How Marathon Runners Can Avoid the Post-Race Blues. Some 43,000 runners will hit the streets Sunday, Nov. 7, for the annual ING New York City marathon. By Monday, those runners will be in recovery, not just physically but emotionally as well — it’s only natural to feel a sense of letdown or emptiness after a long-awaited momentous event. Here’s a tip, runners: what got you through training will also help carry you through the post-marathon blues — careful planning.
(More on How to Lower Your Risk of Catching a Cold: Work Out). According to sports psychologists, trainers and professional runners, an episode of mild depression is fairly common in the aftermath of a major event, especially one that you’ve spent a considerable amount of time and energy planning for. Some of the disappointment of the post-event letdown can be alleviated by knowing that it’s normal and to expect it. The key is avoiding too much empty downtime. Whatever you do, make sure you take the time to savor your major accomplishment. More on Dealing with postrace letdown. By Lyndsay Meyer | Aug 15, 2011 Race day has come and gone, and the awesome feeling of accomplishment has ... gone with it. Instead of feeling proud and successful, you're left feeling depressed and lethargic. You're suffering from postrace letdown, a common malady among athletes after the culmination of months of work.
PRLD effects can be both mental and physical, and the condition is now being addressed as part of any comprehensive training program. Michelle Blaydon, a former pro triathlete and adventure racer who holds a Ph.D. in exercise psychology, is familiar with postrace letdown, both personally and professionally. "I experienced PRLD a couple of times. "When I was on a national team training for a world championship or a World Cup race in triathlon, it wasn't an issue, as there was so much in place to support the process [of getting] back into training," she said.
According to Dr. Blaydon can identify. "I felt confused," Blaydon said of her experience. Benefits of Floatation Tanks. The intricate interplay of our body and mind has everything to do with living a healthy and happy life. Floatation tanks offer an all-natural therapy which has been proven to help a wide scope of ailments and offer physical and mental well-being to its’ practitioners. Physical:As you might imagine, being in a low-gravity, totally silent and pitch black floatation tank gives the body some time to relax.
While the healing benefits of relaxation have long been documented, the intense relaxation of floatation therapy is unique to the low-gravity environment that floatation tanks provide. This environment leads to more profound relaxation, and allows our bodies to recuperate faster and more thoroughly. What are the Physical Benefits of Floatation Tanks? Increased Blood Circulation – The near-weightless environment of floating allows for the muscles and joints of the body to relax, increasing blood flow and helping to more quickly repair muscle tissues and heal the body. Health%20impact,%20other%20types%20too. Bronchial Benefits: Asthmatics and Floatation - Northwest Float Center. Some of the benefits of floatation are more abstract, but what could be more concrete than improved breathing? Though it may be difficult to imagine exactly how a tank filled with saltwater can help the body regulate breathing, some asthmatics are suggesting it does.
There are four key components to floatation therapy that improves breathing and reduces asthma symptoms. The Four Factors The success of floatation therapy is partially due to the Epsom salt found in the liquid solution. Epsom salt is special. Magnesium. How Floatation Therapy Improves Asthma The science isn’t completely clear, but researchers are beginning to understand why floatation therapy improves asthma symptoms. Breathing with swelling airways continues to irritate the muscles. There are a number of reasons floatation therapy contributes to patient health.
Certain hormones, like adrenaline, serve to increase blood flow. Scoliosis. Scoliosis is the abnormal twisting and curvature of the spine. It is usually first noticed by a change in appearance of the back. Typical signs include: a visibly curved spine one shoulder being higher than the other one shoulder or hip being more prominent than the other clothes not hanging properly a prominent ribcage a difference in leg lengths Back pain is common in adults with scoliosis.
Young people with scoliosis may also experience some discomfort but it's less likely to be severe. Seeking medical advice If you or your child have signs of scoliosis, make an appointment to see your GP. If you or your child are diagnosed with scoliosis, it's important to see a scoliosis specialist to talk about treatment options. Read more about diagnosing scoliosis.
What causes scoliosis? In around eight out of every 10 cases, a cause for scoliosis is not found. A small number of cases are caused by other medical conditions, including: Read more about the causes of scoliosis. Who is affected. How to Create a Word Cloud at Tagxedo.Com: 10 Steps. Edit Article Word clouds or Tag clouds are visual images made up of words from various sources. These words can be from a class lecture, website, poem, story, or even random words that you enjoy the sound of. Different images can be created and made up of these words ranging from an object of an freeman to the word “love”. The amount of times a single word is put into a word cloud will determine the size of the word itself within the object of your choice (ie. the more times a word is mentioned, the larger the word will appear in the image). The reason people make these word clouds may be to learn visually, create a piece of art, or any other relevant reason. The fun part about creating them is that you can be as creative as you want, meaning no special skills are required.
Ad Steps We could really use your help! Can you tell us aboutreal estate? Can you help usrate articles? Real estate how to increase the value of your home Can you tell us aboutestate sales? Estate sales skim coating Tips. Word Cloud Generator. Wordle - Beautiful Word Clouds. The 5 Best Free Word Cloud Creation Tools for Teachers. Word clouds are fun ways to get students thinking creatively about any topic. The problem is that it’s sometimes difficult to find the one that best meets your needs. Lucky for you, we’ve taken the dirty work out of it and compiled The 5 Best Free Word Cloud Creation Educational Tools for Teachers! Utilize these free educational technology tools to get your students’ minds immersed in any new topic.
Word It OutAbout Word It OutWord It Out is a word cloud creation tool that is easy to use and gives users many options for customizing their clouds.How to Use Word It OutBegin using Word It Out by clicking the link above. Once you are on the site, click the blue “Create Your Own” button. Find the text you would like to make a word cloud from on a separate site or document, then copy and paste it into the box under “Enter your original text here.” After that click the green “Word it out!” Free Educational Technology Get 2 Free eBooks Get the eLearning Industry's Articles in your inbox.
9 Word Cloud Generators That Aren't Wordle. The use of word clouds in the classroom is a powerful way to really get through to visual learners. The details about the following nine word cloud generators will give you a fair idea how, as an educator, you can get the best out of them. A quick note: Wordle is quite easily the most popular word cloud generator out there. It’s free and easy to use. It does require Java though so Chrome users might have some trouble. In any case, this article focuses on non-Wordle options you should know about.
Tagul Several features that do not figure in Wordle are incorporated in Tagul.For example, you have the option of choosing personalized shapes and multiple fonts to be used in your cloud. ABC Ya This application is very much like Wordle and operates the way Wordle operates. Tag Crowd This application gives you access to see frequency of words. Word It Out Word It Out helps create word clouds from any text, similar to the way Wordle does. Make Word Mosaic Wordsift TagCloudGenerator You Are Your Words. Word Cloud Generator. Free Word Clouds.