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Août - décembre 2020

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No Refuge - Serena Parekh. No Refuge Ethics and the Global Refugee Crisis Serena Parekh Reviews and Awards "...

No Refuge - Serena Parekh

[Q]uietly potent... "This is an excellent book, accessible to ordinary citizens and valuable for philosophers as well. "In this must-read book addressing one of the most urgent injustices of our age, Serena Parekh offers an empirically-grounded philosophical exploration of responsibilities towards refugees. "No Refuge is an important contribution by a leading theorist on the pressing topic of displaced persons. Les circulations européennes à lâge des empires coloniaux au XIXe siècle Une identité genrée ? Virginie Chaillou-Atrous et Françoise Le Jeune. Strategies for Writing a Thesis by Publication in the Social Sciences and Humanities. Book Description The 'Insider Guides to Success in Academia' offers support and practical advice to doctoral students and early-career researchers.

Strategies for Writing a Thesis by Publication in the Social Sciences and Humanities

Covering the topics that really matter, but which often get overlooked, this indispensable series provides practical and realistic guidance to address many of the needs and challenges of trying to operate, and remain, in academia. These neat pocket guides fill specific and significant gaps in current literature. Each book offers insider perspectives on the often implicit rules of the game -- the things you need to know but usually aren't told by institutional postgraduate support, researcher development units, or supervisors -- and will address a practical topic that is key to career progression. Governing Migration Beyond the State - Andrew Geddes. Diaspora Entrepreneurs and Contested States - Maria Koinova. The page you requested was not available.

Diaspora Entrepreneurs and Contested States - Maria Koinova

It may have been moved, renamed, or deleted, or you may have typed the web address wrongly. If you are trying to link to a product in the catalogue, it may be that the product is no longer in print or available from our website. Please try one of the following: • If you typed the web address in the Address bar, make sure that it is spelled correctly. • Try searching for the product using the advanced search. • Use the navigation links at the top of the page to find the link you are looking for. • Use the site index. • Go to our home page and start again. The International Organization for Migration - The New ‘UN Migration Agency’ in Critical Perspective. “Has the IOM become the UN migration agency, and if so, is it beneficial or not for the migrants?

The International Organization for Migration - The New ‘UN Migration Agency’ in Critical Perspective

This collective book recasts with brio the IOM’s transformation in a truly interdisciplinary way, crossing the views of political scientists, lawyers, sociologists of migration. The result is impressive and thought provoking. Pauvre petit blanc. Depuis une dizaine d'années, un nombre considérable de Blancs pensent être les nouvelles victimes d'un « racisme anti-blanc », d’une « discrimination inversée », d’un « remplacement » et pour les plus extrémistes, d’un « génocide blanc ».

Pauvre petit blanc

Ces discours, propres aux sympathisants d’un nationalisme ethno-racial, ont motivé l’élection de Donald Trump à la présidence des EU et menacent d’entériner sa réélection en novembre 2020. Dans de très nombreux ouvrages, cette crispation communautariste blanche est souvent présentée comme une réaction politique à la mondialisation néolibérale et aux inégalités nouvelles qui en résultent, à l’immigration dite « massive » et surtout au développement d’une société multiculturelle en passe d’assurer un bouleversement démographique et culturel. Pourtant, ces discours sur le « déclin » même relatif des Blancs américains ne résiste pas à l’étude des données disponibles sur l’inégalité réelle et les positions de pouvoir entre Noirs, Hispaniques et Blancs.

Understanding Racism: Theories of Oppression and Discrimination. 09.20 Arbeit mit geflüchteten und neuzugewanderten Personen. International Perspectives on Inclusion within Society and Education - International Perspectives on Inclusion within Society and Education explores how the theme of inclusion in education and society plays out across different nations and cultures.

International Perspectives on Inclusion within Society and Education -

Covering topics like dual citizenship, political loyalty, and migration, it includes important discussions around poverty, educational disadvantage, youth radicalisation and inequality. Migrations forcées, discriminations et exclusions. De l'esclavage à l'intégration : vivre et combattre l'exclusion. UNE SOCIETE AUTOUR DE L'ÉTRANGER EST-ELLE POSSIBLE ?, Nader Vahabi. Borders and Border Walls: In-Security, Symbolism, Vulnerabilities - 1s. 10.20 Denaturalized — Claire Zalc. A leading historian radically revises our understanding of the fate of Jews under the Vichy regime.

10.20 Denaturalized — Claire Zalc

Thousands of naturalized French men and women had their citizenship revoked by the Vichy government during the Second World War. Once denaturalized, these men and women, mostly Jews who were later sent to concentration camps, ceased being French on official records and walked off the pages of history. As a result, we have for decades severely underestimated the number of French Jews murdered by Nazis during the Holocaust. Désirs d'Islam - Presses de Sciences Po. Sommaire IntroductionLætitia Bucaille et Agnès Villechaise.

Désirs d'Islam - Presses de Sciences Po

Das Asylverfahren als Spezialfall. 10.20 Migrationsrecht in a nutshell. Immigration, Social Cohesion and Political Reaction. "Im ersten Moment steckt noch nicht einmal der soziale Gedanke dahinter... ": Arbeitsmarktinklusion Geflüchteter in kleinen und mittelständischen Familienunternehmen als Corporate Social Responsibility // Pädagogik & Soziales // Diplomica Verlag. Textprobe: Kapitel 2.2., Arbeitsmarktinklusion: In sozialpolitischen, interdisziplinären Kontexten und Debatten ist vorrangig der Begriff der Arbeitsmarktintegration präsent.

"Im ersten Moment steckt noch nicht einmal der soziale Gedanke dahinter... ": Arbeitsmarktinklusion Geflüchteter in kleinen und mittelständischen Familienunternehmen als Corporate Social Responsibility // Pädagogik & Soziales // Diplomica Verlag

Bei der Sichtung aktueller Studien wird deutlich, dass eine uneinheitliche und unscharfe Verwendung dieses Terminus erfolgt. Zunächst geht aus allen Studien hervor, dass der Terminus allgemein darauf verweist, dass es thematisch um die Vermittlung von Personen, in dem vorliegenden Fall konkret um die Vermittlung Geflüchteter in den Arbeitsmarkt geht. In einzelnen Studien wird der sozialpolitisch verwendete Begriff der Arbeitsmarktintegration in individuelle Parameter wie bspw. die Güte des Arbeitsverhältnisses (Qualifizierungsmaßnahme, Ausbildung) und den Beschäftigungsumfang (Vollzeit-/Teilzeittätigkeit) untergliedert. Monde(s) - N° 15 Réfugiés, sujets d’une histoire globale. Multi-Level Democracy - Lori Thorlakson. All federal systems face an internal tension between divisive and integrative political forces, striking a balance between providing local autonomy and sub-national representation on one hand, and maintaining an integrated political community and sufficient integration to maintain stability on the other hand.

Multi-Level Democracy - Lori Thorlakson

This book argues that parties and voters strategically respond to the incentives of federal institutional design to shape the development of arenas of political competition that are either predominantly independent or integrated across levels of the federation. Comparative Politics is a series for researchers, teachers, and students of political science that deals with contemporary government and politics. Global in scope, books in the series are characterised by a stress on comparative analysis and strong methodological rigour. The series is published in association with the European Consortium for Political Research. For more information visit: The Sociology of Identity: Authenticity, Multidimensionality, and Mobility.

Migration Beyond Capitalism. 09.20 Kinder auf der Flucht(Arnold, Martin; Fitze, Urs) - Schulthess Buchhandlungen - Kommentare, Repetitorien, Fachinformationen. Das Drama der geflüchteten Kinder ist nie vorbei. Das zeigen die aktuellen Bilder aus Idlib oder Lesbos, das zeigt aber auch ein Blick in die Geschichte. Während sich heute Kinder aus vielen zerrütteten Ländern via Iran, Syrien und die Türkei, durch die Sahara oder auf anderen gefährlichen Pfaden auf den Weg nach Europa machen, kamen sie früher aus europäischen Ländern, beispielsweise auf der Flucht vor der Franco- oder der Hitlerdiktatur und später vor der stalinistischen Verfolgung.

Kinder sind Opfer politischer Machtverhältnisse.Die Schweiz spielte stets eine besondere Rolle, wenn es um Menschen und insbesondere Kinder auf der Flucht ging - im Positiven wie auch im Negativen. Die beiden Journalisten Martin Arnold und Urs Fitze ziehen mit den Mitteln der historischen Recherche und der Reportage einen Querschnitt durch das 20. und 21. Ruptured Lives - Jesse Spohnholz, Jesse Spohnholz, Clif Stratton. Ruptured Lives Refugee Crises in Historical Perspective Author Jesse Spohnholz, Series editor Jesse Spohnholz, and Clif Stratton Table of Contents Each chapter ends with a Conclusion. The EU Migration System of Governance - Justice on the Move. Invisible Borders - Administrative Barriers and Citizenship in the Italian Municipalities. This book analyses residency, a form of municipal membership that plays a strategic role in administrative processes in Italy.

Residency is a two-faced juridical status: a means for exercising rights and moving freely within a state territory and, at the same time, a tool of control that operates through identification and registration. Gargiulo investigates residency both historically and theoretically, showing that the status of resident is a special kind of border, namely, a status border, which draws the lines of local citizenship. By explaining that the mechanisms of exclusion from residency work as administrative barriers, and showing their aims and effects in terms of civic stratification and differential inclusion, this book contributes to the debates on local citizenship, borders, and discretionary power. Understanding Migration with Macroeconomics. Eugenia Vella is Lecturer at the University of Sheffield, UK and Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow in Fundació Markets Organizations and Votes in Economics (MOVE) in Barcelona, Spain, working on the EU-funded project "Fiscal Consolidation, Unemployment and Labour Mobility in the Euro Area (EuroCrisisMove)”.

Previously, she was Jean Monnet and Max Weber Fellow at the European University Institute in Florence, Italy. She obtained her PhD from the Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece in 2013. She has published in the Journal of International Economics, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, and Economic Inquiry, among others. Jordi Caballé is Professor of Economics at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain, a research fellow of MOVE and Affiliated Professor of the Barcelona Graduate School of Economics.

He holds a PhD from the University of Pennsylvania, USA. International Law and the Protection of “Climate Refugees” “There are at least three reasons to read this book. The first is the topic. The protection of forced climate refugees is a growing problem which deserves attention. Translating Worlds: Migration, Memory, and Culture - 1st Edition - Sus. Introduction: Translating Worlds: Approaching migration through Memory and Translation Studies; Part 1: Migrating and Translating Memory across Multiple Fields; 1. The Lost Clock: Remembering and Translating Enigmatic Messages from Migrant Objects; 2. Tactile Translations: Re-Locating the Northern Irish Disappeared; 3. The Past in the Present: Life Narratives and Trauma in the Vietnamese Diaspora; 4.

Refugees, Democracy and the Law: Political Rights at the Margins of th. Language and Migration - 1st Edition - Tony Capstick - Routledge Book. Child Migration and Biopolitics: Old and New Experiences in Europe - 1. 1. Childhood, Migration and Biopolitics in Modern European HistoryBeatrice Scutaru & Simone Paoli Part I: Displacement 2. The Little People of the Exodus. Jungian Perspectives on Indeterminate States: Betwixt and Between Bord. Part 1: Border, Migration and Identity 1. Crossing physical borders and the making of identity: the case of Europe.

Monica Luci 2. Challenges to the individuation process of people on the move: developing a sense of global citizenship. Ethnographies of Home and Mobility: Shifting Roofs - 1st Edition - Ale. 09.20 The Making of the Populist Movement - Adam Slez. When it comes to explaining the origins of electoral populism in the United States, we often look to the characteristics and conditions of voters, overlooking the reasons why populist candidates emerge in the first place. In The Making of the Populist Movement, Adam Slez argues that the rise of electoral populism in the American West was a strategic response to a political environment in which the configuration of positions was literally locked in place, precluding the success of new contenders or otherwise marginal competitors. Fostering Pluralism through Solidarity Activism in Europe - Everyday Encounters with Newcomers. Social Science Concepts and Measurement. Social Science Concepts and Measurement offers an updated look at the theory and methodology of concepts for the social sciences.

Foundations of Mixed Methods Research. 30 Essential Skills for the Qualitative Researcher. How to Conduct a Practice-based Study. 11.20 - Researching the Far Right: Theory, Method and Practice - 1st Edition - Stephen D. Ashe is a Researcher at the University of Manchester, UK. Le site des éditions Leduc : vente en ligne de livres et d'ebooks (livres numériques) 10.20 Statelessness — Mira L. Siegelberg. The story of how a much-contested legal category—statelessness—transformed the international legal order and redefined the relationship between states and their citizens. Two world wars left millions stranded in Europe. The collapse of empires and the rise of independent states in the twentieth century produced an unprecedented number of people without national belonging and with nowhere to go.

08.20 Lehrbuch der Soziologie, ein Buch von Hans Joas, Steffen Mau - Campus Verlag. 08.20 A is for Asylum Seeker: Words for People on the Move / A de asilo: palabras para personas en movimiento. 07.20 The United Nations and Decolonization - 1st Edition - Nicole Eggers - 08.20 Courting Migrants - Katrina Burgess. 04.20 The Death of Asylum. 07.20 Le manège des frontières - Criminalisation des migrations et solidarités dans les Alpes-Maritimes - Le Passager Clandestin. University of Chicago Press. 10.20 Silence About Race? – Reconfigurations of Racism in Contemporary Europe. 01.21 - Young Muslims and Christians in a Secular Europe: Pursuing Religious Commitment in the Netherlands: Daan Beekers: Bloomsbury Academic. 06.20 Social Innovation and Urban Governance. 06.20 "MINEURS ISOLÉS" - Mineurs migrants séparés de leurs parents - Des vies tiraillées entre enfance et marginalisation des étrangers - Sous la direction de Claudio Bolzman, Emmanuel Jovelin et Catherine Montgomery.

06.20 Humanitarian Admission to Europe: The Law Between Promises and Constraints: Marie-Claire Foblets: Nomos/Hart. 11.20 Local Integration of Migrants Policy - European Experiences and Challenges. 11.20 - Youth Migration and the Politics of Wellbeing - Stories of Life in Transition, By Elaine Chase and Jennifer Allsopp. 08.20 - On Borders - Paperback - Paulina Ochoa Espejo. 01.21 - Embodying Borders: Migrants' Right To Health, Universal Rights And Local Policies. 10.20 - The Mobility Of Memory: Migrations And Diasporas Across European Borders. 09.20 - Border Regimes, Racialization Processes and Resistance in Germany - An Ethnographic Study of Protest and Solidarity. 09.20 - Digesting Difference - Migrant Incorporation and Mutual Belonging in Europe. 09.20 - Migration Conundrums, Regional Integration and Development - Africa-Europe Relations in a Changing Global Order.

12.20 »Illegale« Ein Grenzphänomen zwischen Flucht und Migration. 09.20 Reproductive Citizens: Gender, Immigration, and the State in Modern France, 1880–1945.