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Human trafficking: The modern form of slavery eating up East Africa - People & Power. An illustration of human trafficking.

Human trafficking: The modern form of slavery eating up East Africa - People & Power

Reports indicate that the East African region is threatened by the vice. The inhuman slave trade could have been abolished decades ago but modern forms of slavery continue to exist in the shadows and beyond the reach of the law – putting millions at risk. According to the latest annual Trafficking in Persons (TIP) report by the US State Department, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda and Burundi are among the nations that remain sources and destination countries for men, women, and children subjected to forced labour and sex trafficking. The “Trafficking In Persons Report, June 2013” indicates that the number of global convictions of human traffickers is up about 20 per cent. While identified conventions stand at 4,746. “Dozens of modern anti-trafficking laws have been passed, within the United States and around the world. “Impressive figures, but the number that best characterizes the progress of the anti trafficking movement is sadly still very small.

Your Child Is Not Safe from the Global Elite’s Child Sex Trafficking Rings. There is no greater nightmare than for a parent to lose their child.

Your Child Is Not Safe from the Global Elite’s Child Sex Trafficking Rings

Subsequently, it is undeniably an inborn instinct for the majority of parents to guard their children’s welfare with their lives. When we read or hear about parents who have lost children our collective hearts break for these parents and grieve for the lost children. What do we as parents do when key public officials, large corporations as well as powerful governmental institutions the key players in both stealing and sexually abusing our children. In my years of investigating these heinous crimes against humanity, I have learned that many in the global elite do not view the abduction and sexual abuse of our children to be a crime. Our children are merely the sexual toys for many of the world’s elite whether they be associated with the royal family of England, the Bush family, Dyncorps, Wachovia Wells Fargo, Blackwater (now Academi) or HSBC bank. Monika and Dylan I do not say this lightly.

Jerry Sandusky This DA. Our Partners: A ‘whole of community’ response to ending human trafficking. Collaboration is a core value at Anti-Slavery Australia and we are committed to engaging a broad audience in activities aimed at ending violence, exploitation and injustice.

Our Partners: A ‘whole of community’ response to ending human trafficking

We work closely within a network of people and groups consisting of numerous non-government and community organisations, faith-based organisations, government departments and agencies, academics, law firms and more. In a speech launching the Guidelines for NGOs working with trafficked people in 2009, the then Minister for Home Affairs, Bob Debus, called the government-community collaboration the anti-trafficking sector a ‘whole of community’ approach. Anti-Slavery Australia strongly supports the whole of community approach and comprehensive collaboration to end human trafficking in Australia.

Community response Anti-Slavery Australia has strong links with many other community organisations working to end exploitation of migrants and other vulnerable workers in Australia. Combating Human Trafficking and Modern-day Slavery. Thousands of brothels in the U.S. operate under the guise of legitimate massage parlors.

Combating Human Trafficking and Modern-day Slavery

Traffickers sell women and children online everyday. Curtains are used to divide rooms in residential brothels, where women are forced to engage in commercial sex. Pimps use violence and coercion to commercially sexually exploit young women. Young girls are forced to sell sex by knocking on cab doors at truck stops. Prostituted individuals are forced to make hundreds of dollars in nightly quotas to be given to their traffickers. Sex trafficking is a form of modern slavery that exists throughout the United States and globally.

Sex traffickers use violence, threats, lies, debt bondage, and other forms of coercion to force women, men and children to engage in commercial sex against their will. Sex traffickers may lure their victims with the false promise of a high-paying job. Human trafficking. Human trafficking, slavery and slavery-like practices such as servitude, forced labour and forced marriage are complex crimes and a major violation of human rights.

Human trafficking

Around the world men, women and children are trafficked for a wide range of exploitative purposes, such as: Servitude Slavery Forced labour Debt Bondage Forced marriage, or Organ harvesting Australia is primarily a destination country for people trafficked from Asia, particularly Thailand, Korea, the Philippines and Malaysia. America's largest organization for youth volunteering opportunities, with 2,700,000 members and counting.

Human Trafficking.