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3D Scan Project

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AGISOFT. ReCap 360 - Signin. Reconstruction 3D avec VisualSFM (logiciel libre) Installation sur Ubuntu 12.04 64 bits.

Reconstruction 3D avec VisualSFM (logiciel libre)

Le SFM permet de reconstruire en 3D un objet à partir de photos. Cette reconstruction demande beaucoup de calcul, donc c'est mieux sur un système 64 bits. Un fil sur le forum Ubuntu Photogrammétrie: équivalents linux de 123d catch d'autodesk? Scan photo rapide avec VisualSFM essai avec une gopro Problème du fond des images du modèle Pour une table tournante qui ne devrait modéliser que le modèle, il faut optimiser le fond de l'image. Test avec des images construites dans Blender Conclusion Déplacement de la caméra en spirale: VisualSFM utilise le déplacement de la caméra, des cercles parallèles autour du modèles sont rejetés. Exemple 250 images 2000x1500 Sur Quad core 2.4 Ghz, 4 Go de RAM, 4 Go de SWAP Calcul en 3 heures, 2 Go utilisé dans la SWAP, ce qui ralenti considérablement.

Sortie VisualSFM. Dans la vie réelle. gPhoto - gPhoto Home. Raspberry Pi. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.

Raspberry Pi

Le Raspberry Pi est un nano-ordinateur monocarte à processeur ARM conçu par le créateur de jeux vidéo David Braben, dans le cadre de sa fondation Raspberry Pi[2]. Cet ordinateur, qui a la taille d'une carte de crédit, est destiné à encourager l'apprentissage de la programmation informatique[2] ; il permet l'exécution de plusieurs variantes du système d'exploitation libre GNU/Linux et des logiciels compatibles.

Il est fourni nu (carte mère seule, sans boîtier, alimentation, clavier, souris ni écran) dans l'objectif de diminuer les coûts et de permettre l'utilisation de matériel de récupération. Son prix de vente était estimé à 25 $, soit 19,09 €, début mai 2011. Les premiers exemplaires ont été mis en vente le 29 février 2012 pour environ 25 €[3]. Historique[modifier | modifier le code] Conception[modifier | modifier le code] Version alpha de la carte. Prototype[modifier | modifier le code] Commercialisation[modifier | modifier le code] Raspberry Pi CSI Camera Interface. The Raspberry Pi has a Mobile Industry Processor Interface (MIPI) Camera Serial Interface Type 2 (CSI-2), which facilitates the connection of a small camera to the main Broadcom BCM2835 processor.

Raspberry Pi CSI Camera Interface

This is a camera port providing an electrical bus connection between the two devices. It is a very simple interface and with a little reverse engineering with an oscilloscope, it is possible to figure out the pinout. The purpose of this interface was to standardise the attachment of cameras modules to processors for the mobile phone industry. Raspberry Pi photo booth controller : Connect the Camera. Fabriquer une caméra HD de surveillance RaspiCam avec votre RaspBerry Pi. CHIP : a $9 Computer with an OpenGL ES 2.0 GPU. I discovered this cool project few days ago: CHIP the world’s first $9 computer!

CHIP : a $9 Computer with an OpenGL ES 2.0 GPU

CHIP is like the Raspberry Pi but four times cheaper. China CMOS 5MP Ov5640 USB Camera Module 2592X1944 - China Usb Camera Module, Mini Usb Camera. IVPort Raspberry Pi Camera Module Multiplexer. There are some different videos while switching view source between 4 Different raspberry Pi Camera Modules with using IVPort module.

IVPort Raspberry Pi Camera Module Multiplexer

Bottom right corner video shows switching camera input while capturing video. There are 4 cameras which are connected to Raspberry Pi via IVPort module. Multiplex the number of usable camera module on Raspberry Pi from 1 to 4 with using one Ivport. It can multiplex from 1 to 16 with using 4 Ivport with stack. Multiplexing can be controlled by 3 pins for 4 camera modules, 5 pins for 8 camera modules and 9 pins for 16 camera modules with using GPIO and external script library that written by Python. Connectors: 15 Pin FFC CSIPinout: RaspberryPi CSI Connector Camera PinoutsProtocol: MIPI Propagation Delay between input and output: 0.5 ns. Multi camera Adapter module fully compatible for official Raspberry Pi Board. Eyeboot 49 port 60Amp 5V USB Hub 220/110v. Eyeboot 49 Port USB Hub 5V 1-1.8amp per port 110-220 Volts This is a 49 port hub that is capable of reliably supplying 0.5 - 1.5A per port without overheating or becoming a fire hazard.

Eyeboot 49 port 60Amp 5V USB Hub 220/110v

Comes with usb cable but power supply must be purchased seperately. We suggest 60A 5V PSU if you want to supply 1.2A to all 49 ports. Has over voltage and over current recover functions. It can also charge most smart tablets and some ipads (but they may need to be turned off first and connected to a host computer). Carte SD et wifi. 12MP Mini Camera Photograph/Video/Voice Record/Motion Detection/Webcam. To enable volume discounts on this site, use coupon code: BULKRATE during checkout.

12MP Mini Camera Photograph/Video/Voice Record/Motion Detection/Webcam

You will see a discount applied at the bottom of the shopping cart. Competitive pricing is available. Contact us for details. What is Bulk Rate? BulkRate is a semi-wholesale system with items priced separately from retail. Looking to get even more? Arduino Based Open Source Camera. Camera Module - pcDuino V3 (5MP) - SEN-13249. Module vidéo Raspberry Pi Raspberry Pi Camera Board. Infinite-Realities. President Obama Lands the First 3D Presidential Portrait. President Obama gets comfortable beneath the glow of 50 LED lights.

President Obama Lands the First 3D Presidential Portrait

Photo: White House By Kristy Barkan In his 2013 State of the Union address, President Obama made room in his speech to talk about a subject that some may have found an odd choice for a presidential address: 3D printing. His comments on 3D printing were positive, noting that the technology "has the potential to revolutionize the way we make almost everything. " A little over a year later, President Obama's prediction was proven true -- and in a rather personal way. This past June, computer graphics experts from the Smithsonian and the USC Institute of Creative Technologies landed at Pennsylvania Avenue to create a 3D scan of President Obama.

Fabriquer un scanner 3D à bas prix avec un Arduino et un appareil photo. WaveGM a trouvé un moyen astucieux pour se fabriquer un scanner 3D à Bas prix.

Fabriquer un scanner 3D à bas prix avec un Arduino et un appareil photo

Pi3Dscan. How does it work The Raspberry Pi 3D Scanner is based on the popular single board computer Raspberry PI Model B (+) and the 5 Megapixel PI Camera.


It is designed to make a full body scan of a person in a single "shot". MaestroBot range.