Let’s get physical- Marc Helgesen 4/2002 Miyagi Gakuin Women's College Sendai march@mgu.ac.jp As language teachers, many of us start class with a warm-up activity.
Why? There may be more. I use those two examples (as opposed to other “learning by doing” classes like math or science) because of the kind of warm-up involved. I am not suggesting that warm-up activities that involve movement are the only good ones. We all learn though our senses and we all have a “preferred modality” (the sense we learn though best). Kinesthetic learning? It is likely there is even more to it. Physical movements encourage our bodies to manufacture endorphin (the chemical that contributes to “runner’s high”) and dopamine, which helps us see patterns and learn faster. On a more general level, doing physical activities together may just get people working together.
Finally, in response to the question “Why do physical warm-ups?” There are lots of warm-up activities available. I hope you find the activities useful. Bibliography: Breaking News English ESL Lesson Plan on Physical Activity. ESL Activities by Field of Experience. Exercise - ESL Vocabulary List. Whether you're preparing for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games in China or just getting in shape, there are many different activities you can do to get some exercise.
Listen to the words below and consult a dictionary if you need a definition. Write a sample sentence for each word to learn how it is used in context. You can use the Internet to find sample sentences and related information. [ Other Audio Options: Play RealMedia | Play Window Media ] Activities with "GO" bike riding bowling hiking jogging rollerblading skiing swimming walking Activities with "PLAY" badminton baseball basketball Frisbee golf soccer tennis volleyball Activities with "DO" aerobics calisthenics karate yoga Now, complete the sentences below with the best answer: What are some of the best exercises to get in shape and/or lose weight? Online Listening Practice (from www.esl-lab.com, www.dailyesl.com, and www.trainyouraccent.com):
Preschool Preparation - Preschool Exercise - Preschool Activities - Toddler Videos. Fun Exercises for Kids #213. Kids Exercise Game. Kids Fitness Game With a Deck of Cards. Kids Fitness Made Fun Huge Exercise Board Game. ESL Games and Game Board. The ESL game boards found on this page are in the form of Microsoft Word documents.
It may take a few second to open. Just click, print, and photocopy. A great motivating TEFL activity. Word Skills: Review synonyms, antonyms, beginning sounds, ending sounds, middle sounds, and rhymes. Guess What: Practise the word skill of saying what things are using relative clauses such as a person who, a place where, a time when, and a thing that. Super Quiz Games: Jeaopardy-style quiz games that teachers can customize with a click! Elementary School Science: Comprehension and vocabulary questions for grade 2-4 elementary school science. What Do You Want to Do: Teach concepts vocabulary about things that kids typically want like to do such as playing a game or doing a puzzle. Content Questions: Kids answer content questions like What do seeds need to grow? Opposites: A great vocabulary review for about 60 common opposite pairs.
Categories Intermediate: Students name 3 examples of a category. ESL Games and Game Board.