical standard as well as the experiences and services along the trail.

“The new webpage of Kullaleden is perfect. À la découverte du patrimoine Ardennais. Aktuelles - Lechweg - von der Quelle bis zum Fall. FASCINATION ROCHERS. Dein Weg, mehr zu erleben. Espagne - Sentiers de Grande Randonée (SGR) Vous propose de connaître les Terres de Lleida (Espagne) à travers les GR, les sentiers de Grande Randonnée.

Espagne - Sentiers de Grande Randonée (SGR)

Les GR, sont les "autoroutes" des randonneurs, des itinéraires à pied, bien balisés qui traversent l’Europe en toutes directions. Tous ces sentiers ont comme dénominateur commun de permettre le parcours de grandes distances en traversant des monuments et des sites très intéressants. Ci-joint nous vous présentons dix itinéraires qui parcourent les principaux sentiers, des Pyrénées (Espagne) et de la Plaine de Lleida (Espagne) ainsi que des conseils pratiques et des informations touristiques pour chaque zone.

Dix propositions pour faire du sport en contact direct avec la nature. Carte SGR Pdf [572 Kb] (+) Indique les sentiers qui sont en projet ou en voie d’ouverture. (*) Indique les sentiers ou variables déjà balisés. (*+) Indique les sentiers qui sont en train de se réaliser, mais qui sont en partie balisés. Long-distance footpaths in the United Kingdom. The following long-distance footpaths can be found in the United Kingdom: England and Wales: National Trails[edit] National Trails are distinguished by being maintained by the National Trails organisation.[1] As of September 2010[update], there are fifteen such trails, one of which is not yet complete.

Long-distance footpaths in the United Kingdom

Ivinghoe Beacon (the eastern trailhead) seen looking north from The Ridgeway Scotland: Long Distance Routes[edit] Long Distance Routes were once proposed and financially supported by Scottish Natural Heritage, but administered and maintained by the local authority areas through which they pass. Ast to Coast Walk guided walking holidays. Outline Itinerary Day 1 St Bees: Arrive at your accommodation in St Bees. Meet your guide and walking companions at the welcome meeting in the evening. Day 2: St Bees to Ennerdale Bridge. Distance 14 miles Following Coast to Coast walker tradition we go down to the beach to dip our boots into the sea.

Initially our route heads north across the cliff tops, on a clear day you can see Scotland and the Isle of Man. The Coast to Coast footpath. There are a number of important closures and variations to the Coast to Coast route in 2014.

The Coast to Coast footpath

Click on the links for details: Closure at Blackhow Bridge, Cleator Closure at Catterick Bridge (A1) Variations to the route Temporary closure of Public Footpath 10.164/1/1, WELBURY NOTICE NO 174 Shap Abbey: Ref: A Coast to Coast Walk p. 55 Shap Abbey: Ref: A Coast to Coast Walk p. 57 Richmond: Ref: A Coast to Coast Walk p. 111 Catterick Bridge: Ref: A Coast to Coast Walk p. 113 Sleights Moor: Ref: A Coast to Coast Walk p. 155 May Beck & Low Sneaton Moor: A Coast to Coast Walk p. 157 Reeth and District Community Transport Limited This local charity, based in Reeth can offer (best if pre-booked) transport for the Coast to Coast walkers, whilst in the vicinity of Swaledale, especially those who are doing the walk in stages.

They are happy to drive groups and meet the Number 30 service which now terminates at Reeth. A signed diversion will direct walkers south of the Coast to Coast route. 1. 2.