Sunken City Of Kekova In Turkey: Home Of The Ancient "Sea People" By: Brien Foerster - - The ancient geographical region of Lycia is situated on the Teke Peninsula of the Mediterranean region of Turkey.
Ancient Lycia was surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea on the south, Caria on the west and Pamphylia on the east. The Lycian Civilization is well known by many remains in this area dated to the 5th and 4th century B.C. belonging to the Hellenistic and Roman Periods. The written Egyptian and Hittite sources dated back to the 2th millennium B.C. mention a tribe called “Luka” or “Lukka” and Hittite king Suppiluliuma mentions his conquest of the “Lycia Country” in 14th century B.C.
Also, written sources about the Egyptian Battle of Kadesh in 1274 B.C. calls these people as “Lukkies the sea people”. Ruins of one of their great cities or outposts can be found on the island of Kekova, in Turkey. The above photo may be a clue. Written by Brien Foerster - Contributor Copyright © Brien Foerster -
Antarctica. Antarctic “science fiction” story apparently true?
Many questions remain but it's interesting to say the least. The following article is well worth reading. Trois pyramides ont été retrouvées en Antarctique. Pyramids in China - The "White Pyramid" discovered! Alien Base Found At Chinese Pyramid. (Before It's News) Nine university scientists gaped upwards at the gigantic, prehistoric pyramid that had no right to exist.
Saint-Yves-d-Alveydre-L-Archeometre. Thousands Unknown Ancient Structures Seen From Space - Puzzling Aerial Archeology In The Middle East. - Thousands of huge ancient structures made of stone are clearly visible from the air.
Their age is estimated to thousands of years and their purpose remains unknown. These puzzling wheel-shapes, and straight lines, stretch all the way from Syria to Saudi Arabia. Some call this area the Middle East's own version of the Nazca Lines. It is only recently, with help of satellite images that archaeologists have been able to explore this region in more detail. Thousands Unknown Ancient Structures Seen From Space: Puzzling Aerial Archeology In The Middle East. - Thousands of huge ancient structures made of stone are clearly visible from the air.
Their age is estimated to thousands of years and their purpose remains unknown. These puzzling wheel-shapes, and straight lines, stretch all the way from Syria to Saudi Arabia. Some call this area the Middle East's own version of the Nazca Lines. It is only recently, with help of satellite images that archaeologists have been able to explore this region in more detail. Lost Pyramids and Other Hidden Ancient Artifacts. Black Pyramid of Son of Creator. Juan von Trillion, November 2011 WTF AHEAD #2: The Black Pyramid Of The Son Of The Creator This is a stone pyramid about ten inches high.
It was found in the 1980s in the jungles of Ecuador, and this and other artifacts are referred to as La Mana artifacts. It is striking, at first sight, but there is a lot more to this out-of-place-artifact (or, oopart) than meets the eye. The stone is black and white, with thirteen levels of a brick pyramid engraved into it. L'age du Sphinx de Gizeh. Le Sphinx Au nord ouest du Nil, en Egypte, sur le plateau de Gizeh se dressent les trois grandes célèbres pyramides de Khéops, Khéphren et Mykérinos (3 souverains de la IVème dynastie).
Et tout près d'elles, le regard porté dans la même direction que leur alignement : Le Sphinx, au corps d'un lion et la tête d'un pharaon. Selon la thèse officielle, cette sculpture monumentale, dont le buste est taillé à même la roche calcaire du plateau, est associée au règne de Khéphren, environ 2500 ans avant notre ère. Mais malgré les nombreuses recherches d'archéologues, son histoire reste mystérieuse. On a d'abord pensé qu'il s'agissait de l'œuvre de Khéphren qui l'aurait faite construire à sa propre effigie. Sauf que voilà que depuis quelques années (voire décennies) d'autres scientifiques ont été amenés à travailler sur cette sculpture, notamment des géologues, et pour certains leurs conclusions sont plus que déconcertantes, et c'est là que la controverse démarre.
Alien Toy? All Attempts To Solve This Ancient Mystery - Failed. - They are considered as a mystery of archaeology and all attempts to solve it - have unfortunately, failed.
Over 100 of these anonymous and enigmatic objects have been discovered on Roman sites in Great Britain, Belgium, Germany, France, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland, and Eastern Europe. They do not appear in any surviving pictures of the time, although, they can be found in museums and many private collections. It's logical to assume that the objects are simply a mystery, dated from the 2nd or 3rd century AD. The dodecahedron are made of bronze or stone and has twelve flat pentagonal faces sides, each with a circular hole in the middle, (usually not the same size).