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Periodic Table of the Elements - Josh Duck. Complete-Rifle-Ammunition-Guide-Comparisom.jpg (JPEG Image, 3795 × 1600 pixels) All about the various PC power supply cables and connectors. Last updated: July 15, 2008 All about the various PC power supply cables and connectors The various power supply cables General info.

All about the various PC power supply cables and connectors

Torx-Plus® Security. [[br]]The Torx-Plus® Security Screw is an upgrade from its predecessor (6-Lobe TX Security Screw) providing a higher degree of security as the design is patented and the driver bits are limited to Torx-Plus® distributors.

Torx-Plus® Security

The vandal resistant Torx-Plus® Security Screw has a unique 5-Lobe Torx head that requires a special driver bit for insertion, which is registered to restrict and control availability. This unique feature renders the TorxPlus® Security Screw tamper proof, reducing the risk of vandals or intruders tampering or undoing the screws. Visual Bulb Identification.