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Places. Books. Biblical. Surviving Cultural Traces. Ancient Texts. Artifacts. UFO Cases Directory: Famous People. The Phoenix Lights March, 13, 1997 - Phoenix, Arizona, United States The Phoenix Lights UFO incident is a complex series of events that took place on March 13, 1997 over the states of Nevada, Arizona, and possibly New Mexico, and which would quickly become known as the "Phoenix Lights" sightings.
UFO 'battle' over Nuremberg, Germany in 1561 - Nuremberg, Germany - April 4,
UFO Case Report: Date: April 4, Location: Nuremberg, Germany. UFO sighting over Basel, Switzerland in 1566 - Basel, Switzerland - August 7,
UFO Case Report: Date: August 7, Location: Basel, Switzerland A 16th century woodcutting depicts this scene in which dark spheres were witnessed hovering over the town of Basel, Switzerland in 1566.
The spheres appeared at sunrise, 'Many became red and fiery, ending by being consumed and vanishing', wrote Samuel Coccius in the local newspaper on this date. 16th century woodcut of spheres seen over Basel, Switzerland, August 7, 1566. (Wickiana Collection, Zurich Central Library) Classification & Features. Chronological Catalog of Reported Lunar Events - July 1968 - NASA Technical Report R-277. UFO's back to back sightings from AD 60 till 1900's. 60 AD : A ‘ship’ was seen speeding across the night sky. 70 Josephus, from "Jewish War" Book CXI, "On the 21st of May a demonic phantom of incredible size...for before sunset there appeared in the air over the whole country chariots and armed troops coursing through the clouds and surrounding the cities.
" 80 Scotland: Conrad Wolfhart, Lycothenes, a medieval writer reports, “When the Roman emporer, Agricola was in Scotland, wondrous flames were seen in the skies over Caledon Wood, all one winter night. Everywhere the air burned, and on many nights, when the weather was serene, a ship was seen in the air moving fast.”
329 BC: Alexander the Great records two great 'flying shields' - Central Asia, - 329 BC. Alexander the Great from the famous ancient mosaic.
Classification & Features Type of Case/Report: StandardCase Hynek Classification: Special Features/Characteristics: Famous Person, Witness Photo Full Report / Article Source: Bruno Mancusi, UFO Updates mailing list, Apr. 18, 2003 [go to original source]
Ancient Aliens Season 1 Episode 1 The Evidence (1/9)
Ancient Aliens — History.com TV Episodes, Schedule, & Video. Ancient Aliens. Production[edit] The executive producer of Ancient Aliens is Kevin Burns, who also directed and wrote the pilot episode.
Giorgio A. Tsoukalos serves as consulting producer and appeared on screen in the pilot.[4] Erich von Däniken appeared in the pilot episode, and UFO researcher C. Scott Littleton served as an expert consultant for the show until his death in 2010.[5] Reception[edit] The program had 1.676 million viewers in late October 2010,[6] 2.034 million viewers in mid-December (for the "Unexplained Structures" episode)[7] and in late January 2011 it had 1.309 million viewers.[8][9]
The Annunaki and the Myth of a 12th Planet. By Neil Freer | ufo.whipnet.org Received from Light Eye.
Ancient astronauts. Ancient astronauts or ancient aliens[1] is a pseudo-scientific hypothesis that posits intelligent extraterrestrial beings have visited Earth and made contact with humans in antiquity and prehistory.[2] Proponents suggest that this contact influenced the development of human cultures, technologies, and religions.
A common claim is that deities from most, if not all, religions are actually extraterrestrial in nature, and that such visitors' advanced technologies were wrongly understood by primitive men as evidence of divine status.[3][4] Proposers subscribing to the resultant paleocontact hypothesis proposal have popularized, particularly in the latter half of the 20th century, include Erich von Däniken, Giorgio A. Tsoukalos, Zecharia Sitchin, Robert K. G. Overview[edit]
Similar Trees of Others
Flood Legends from Around the World. The Mayan Calendar Portal. Forbidden Archeology - Michael A. Cremo. Legendary Times - Come Search with Us. Humans Genetically Engineered by Aliens. By Thomas M.
Sipos, L.A. bureau chief. [December 15, 2002] [WeeklyUniverse.com] Humans were genetically engineered by aliens, says ufologist Der Voron, author of Unidentified Flying Objects: Starcraft, in an exclusive interview with Weekly Universe. Voron built his astounding scientific theory on the lack of evidence linking Cro-Magnon man to still earlier forms on the evolutionary chain. This so-called "Missing Link" implies a jump in evolution that can only be explained by a miracle -- or by alien intervention!
As explained exclusively to the Weekly Universe, Der Voron says: "Scientists cannot find the 'Missing link' that links Cro-Magnon man [our own immediate ancestor] to earlier human forms -- yet they've found and continue finding the remains of many less advanced forms that existed long before Cro-Magnon.
" According to evolutionary theory, early men evolved into the Missing Link, which evolved into Cro-Magnon man, which evolved into modern Homo Sapiens -- us!
Allan Hills 84001. Allan Hills 84001 (commonly abbreviated ALH 84001[1]) is a meteorite that was found in Allan Hills, Antarctica on December 27, 1984 by a team of U.S. meteorite hunters from the ANSMET project.
Like other members of the group of SNCs (shergottite, nakhlite, chassignite), ALH 84001 is thought to be from Mars. However, it does not fit into any of the previously discovered SNC groups. On discovery, its mass was 1.93 kilograms (4.3 lb). It made its way into headlines worldwide in 1996 when scientists announced that it might contain evidence for microscopic fossils of Martian bacteria based on carbonate globules observed. History[edit] ALH84001 on display at Smithsonian Museum of Natural History. Research finds 'unique human DNA'
Scientists say they have discovered a gene sequence which appears to play a central role in giving humans their unique brain capacity.
The area, called HAR1, has undergone accelerated evolutionary change in humans and is active during a critical stage in brain development. The researchers compared genes from humans, chimpanzees and other animals to try to see which set man apart. The Nature study was led by the University of California, Santa Cruz. The researchers say they have yet to determine the precise function of the gene.
Cattle mutilation. Cattle mutilation (also known as bovine excision[1]) is the killing and mutilation of cattle under apparently unusual or anomalous circumstances.
Sheep and horses have allegedly been mutilated under similar circumstances. A hallmark of these incidents is the reportedly surgical nature of the mutilation, and unexplained phenomena such as the complete draining of the animal's blood, loss of internal organs with no obvious point of entry, and surgically precise removal of the reproductive organs and anal coring. Another reported event is that the animal is found dumped in an area where there are no marks or tracks leading to or from the carcass, even when it is found in soft ground or mud. The surgical-type wounds tend to be cauterized by an intense heat and made by very sharp/precise instruments, with no bleeding evident.
Often flesh will be removed to the bone in an exact manner, consistent across cases, such as removal of flesh from around the jaw exposing the mandible. History[edit]
Snippy the Horse. Helium-3. Helium-3 (He-3) is a light, non-radioactive isotope of helium with two protons and one neutron. It is rare on Earth, and it is sought for use in nuclear fusion research. The abundance of helium-3 is thought to be greater on the Moon (embedded in the upper layer of regolith by the solar wind over billions of years),[1] though still lower in quantity (28 ppm of lunar regolith is helium-4 and from one ppb to 50 ppb is helium-3)[2][3] than the solar system's gas giants (left over from the original solar nebula).
Helium-3 was hypothesized to be a radioactive isotope until helions were also found in samples of natural helium, which is mostly helium-4, taken both from the terrestrial atmosphere and from natural gas wells. This was done by Luis W. Alvarez and Robert Cornog in cyclotron experiments at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in California in 1939.[5] Physical properties[edit]
Artemis Project: Lunar Helium-3 as an Energy Source, <br>in a nutshell. Lunar Helium-3 as an Energy Source, in a nutshell The Setting For the purposes of this discussion, let's assume that the He3 fusion plants have been proved out, and folks are frantically building them, just waiting for us to show up with with tanks full of helium-3. The Ingredients of Nuclear Fusion.
Uses > Technology > World Gold Council. Gold wires the internet and helps NASA keep astronauts safe in space. Its versatility and unique properties make the metal indispensible in engineering and electronics, and its application as a key nanomaterial is beginning to offer new solutions to a range of global health and environmental challenges. Take a stroll through our interactive town to understand where gold is used to bring performance and efficiency improvements to modern life and where it will be used increasingly in the future. Please click on the vehicles and buildings to discover more.
Gold's ability to conduct electricity makes it an indispensible component in electronics. Completely resistant to corrosion, it is the undisputed material of choice to guarantee reliability in a broad range of high-performance and safety-critical applications.
Sirius. Sirius appears bright because of both its intrinsic luminosity and its proximity to Earth. At a distance of 2.6 parsecs (8.6 ly), as determined by the Hipparcos astrometry satellite,[5][19][20] the Sirius system is one of Earth's near neighbors; for Northern-hemisphere observers between 30 degrees and 73 degrees of latitude (including almost all of Europe and North America), it is the closest star (after the Sun) that can be seen with the naked eye.
Orion (constellation)
Cygnus (constellation)
Cygnus contains Deneb, one of the brightest stars in the night sky and one corner of the Summer Triangle, as well as some notable X-ray sources and the giant stellar association of Cygnus OB2.
World-Mysteries.com. Mercury vortex engine. INFORMATION OR DISINFORMATION - MOON & EXO PLANETS.2010_YouRmomSnutZ - torrent. This is a TORRENT File how to download a torrent: Install this Program to download torrents. Hollow Earth. World Grid. Ley line. The World-Grid. David Sereda.