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This is a really amazing integration and I’m having a lot of fun working on some cool projects but I’ve just run into a problem… I created a new custom case in the JitCustomEvents.cs which allows me to change the intensity of a light. My code additions look like this: ———— case 6: shine_a_light(target, varB); break; ———— (this case 6 bit added in the case switch section starting on line 33 void shine_a_light(GameObject tgt, float[] val) { if( val.Length == 1){ tgt.renderer.light.intensity = val[0]; } } ————- (this bit is added at the bottom of the custom function section. section starts on line 61 The code appears to work perfectly… but there’s a strange problem. I have created lights with names like "spotlight_1", "spotlight_2", etc. I start Unity game mode, connect with max localhost connection and everything is working fine. The problem comes anytime I need to manipulate the values of more than 5 individual game objects. Grange aménagée, 4 chambres sur 2600 m² de jardin avec pisci...

Descriptif Général Présentation superbe pour cette grange aménagée de 3-4 chambres sur 2600 m² de jardin avec piscine chauffée et spa.

Grange aménagée, 4 chambres sur 2600 m² de jardin avec pisci...

How to root your Huawei Ascend G300 (for Windows, Mac and Linux) - Huawei Ascend G300 Development. If you've been following my antics with the G300, you'll have seen that i've found a couple of security holes and a working root exploit.

How to root your Huawei Ascend G300 (for Windows, Mac and Linux) - Huawei Ascend G300 Development

I've been able to use these to extract the stock images from the device and to build a modified recovery image to flash via fastboot, which means disclosure of the other root method isn't necessary. Learning, powered by imagination. - Memrise. Consortium Claroline - Claroline is an Open Source software to easily deploy a dedicated learning and online collaboration platform. Ruby On Rails Security Guide. 1 Introduction Web application frameworks are made to help developers build web applications.

Ruby On Rails Security Guide

Some of them also help you with securing the web application. Joomla Security Part 1 - The Basics. Support. Learning Microsoft Access 2007 - Invoices. Johnny Chung Lee - Projects - Wii. As of June 2008, Nintendo has sold nearly 30 million Wii game consoles.

Johnny Chung Lee - Projects - Wii

This significantly exceeds the number of Tablet PCs in use today according to even the most generous estimates of Tablet PC sales. This makes the Wii Remote one of the most common computer input devices in the world. Cool Websites, Software and Internet Tips. 17 Amazing Ableton Live Tutorials. Ableton Live is a DAW that's not only good at producing music, but it's also useful when you're playing live.

17 Amazing Ableton Live Tutorials

It's available for both PCs and Macs, so just about anyone can use the software. One of Live's unique features is its session view. This is a non-linear grid for recording and playing your music ideas in any order. The program can deal with MIDI and audio, supports VST instruments, and has great looping features. Drawing shapes. Fresh and Useful HTML5 Tutorials, Techniques and Tricks.

HTML5 is the wave of the future when it comes to web development, so it is advantageous to get a head start on your competition by learning the essential tips, tricks and techniques with HTML5 that you can start using in your projects today, as well as ones you’ll be using in the future.

Fresh and Useful HTML5 Tutorials, Techniques and Tricks

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Ultimate Guide to HTML Emails - Tips,Tutorials and Resources

In 2009 HTML email ROI was $43.52 for every dollar spent on it. [HOW-TO]Acronis-Bootable CD/DVD w/ image included. Albator, on Oct 6 2005, 05:27 AM, said: Are you sure that there not a simple way ?

[HOW-TO]Acronis-Bootable CD/DVD w/ image included

I had once create the media rescue cd, and then just open session with nero and add my .tib image file, and everything was woking fine. Or just use the cd, I never install Acronis true image and diskdirector, I just use the bootable cd. Chord and scale finder formula. Play music while you read.

Chord and scale finder formula

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