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【元大寶華專題報告】190004 歐洲議會大選後政策展望. 期末報告. 期末報告順序. The Eurostat. Databases. 風險社會與政策研究中心 - 轉型到更好的未來-歐盟這樣做前瞻. 文/翁渝婷 中心助理研究員 承襲歐盟大型架構計畫的傳統,HORIZON 2020(2014-2020)為進行歐盟研究及創新(research and innovation, R&I)的科研計畫,其包含了一個對歐盟未來R&I政策長期規劃的前瞻研究,即是BOHEMIA。

風險社會與政策研究中心 - 轉型到更好的未來-歐盟這樣做前瞻

一、前瞻BOHEMIA對HORIZON之貢獻 BOHEMIA(Beyond the Horizon: Foresight in Support of the Preparation of the European Union’s Future Policies in Research and Innovation)計畫旨在研究歐盟因應全球鉅變趨勢中如何永續發展、歐洲有怎樣的機會? 強調需「轉型到更好的未來」。 BOHEMIA認為歐盟正在面對的是世界變得越來越複雜,更具挑戰性,也更加不安全。 因此,BOHEMIA建議歐盟應建立內部市場,在經濟平衡增長和價格穩定的基礎上,爭取充分就業、社會進步且競爭激烈的社會市場經濟,及對環境質量的高度保護和改善,推動科技進步(EC, 2017a)。 二、如何從BOHEMIA看到歐盟未來發展趨勢? BOHEMIA計畫共分為三個階段(EC, 2017a): 階段1情境建構,從聯合國永續發展目標(Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs)中歸納出四個基本轉型領域,並從EEA(2015)及OECD(2016)彙整了11個鉅變趨勢(megatrends)[註1] ,採取交集與整合最後提出七個情境空間的「鉅變趨勢轉型架構」作為整個BOHEMIA計畫架構,分別為「全球政治和社會經濟」、「氣候與能源」、「環境與生態之系統資源及服務」、「健康」、「安全性和適應力」、「加速創新:人與科技的融合」、「全球邁向城市化」(圖1)。 圖1 BOHEMIA七個情境空間與SDGs整合資料來源:EC, 2017a。

階段2以動態論證德爾菲法(Dynamic Argumentative Delphi, DAD)設計線上專家問卷,在科學、社會、經濟、政策以及R&I實踐中,分析新興趨勢的可能性與重要性,進行全面性的專家意見調查諮詢(EC, 2017b)。 圖2 BOHEMIA的19個轉型情境資料來源:作者翻譯自EC, 2018b。 表1 19種目標情境與24個R&I優先方向 資料來源:EC, 2018b。

ECB 歐洲央行

期中報告. 歐盟 分組名單. 小考範圍及建議. EU introduction. NA0417736ENN.en. EU historic points. EU institutions. 2019 03 25 歐盟桌遊日. 2019 04 01 工研院演講. Debate about EU. Breixt. Eurozone unemployment falls to a ten-year low. Notable in this month’s release of McKinsey’s Global Economics Intelligence (GEI) report is the unemployment rate in the euro area of 7.9 percent for November 2018, the lowest level since 2008.

Eurozone unemployment falls to a ten-year low

The seasonally adjusted index, maintained by Eurostat, held steady in December. Joblessness has fallen by more than one-third since September 2013, when the index was at 12 percent. The improvement has been slow but steady since that time—a point regarded as the nadir of Europe’s recession within a recession in the early 2010s. And in the wider European Union (EU-28), which includes high-employment countries such as Hungary, Poland, and the United Kingdom, the unemployment rate is even lower, at 6.6 percent, the lowest EU reading since recording began in January 2000. To be sure, the rate of improvement has varied by country (exhibit). The employment picture has furthermore continued to improve despite uncertainties around eurozone growth in 2019. 11歐盟中小企業協助措施之發展. Chinese Operations in Large-Scale Transport Infrastructures in Europe.

Are digital technologies the new Holy Grail ? – OECD ECOSCOPE. By Stéphane Sorbe, Peter Gal, Giuseppe Nicoletti and Christina Timiliotis Digital innovations are everywhere, in our pockets, cars and homes.

Are digital technologies the new Holy Grail ? – OECD ECOSCOPE

However, while digital technologies seem to offer great potential to enhance firm productivity, productivity growth has slowed sharply in most OECD countries over the past two decades (Figure 1). One explanation to this puzzle is that digital technologies are spreading out across firms less rapidly than we think. Moreover, digital adoption has not been equally effective across all types of firms. As more productive firms have tended to adopt digital technologies faster and more efficiently, their performance has improved relative to less-digitalised, less-productive firms, contributing to a widening gap in productivity performance. A second paper (Gal et al., 2019) confirms that the adoption of digital technologies supports firm productivity. The main findings of these two papers are combined and summarised in Sorbe et al. (2019). GTAI - Major Topics 2019. EUobserver. – EU news and policy debates across languages. Home - Multimedia Centre.

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Erste Group Research Center - Overview. Any information, material and services regarding financial instruments and securities provided by Erste Group Bank AG or any of its affiliates (collectively “Erste Group“) on this and any linked website hereafter (jointly the “Websites”) shall be exclusively to investors who are not subject to any legal sale or purchase restrictions (the “Interested Party“).

Erste Group Research Center - Overview

The publication and distribution of information as well as offering and selling of products and services described on the Websites is prohibited by law in some jurisdictions. For this reason, persons in countries in which the publication as well as the offering and selling of products and services described on the Websites are not permitted by law, must not enter the Websites and/or acquire the products displayed on the Websites. The Interested Party is solely responsible to examine, whether he may enter the Websites under the law applicable to it. EU Learning - Carleton University. Welcome to EU Learning, a website hosted by the Centre for European Studies at Carleton University This website serves as a learning tool for students, providing information and resources on topics relating to Canada and the European Union.

EU Learning - Carleton University

Source: European Commission. Designed with the Ontario secondary school curriculum in mind, this website complements students’ learning by focusing on subject matter that is linked to, but extends beyond, what is covered in the classroom. It also provides valuable resources and suggested discussion topics, topics for Independent Study Units (ISUs) and extra classroom activities.

For an overview of the site and its contents, please visit the Introduction section. Every year, EU Learning organizes the annual Teachers’ Workshop for high school teachers. We are grateful for funding from the European Commission and Carleton University.