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The 30 Goals Challenge for Teachers: Small Steps to Transform Your Teaching: Shelly Sanchez Terrell: 9780415735346: Books. Learning to Go: Lesson Ideas for Teaching with Mobile Devices, Cell Phones, and BYOT. Every day, people around the world communicate, connect, and learn digitally on the go.

Our students spend hours with their devices and digital tools. Imagine if some of that time was spent learning your content. Imagine your students learning by creating, playing, translating, editing, curating, researching, and brainstorming digitally on cell phones, mobile devices, laptops, tablets, iPads, Chromebooks, and consoles. Learning to Go is a collection of lesson plans, resources, handouts, and tips for teachers wishing to incorporate mobile devices, cell phones or BYOT (Bring Your Own Technology) into their teaching. Designing Virtual Learning Environments that Engage Students. Byte Sized Potential Lectora 2015. Eportfolios for Meaningful Student Learning. Digital Notetaking to Ignite Their Minds. Building Personal / Passionate Learning Networks for Teachers. Teacher Zen with Google Tools and Apps. So You Want to Teach Online?

How to use Rubrics. Rubrics are a way to assess work using criteria. The assessor sets up a series of statements that reflect the different levels of criteria fulfilment and then assesses the work using a rubric grid. From version 2.2 moodle supports rubric grading. This requires several steps, explained below. This guide uses Assignment for the rubric grading example. 1. Go to the assignment activity and edit settings 2 Select Rubric from the grading method drop down. 3 Create the Rubric from the advanced grading link on the assignment administration menu. 4 If this is your first Rubric, then you need to define it.

Click Define new grading form from scratch. 5 Add the criteria 6 Click in the box to add items 7 Add criteria and points using these buttons 8 Save the Rubric using the “save and use” button at the bottom of the screen. To grade an assignment, navigate to the grading screen for a particular assignment (View grade all submissions > Grade). To grade the assignment, simply click the box which is relevant. How to Develop a Sense of Presence in Online and F2F Courses with Social Media. Social presence is a significant predictor of course retention and final grade in the college online environment. Two effective interventions are recommended: establishing integrated social and learning communities;… (Liu, Gomez & Len, 2009) Presence is considered a central concept in online learning.

‘Presence’ in the online course is understood as the ability of people “to project their personal characteristics into the community, thereby presenting themselves to other participants as ‘real people’”. (Garrison, Anderson, & Archer, 2000, p. 89). One way of examining ‘presence’ online is through the Community of Inquiry (CoI) framework, a frequently referenced model that outlines three interdependent dimensions of presence: social, teaching and cognitive. When all three elements interact, it’s then that students are able to experience deep and meaningful learning. Presence and Social Media But describing presence in an online course is vague, slippery—hard to describe. 4) Instagram. Action mapping: Design lively elearning and training.

Introducing Classroom for Google Apps for Education. Online Teaching Tips by Nicky Hockly. Teaching Online: The key ingredients. Friday, 8 October 2010 - 10am GMT RECORDING: In this highly practical webinar we look at online language teaching. We consider tools and techniques, and share tips from our own online teaching experience. We will also look specifically at two key ingredients often sadly missing from the online learning scenario: interaction and communication. We will share some activities that incorporate both these ingredients and discuss how these can help your students learn English more effectively online.

Bio Lindsay co-wrote the book Dealing with Difficulties with Luke Prodromou (Delta Publishing) and is the series editor for the Delta Teacher Development Series. His latest book is Teaching Online, co-written with Nicky Hockly. Publications. I have written extensively about English Language Teaching and technology: Going Mobile: Teaching with hand-held devices Delta Publishing, 2014 (with Gavin Dudeney) [download a free sample] This ground-breaking publication is the first published book on mobile and handheld learning in ELT. Starting with a history of mlearning and moving through a rationale and a set of practical case studies from around the world, the book will provide you with a set of sample activities to try out with your classes, and also help you envisage, develop and implement your own mLearning plan in your institution or organisation.

Firmly grounded in the practical, this is one book you will want to read if you’re looking at mobile devices or tablets in teaching or training. See more of my articles, interviews and presentations here. You can also download many of my articles from Academia (reproduced with permission). Interview by the British Council on mobile learning. Top 5 Ways to Use Mind Maps for E-Learning. Are you interested in improving your eLearning? These 5 techniques will help you leverage the power of Mind Maps and encourage you to utilize online Mind Maps in particular.

Follow these tips to transform your eLearning using online Mind Maps. Mind Maps are increasingly used as a tool to improve eLearning, understanding and memory through the visual representation of information. Online mind maps are gaining popularity due to their ease of use, accessibility and ability to be used to transform eLearning into an active process.

Students, teachers and others interested in eLearning can benefit from using Mind Maps to boost productivity. How Mind Maps Can Be Used As An Effective Tool For eLearning Planning Mind Maps are the perfect tool for creating a learning plan; whether it’s planning your curriculum, breaking down a particular subject or simply to map out an essay or exam answer. Are you interested in using online mind maps to improve your learning? Resources for online facilitators. So You Want to Teach Online? – Tips & Resources. E-moderation station. Daphne Koller: What we're learning from online education. Tips for Teaching Online by Nicky Hockly. About us Courses & workshops Consultancy services Clients & publications Tools & webquests Blog > Our Blog Our Blog At The Consultants-E we help educators worldwide become more comfortable with technology in their teaching.

You can subscribe to our blog here: «Back to Posts Tips for Teaching Online by Nicky Hockly by Shelly Terrell, Nicky Hockly 09 November 2011 in category: eModeration In case you missed the recent BESIG webinar, Teaching Online: The Key Ingredients, with Nicky Hockly, we have posted a short 5 minute video with some tips. Recommended Blogs Clive on learning- Clive Shepherd's Blog on technology-assisted learning and communication eLearning & Distance Education Resources- Tony Bates' website with over 1500 articles eLearning Blog Don't waste your time- David Hopkins' Blog on eLearning, mLearning, Web 2.0, Blogging and the stuff in between E-Moderation Station- A blog run by Nicky Hockly, where you will find tools, tips, techniques and tweets for online moderators...

Syllabus. New LMS Evaluation: A 9 Step Guide. MOOC completion rates. College online courses are costly, result in high drop-out rate, report says. Published By Times Herald Posted: 10/25/2013 01:03:32 AM PDT By Sarah Rohrs/Times-Herald staff writer Online education -- considered by some a savior of sorts for cash-depleted universities and community colleges -- actually costs more in the long run and does not deliver the goods, according to a series of reports. The latest report concludes that efforts to expand online education into remedial and introductory classes is "misguided. " The third in a series of reports by the Campaign for the Future of Higher Education highlights the challenges underserved students face when taking online classes. In total, the reports examines costs and consequences of students taking many of their courses through a computer screen rather than in a classroom.

"One of the things we noticed is that there is a lot of rhetoric and promises but when you look at the facts it's not that clear," campaign member Susan Meisenhelder said. "It's not for every student. A New Use for MOOCs: Real-World Problem Solving - Zafrin Nurmohamed, Nabeel Gillani, and Michael Lenox. There’s been no shortage of media coverage on Massively Open Online Courses (MOOCs) in the past year. Universities have touted the value of free on-line courses offered to millions of learners from all walks of life. Some MOOC critics have argued that the “MOOC revolution” has been characterized by the Gartner Hype Cycle and that 2012, the Year of the MOOC, has given way to a new trough of disillusionment. Recent criticisms by faculty at Amherst College and professors at San Jose State University have questioned the pedagogical value of these online courses. However, directly comparing MOOCs to traditional classrooms may prevent us from realizing the true potential of global online education.

Perhaps it’s time we stop trying to fit MOOCs into old educational molds and start considering how we can harness their powers in new and exciting ways. We can use MOOCs as platforms for real-world problem solving. One hundred organizations joined the course and actively connected with learners. LTTO Episodes | COFA Online Gateway. Contact Us Home LTTO Episodes Learning To Teach Online Episodes context, planning and teaching case studies technical glossary context, planning and teaching Welcome to Learning to Teach Online What are the aims of the Learning to Teach Online project?

COFA Online Cracks the MERLOT Learning To Teach Online, a video-based program from UNSW... 02 May 2012 Why is online teaching important? What role does online teaching have in our society? Conducting effective online discussions Strategies for creating and sustaining online interaction. 23 Feb 2011 Managing your time when teaching online How can you make the most of your time when teaching online? Learning management system or the open web? Key considerations about using an LMS or open social media. 26 Oct 2010 Integrating online resources into your teaching Benefit from using online educational resources. 10 Mar 2011 Planning your online class Important considerations for planning online curricula. 17 Jan 2011 Engaging and motivating students case studies.

Multimedia Learning Resources - Educaplay. Four Videos on Instructional Design | Kapp Notes. Validated, Part 11 compliant learning and compliance management system for regulated industries ComplianceWire️® is the industry-leading training learning management system (LMS) for compliance and qualification management specializing in life sciences organizations and is compliant with 21 CFR Part 11 and EU Annex 11 validation requirements.

This proven technology is used globally by pharmaceutical, medical device and biologics companies as well as global regulatory authorities in the U.S., China, Brazil and India to promote public health through training related to the development of safe and effective medicines and medical devices. Help ensure compliance with regulatory bodies worldwide Benefits of our comprehensive regulatory compliance training offering can help bring medical device and pharmaceutical products to market safely: Audit trails — Provides more than 250 audit trails, or log events, that capture the time stamp of when the activity occurred.

5 Creative Ideas for using Break-Out Rooms. 65 Flares Twitter 7 Facebook 46 Google+ 5 LinkedIn 7 inShare7 65 Flares × Break Out of conformity, Unleash your Creativity, The walls are gone, Story-telling lives on!! What can you do with more than one room to teach in and why would you need it? If you think about collaborative learning or language games, you will soon get the bigger picture. I spent over a year experimenting with the Edupunk movement and we did a lot of creative collaborative work. I have decided to run some communicative experiments for Open Education week to get practical feedback on break-out room possibilities. 1) Pair work, role play and group simulations Last summer when I was commissioned to write lesson plans for groups in Break-out rooms, a lot of the focus was on speaking practice for IELTS exams.

A) Two groups in break-out rooms. B) In team B, the ‘leader’ tells the others that they must make up a list of questions. d) Student B asks Student A lots of questions. 2) Objects Tell Stories 4) Jigsaw Story. 7 Ways to Create an Engaging Online Science Course « Online Science Educator. 1.Introduce yourself and your course │ A creative and engaging way for your students to get to know you better is through an introduction video. Include background information about your experiences and interests along with a review of the syllabus. Syllabi are students’ first impression of a course and the instructor. In face-to-face classes instructors often add to the syllabus as they go along; this is not possible in online classes where it is considered the students’ bible. Important elements to include in a syllabus are: learning objectives and activities, course contents (texts, labs, discussion board), expectations of students and instructor, a detailed assignment calendar, FAQs and forms of assessment. 3.Understand and manage student expectations │ Students expect online faculty to be present whenever they are there, no matter the day or the time, unless explicitly told otherwise.

Like this: Like Loading... ShortTakes. RealtimeBoard. Tips to Curb Online Cheating « Online Science Educator. As the popularity of distance learning grows, there is a perception that cheating is more difficult to monitor than ever before. In the 2008 study, Cheating in the Digital Age: Do Students Cheat More in Online Courses? , students admitted they were nearly four-times more likely to cheat in online courses than live classes. While academic dishonesty may seem difficult to detect in a virtual classroom where instructors may never meet students face-to-face, there are methods instructors can use to try to keep students honest. Jennifer Sieszputowski, anatomy and physiology instructor at Kirtland Community College in Rosscommon, Michigan, uses LabPaqs in her courses and says she has noticed more online cheating in her distance learning classrooms in recent years.

Incidents range from sharing answers with other students to plagiarizing online sources. Her tactics to discourage cheating continuously change as the Internet evolves. Utilizing a range of tactics helps Sieszputowski curb cheating. 4 Principals Of Digital Literacy. Literacy Literacy is the ability to make sense of something, often generalized as the ability to read and write. In many ways, reading is reading, media is media, but in the same way a play places unique comprehension demands on a reader compared to a poem or a letter, so do digital media compared to classic media forms.

In the 21st century, new literacies are emerging and digital media forms allow communication to be more nuanced than ever before. Digital Literacy Digital Literacy is about being able to make sense of digital media. 4 Principles Of Digital Literacy 1. The first principle of digital literacy is simply comprehension–the ability to extract implicit and explicit ideas from a media. 2. The second principle of digital literacy is interdependence–how one media form connects with another, whether potentially, metaphorically, ideally, or literally. 3.

Sharing is no longer just a method of personal identity or distribution, but rather can create messages of its own. 4. 10 Steps to Developing an Online Course: Walter Sinnott-Armstrong. Building a Virtual Tour of Online Communities. Free Virtual Classroom Software:! Stephen's Web. 6 Favorite Teaching Online Activities by Lindsay Clandfield. Nicky Hockly's six favourite teaching online activities. Lang-8 - Multi-lingual language learning and language exchange | Lang-8. Social Networking Language Education Websites: Livemocha, Busuu, Babbel, Myngle, Italki.Com, Lang-8, Edufire by LLC Books (Creator) Social media for schools: a guide to Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest | Teacher Network | Guardian Professional. Mobile video conferencing, video conferencing on mobile | Adobe Connect.

15 Ways to Engage Students and Prevent Online Drop-Outs. Connect free trial. We Collaborate! - Users of Blackboard Collaborate. 10 Steps to Running a Knockout Webinar. E-learning: How to deliver an engaging Virtual Classroom presentation. Introduction to WizIQ. WizIQ: My Virtual Classroom. The Free Virtual Classroom on WiZiQ. Teaching English in Second Life. Live Video Learning at eduFire.