Steve Wilson. Nouvel épisode dans notre rubrique de "ces hommes qui en savaient trop", un grand classique, l'entretien de feu (comme par hasard) le Colonel Steve Wilson, retraité de l'Air Force à l'époque (en 1997 peu avant son décès) où il accorda une interview au Dr Richard Boylan, psychologue, hypnothérapeute qui s'est spécialisé dans les affaires d'abductions.
Réflexion sur la divulgation - Les "émanants",©messagers de la nature. Mystère des ovnis Quelques informations récentes et des réflexions sur le Dossier OVNIS ICI la Vidéo intégrale du "Disclosure Project" Dans cette vidéo, Clifford Stone nous dit qu'il ya 57 races extra-terrestres répertoriées par l'Amée US.
Publiée le 23 juin 2013 par Les Emanants (Utube) Cette vidéo relate le Symposium intitulé « Audition citoyenne sur la divulgation » qui s'est tenue du 29 avril au 3 mai 2013 au National Press Club de Washington D.C. en présence de 40 personnalités des instances militaires et du Renseignement, ainsi que d'anciens Membres du Congrès. Ce Symposium est une suite aux deux autres conférences tenues en 2001 et 2010 au même National Press Club. "Ils n'aiment pas la race humaine". Sergent Major Robert Dean. EXCLUSIVE: Whistleblower to 'lift lid on 1000s of UFO files including Rendlesham case' The man, who says he was a third-class petty officer at the Naval Telecommunications Center within NAS Moffett Field from February 1986 to October 1989, also claims he can shed light on the mysterious mass-UFO sighting involving military personal in 1980.
He has yet to be named, but a former British MoD UFO investigator confirmed to the man is a genuine source, creatinga flurry of excitement within the UFO disclosure community. Nick Pope, who was charged by the MoD with investigating baffling UK UFO cases, including the Rendlesham incident, said: "I've actually had some personal communication with this individual, and have no doubts about his background. "It's clear from the language he uses and the information he has that he's a genuine insider.
" But Mr Pope stopped short of encouraging the whistleblower to come outinto the open. It has led to several reported sightings on the night by the public and several books and conspiracies. EXCLUSIVE: Navy whistleblower 'saw proof of aliens and UFOs on Earth' The 49-year-old man's startling revelations in an exclusive interview with also include claims other whistleblowers have been killed after trying to lift the lid on extraterrestrial activity.
We tracked him down after he made an approach to official UFO investigators about wanting to break a 27-year silence on what he saw. The man, who says he was a third-class petty officer at a US Naval telecommunications centre during the 1980s, before more senior posts in the US Army and Navy Seals, claims to have valuable new evidence about the Bizarre Rendlesham UK UFO mass sightings, in Suffolk in 1980. The married man, now living in Ohio, said he was based at NAS Moffett Field, in California, and he was there from February 1986 to October 1989, while also working with contacts in Silicone Valley.
MoD Scientist becomes latest whistleblower after bizarre 'encounter with THIS UFO' The department's electromagnetic and laser systems expert, who has asked to be anonymous to safeguard his career, claims to have seen an extraordinary phone receiver-shaped UFO over woods in Ontario, Canada, during a hunting trip.
The man gave his account during a 40-minute interview with the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), the world's biggest alien investigation organisation. He said he was part of a three-man team of hunters on the trip on August 28 2013 at about 9.40pm, when the "craft" was seen just 400 feet away for about six minutes. The two other men have also not been identified. In a video interview for MUFON, he said: "We were driving down a logging route to the main highway when there was this craft at low enough altitude to see it through the windscreen. "I would say it was at highest 150 to 175 feet in altitude. "I grabbed my rifle scope out the pack, wound the window down and hung out the open side window to observe the craft. "
Invasion extraterrestre : ultime événement sous fausse bannière? English abstract At a talk given in London in September of 2015, Dr.
Steven Greer, founder of the Sirius Disclosure Project, warned about what he describes as the “ultimate false flag”, which he claims was planned as far back as 1956 by the US deep state apparatus: a fake interstellar war, which would follow the war on terrorism and other false flag events involving incoming asteroids. You can listen to Dr. Greer in the video posted below, or click here to read the original article published February 26, 2016, on FKTV.IS. Dans un article publié le 26 février sur le site FKTV.IS, Alexandra Bruce fait état d’une causerie donnée à Londres au mois de septembre 2015 par le Dr Steven Greer, fondateur du Sirius Disclosure Project, où il a déclaré que l’ultime événement sous fausse bannière perpétré par les puissances occultes serait une prétendue invasion extraterrestre qui ferait suite à la guerre au terrorisme et à d’autres événements sous fausse bannière impliquant l’approche d’astéroïdes.
REVELATION - Sommaire.