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Doctor Who

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Twitter Video. Soubi sur Twitter : "c'est plus du jour nouveau Goodies: un mug #DoctorWho. Camille on Instagram: “c'est plus du jour nouveau Goodies: un mug #DoctorWho” Hollywood Reporter sur Twitter : "Jenna Coleman Signs Up for Another Season of #DoctorWho. Thr. Evan Agostini/Invision/AP Peter Capaldi with Jenna Coleman (right) Clara Oswald will be assisting the Doctor in the next season of the BBC's long-running sci-fi show.


Fans had to wait till the end of the Christmas Day special - Last Christmas with a guest appearance by Nick Frost - to find out if Clara would be staying on. There had been speculation that Jenna Coleman, who has played Clara since 2012, would be leaving the show, but she told the BBC that it was "wonderful" news that her character will be staying on for another season. "I get a whole other [season] of stories with the Doctor and I couldn't walk away with the story being unresolved," she said.

Read more Steven Moffat on Why 'Doctor Who' and Santa Claus Make Sense She added: "There is so much more to do. Peter Capaldi, who portrays the 12th Doctor, said: "I'm thrilled. Doctor Who Official sur Twitter : "#whoismissy The finale begins Saturday, 1 November. #DoctorWho... BBC One - Doctor Who, Series 8, Dark Water, BBC One - Doctor Who - Series 8, Episode 11 trailer. The Stanley Parable Narrator Kevan Brighting Cast For Doctor Who Series 8. Doctor Who : l’épisode anniversaire sera bien diffusé en France le 23 novembre. Bbcdoctorwho : IT’S OFFICIAL! Peter Capaldi... BBC One - Doctor Who.

Full HD Doctor Who Prequel: Pond Life Part 5 (Finale) Full HD Doctor Who Prequel: Pond Life Part 4. BBC One - Doctor Who, Pond Life, Pond Life: Part 3. BBC One - Doctor Who, Pond Life, Pond Life: Part 2. Full HD Doctor Who BBC America Series 7 Trailer 3. A Nerdy Girl Talking about Geeky Things, #DoctorWho #FTW. Doctor Who: A Christmas Carol preview - Children In Need 2010 - BBC One.


Doctor Who Wiki. A fansite for Doctor Who, Torchwood, The Sarah Ja. Doctor Who - The Official Site. The Doctor Who News Page. Matt Smith & Orbital - Glastonbury 2010. Un Tardis borne d’arcade « InfoDuGeek. TARDIS MAME Console. Fig 1.


Console unfolding Introduction How to put a MAME console inside a TARDIS? Yes, that's a question all right. Should be easy right, what with the TARDIS being bigger on the inside than the outside. Fig 2. It turns out it isn't so easy. Part One - The TARDIS To go on to Part Two - The Console click here. It all started with Linux Linux, what the hell is that all about? Fig 3. Anyway, Linux didn't last long (not after that last command anyway it wouldn't) and I soon had Win2k back on the box. M.A.M.E Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator For those of you who don't know what MAME is I shall explain. Fig 4. To run MAME you don't need the latest, fastest machine possible (although a better spec machine will work better with some games).

Building your own arcade machine What is an arcade machine? Fig 5. Control panels In the original games the control panel depends of course on the type of game. Fig 6. How MAME supports controls Fig 7. iPac controller Making a cabinet My cabinet Fig 8. The TARDIS Fig 9.