Unpaid internships: labour standards, human rights questions. Unpaid internships: labour standards, human rights questions Adam Gorley, Editor, HRinfodesk, published by First Reference, July 2013 The issue of unpaid work has been a hot topic for quite a while now, and despite efforts by authorities to clarify the legal status, sometimes it seems that employers aren't understanding it any better.
To get a better idea of where our readers stand, we recently asked, Do you have unpaid internships at your organization? Slightly more than 80 percent of respondents said no, they don't use unpaid interns, while nearly 20 percent said yes, they do. We didn't ask whether employers are using legal unpaid internships, or whether they know if their internship arrangements are legal, but we'd like to offer our two cents and hopefully help our readers understand what's legal and what's not when it comes to unpaid internships.
It's not too surprising that employers are confused or unaware about the legal status of unpaid internships. Student jobs, internships, summer jobs. Home: Internships and high-impact career advice... from YouTern! Student Social Networking Site. If I Were Running A Company…HR Question of the Week. I am an independent recruiter looking for contracting or full-time recruiting work.
I have been in recruiting for nearly nine years sourcing, networking, interviewing, negotiating, and advising hiring managers on who to look for. I have recruited for many different sectors from nonprofits, consulting firm, government contracting, tech, media, and others from a variety of positions from executives, directors, interns, senior-level, mid-level, and entry-level positions. I also dealt with job boards currently with NatsJobs, which is an unique and interactive job board during Washington Nationals games, and Recruit4Cause, which is a general job board that gives back.
I am also a blogger on many topics, including HR, recruiting, DC Sports, Tony Kornheiser, and pop culture, many others. I have been on the list in the "Top 100 HR and Recruiting Pros to follow on Twitter" by Unbridled Talent and was named a top 10 finalist for the Washington Post's "Greatest DC Sports Fan. " Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action.
Unpaid internships: the most precarious work of all. Anya Oberdorf has a university degree, a college certificate and experience with two employers in the publishing industry, but still can’t find a paying job.
She spent more than a year working two unpaid internships, neither of which led to gainful employment. After working part-time in a gourmet food store to pay the bills, she left to focus on finding work in her field. Though she’s been able to secure a few freelance editing jobs, the elusive salaried position still eludes her. “My experience has been really frustrating,” said the Toronto native. “I can’t afford a third internship, but I don’t want to sit around at home, either.”
Oberdorf’s story is far from unique. Unpaid internships that last months or even years make up the most unstable part of an increasingly precarious workforce, which accounts for almost half of employment in the GTA and Hamilton, according to a recent report. Very few facts are known about unpaid internships. Drop the Resume Shotgun: A 12 Step Targeted Job Search. You’ve sent dozens – maybe hundreds – of resumes.
But no recruiters are calling. Even worse – on the occasions that they do call, they don’t hire you! What is wrong with these recruiters?! Don’t get discouraged. As they say, “It’s not you. Except… it probably is you. Many candidates make that very mistake – they think attaching their resume is the single action item required to get hired. Think of it like putting only your shoes on and saying “I’m dressed. When it comes to getting hired for an internship or job, your resume is just one of the many important parts of the entire process. Here are 12 Steps to a targeted job search (notice that sending your resume en masse is not included in the twelve) absolutely required to stand out as a great candidate: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. How To Bulk Up Your Online Web Portfolio. The online web portfolio serves as a portal to showcase your skills, abilities, and accomplishments in visual form.
The web portfolio is an essential tool in developing a personal brand. Creating an online portfolio is easy if you use the right tools. You don’t need to be a programmer or Flash guru to create a content-rich, promotion-driven online web portfolio. You can use DIY “Do It Yourself” sites such as PortfolioVillage.com to create a free online web portfolio website. The portfolio should be full of content that acts as “evidence” of your aptitude.
Once you have a web portfolio started, here’s what you want to do to bulk it up with content: 1. 2. PROJECT: XYZ Event Promotion PROBLEM: The XYZ Event needed to be publicized locally on a small budget. SOLUTION: Flyers were designed using original photography and were printed in color. ROLE: I designed the flyer and planned the distribution. 3.