> Sorsatti
Señor Howard - Spanish For Kids - Learn Spanish - Fun videos to practice Spanish greetings, Spanish colors, Spanish Alphabet, Spanish Numbers and more! - A fun place to learn Spanish Learn Spanish - Fun videos to practice Spanish greetings, Spanish colors, Spanish Alphabet, Spanish Numbers and more!
Here are a few of Señor Howard's favorite Spanish learning videos for kids. Watch this videos to practice basic Spanish greetings, Spanish colors and more. Check back often for updates. Spanish for Kids - Learn to ask and answer 'How are you?
' Purchase Spanish learning DVD... Visit the Señor Howard Store to purchase Spanish language learning DVDs for kids.
Write to Señor Howard Write to Señor Howard at or use the contact form. Copyright 2013 Señor Howard - A Fun Place To Learn Spanish. Web Hosting by Yahoo! Close. Educational Spanish music (middle, high school)
Family Echo - Free Online Family Tree Maker. Cosby en Español. YouTube. Descubriendo Edmodo: beneficios del microblogging en educación de adultos.
Descubriendo Edmodo: beneficios del microblogging en educación de adultos.
José Manuel Sáez López, Mauricio Fernández López, José Luis García González Resumen El presente artículo describe una investigación realizada sobre la plataforma Edmodo. El estudio se lleva a cabo en el curso 2011-2012 en un centro de educación de adultos. Es por tanto un estudio de caso que analiza las valoraciones que 52 estudiantes proporcionan en un cuestionario mixto y los mensajes que enviaron a la plataforma.
This article is about a research on Edmodo. Palabras clave Comunicación mediada por Computadora; Aprendizaje Cooperativo soportado por Computadora; Microblogs; Sistema de Gestión del Aprendizaje; Web Social.Computer Mediated Communication (CMC); Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL); Learning Managemen Texto completo: PDF Refbacks No hay Refbacks actualmente. Revista de educación CAMPO ABIERTO - Universidad de Extremadura - Facultad de Educación. SunnyEarthAcademy (sunnyearth1) on Pinterest. En Espanol. Wordplay - Spanish Vocabulary Game. Nulu Languages. MYLO: a new way to learn languages.
Short Films & CI - El Vampiro y la Dentista. On the fourth day of Spanish 2, I introduced the following set of focus words: olía mal, comía ajo, tenía miedo For each new set of vocabulary, I had a skeleton story, and the students helped to fill in the details..
My skeleton story for the above words (day 4 of the new semester) there was a guy that ate garlic all the time & everywhere because he was afraid of vampires. Then we worked on how to solve the person's bad breath problem. (click HERE for the students' story & my story) In one class, a boy said, "He went to the dentist". That comment reminded me of a short film that I saw several months ago but had never used in class. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
As a follow up, I may decide to show the Señor Wooley's "La Dentista" video. Update: For information and materials on an interactive reading of the story that I used to prepare for this video (in Fall 2015), check the blog post HERE.
Spanish Lessons, Vocab Flashcards, Spanish/English Dictionary, Verb Conjugator, Practiquemos, and more - Spanish411. YouTube. Learn Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Italian and English for free.
Lang-8 - Multi-lingual language learning and language exchange. World Language Advocacy. Spanish Resources. Benefits of Learning Languages Infographic. 5 New Year’s resolutions for every WL teacher. You could probably guess what the most popular New Year’s resolutions are; you’ve probably made them yourself.
Get in shape, eat better, save money, quit smoking, volunteer. You could probably also guess many of the popular resolutions for teachers: be more organized, have a positive attitude, involve students more, set goals. What about you? Are you making a resolution or two for your classroom in the new year? I have some suggestions. Speak more target language in the classroom. I can think of so many more I should make – give students better feedback and give it on time. Happy New Year!
Second-Language Learning. While education research has long suggested that studying second languages in K12 schools boosts student achievement in other content areas, the current testing emphases on mathematics and reading has placed foreign language instruction relatively low on district priority lists.
However, a growing body of research indicates that second-language learning should be bumped up significantly, as demonstrated particularly in the following areas. Potential Benefits Cognitive ability. Numerous studies document a positive relationship between early second language learning and improved mental processes, including conceptual learning (Archibald, 2006; Robinson, 1998). For example, a recent experiment with 104 six-year-olds found those who spoke two languages were better at switching from one task to another, an indicator of their ability to manage attention (Barac & Bialystok, 2012). College and career readiness. Program Implementation Establish a sequenced instructional program. Start early.
VideoELE. Spanish Speaking Countries – Information. Las partes del cuerpo. Canvas. Una explosión de lengua y cultura. Home. Cine Con Clase.