Physical education and 21st century skills.
Erasmus. Climate change. English teaching. Cultural heritage. Web tools. STEM. CLIL. Eğitim. Others. Pedogogy. Create, Present and Share Engaging Multimedia Lessons. GoNoodle. HOME. WEB 2 ARACLARI - Web 2 Araçları: KARİKATÜR YAPMA ARAÇLARI. Pensamiento Computacional. Stencyl: Make iPhone, iPad, Android & Flash Games without code. Index. Linda Weeks. Humor & Learning. Rivet. ReadWorks. Appearence and Personality - Find the match. Podcast search engine. Interactive Animated Travel Maps - created with PictraMap. AI Expert Documentation – Embody Digital.
The following documents how to use the Embody Digital AI Expert app in order to create an AI-driven talking avatar using a spreadsheet.
The application allows you to quickly generate a responsive avatar that uses a conversational AI system. Users can ask questions of the avatar and will receive answers from the avatar both verbally through a text-to-speech (TTS) voice and through an animation of the avatar including verbal (lips moving in time with the speech) and nonverbal behaviors (arm gestures, facial expressions, head movements, etc.).
Users can change the appearance of the avatar by generating an avatar face through a selfie or a photo of someone’s face, as well as change the appearance (hair, clothes) of the avatar. 1. Download the app Download the UBeBot Expert AI app on the Google Play Store: The app will require a download in order to deliver all the information that is needed to run properly. 2. There is a default male and female character that you may use for the app. 3. 4. 5.
Evoke Music. GoBrunch - Free webinar platform. ZapSplat - Download Free Sound Effects & Royalty Free Music.
ZapSplat - Download Free Sound Effects & Royalty Free Music. Create better presentations faster. AI Experiments. GoBrunch. Home. Pegi Public Site. Kodla Büyü. European Schoolnet Academy. In order to earn a course certificate, course participants need to complete all six modules.
The mandatory final activity includes the creation of a lesson plan including elements of game-based learning, and the final peer review activity at the end of Module 6. The final deadline to complete all activities is 6 December 2019, 23:59 CET. Note to teachers from Castilla y León: Si eres profesor de Castilla y León, y además del certificado de la European Schoolnet Academy, quieres recibir un certificado oficial de parte de la Consejería de Educación de la Junta de Castilla y León inscríbete en la página web del CFP Idiomas de Castilla y León. Handheld Trigonometry - Lesson. Summary Students explore the concept of similar right triangles and how they apply to trigonometric ratios.
Use this lesson as a refresher of what trig ratios are and how they work. In addition to trigonometry, students explore a clinometer app on an Android® or iOS® device and how it can be used to test the mathematics underpinning trigonometry. This prepares student for the associated activity, during which groups each put a clinometer through its paces to better understand trigonometry. Engineering Connection Some objects and distances in our world are very difficult—even impossible—to directly measure by hand or with tools. Learning Objectives. Dashboard. STEM Students on the Stage (SOS)™
Designstem.github. URL Shortener, Custom Links & Link Management. Genially, the tool for bringing your content to life.
Etwinning. Join a presentation - Mentimeter. Courses and resources - Courses. Beautiful Free Images & Pictures. Common materials. Learn computer science. Change the world.
The End of Slideshows.
Secure Social Learning Network for Teachers and Students. Collaborative storytelling. Voki Home. ToonDoo - World's fastest way to create cartoons!
Create simulations online with ease.
Gamification Wiki. Handheld Trigonometry - Lesson. Technology. Technology is ever-changing.
It changes, it seems, on a daily basis and sometimes it is hard to keep up. As a technology facilitator I am always lookig for new, fun, and creative ways to teach students and teachers. However, it also is a little overwhelming at times. The past couple of years have been a "whirlwind" for me trying to figure out a new job, in a new school and learn what I need to so that I can be success not only for myself but, for all those in our school. Now that I have began to learn about resources that can save me time and be more efficient I believe that I will be able to accomplish more of what I want on a daily basis in my classroom.
STEM Literacy.