Acta Académica - noviembreHD. ¡Gracias por sumarte al #NoviembreHD!
Desde la AAHD queremos agradecer tu participación. Recordá que los videos de las distintas sesiones están ya online desde nuestro canal de YouTube. Todxs lxs expositorxs están invitadxs a publicar sus trabajos en nuestras Publicaciones de la AAHD. What’s the most positive or negative religion? — Sentiment and Data Analysis of Holy Books with R. Your personal research assistant. Digital Humanities at Stanford. It is a strange time to be writing my quarter-in-review blog post.
The quarter is over (according to the calendar we started the year with, it’s spring break right now) but I feel like a normal sense of time is one of the things that’s already started to dissolve, and the shelter-in-place order in the Bay Area has only been in place a week. February’s monthly blog post was supposed to be a reflection on the Russian NLP hackathon that we held on Valentine’s Day at CESTA. I’d still like to write that reflection, but I need to think it through some more; the conclusions I’d reached assume a level of freedom of time and travel that we might not have back anytime soon.
Advanced Certificates. Learn how age-old inquiries into culture, meaning, and value meet emerging technologies and cutting-edge skills.
The Advanced Certificate in Digital Humanities (DH) teaches students how to apply emerging technologies to traditional areas of humanistic inquiry. The program emphasizes the special role of information professionals in supporting digital humanities research, teaching, and professional activities, especially within academic libraries and cultural heritage institutions.
By the end of this program, students will be able to: Understand and describe current topics in digital humanities, including theory, methods, and applications, and develop critical perspectives on them; Develop relevant skills in digital content, research, technology, and user experience; and Be prepared to apply these skills appropriately in academic and cultural heritage contexts. "Biblioteca de Humanidades Digitales: conceptos, reflexiones y horizontes". Humanidades Digitales. El archivo PDF seleccionado se debe cargar aquí si su navegador tiene instalado un módulo de lectura de PDF (por ejemplo, una versión reciente de Adobe Acrobat Reader).
Si desea más información sobre cómo imprimir, guardar y trabajar con PDFs, Highwire Press le proporciona una guía útil de Preguntas frecuentes sobre PDFs. Por otro lado, puede descargar el PDF directamente a su ordenador donde podrá abrirlo con un lector de PDF. Para descargar el PDF, haga clic en el enlace anterior. OCR4all : software de reconocimiento de texto de código abierto de documentos históricos. OCR4all.
Digital Humanities and Online Education. You can learn more about the work of the National Endowment for the Humanities and how to apply for funding for your own humanities project or program with the resources below.
Office of Digital Humanities: Grant programs that fund project teams experimenting with digital technologies to develop new methodologies for humanities research, teaching and learning, public engagement, and scholarly communications. Division of Preservation and Access: A substantial portion of the nation’s cultural heritage and intellectual legacy is held in libraries, archives, and museums. These repositories are responsible for preserving and making available collections of books, serials, manuscripts, sound recordings, still and moving images, works of art, objects of material culture, and rapidly expanding digital collections.
Humanidades Digitales: historias individuales. Luciana Ayciriex. Jornada de Humanidades Digitales. Experto Universitario en Programación para Humanidades Digitales – LINHD. Competencias digitales - Uned Abierta. Ser personal docente e investigador en el S.
XXI requiere, entre otras cosas, ser competente digitalmente. CZUR ET16 Plus CZUR Book & Document Scanner with Smart OCR for Mac and Windows: Office Products. Palladio. Center for Interdisciplinary Digital Research (CIDR) International Image Interoperability Framework. Features - Georeferencer. Humanities + Design. Center for Spatial and Textual Analysis. DH2018 Día 1 – Blog de la Red Colombiana de Humanidades Digitales. Voyant Tools. Concepts, Methods, and Tutorials for Students and Instructors. Contextos y prácticas en las humanidades digitales. HumanidadesDigitalespginas. LINHD - ThatCamp de Humanidades Digitales en la UNED. Introducción a las Humanidades Digitales. Digital Humanities@Madrid Summer School.
Text Encoding Initiative. The Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) is a text-centric community of practice in the academic field of digital humanities, operating continuously since the 1980s.
The community currently runs a mailing list, meetings and conference series, and maintains an eponymous technical standard, a journal, a wiki, a GitHub repository and a toolchain. TEI guidelines[edit] The TEI Guidelines, which collectively define an XML format, are the defining output of the community of practice. The format differs from other well-known open formats for text (such as HTML and OpenDocument) in that it's primarily semantic rather than presentational; the semantics and interpretation of every tag and attribute are specified. Some 500 different textual components and concepts (word,[1] sentence,[2] character,[3] glyph,[4] person,[5] etc.); each is grounded in one or more academic discipline and examples are given. Technical details[edit] TEI Lite is an example of such a customization. Examples[edit] Prose tags[edit] DH Awards 2017 Results. The winners of the DH Awards 2017 are as follows.
Once duplicates were removed, from the 4130 ballots cast there were 4069 ballots accepted as cast by members of the public over two weeks voting for one or more of the categories. Sorry if your favoured resource did not win — open public votes are popularity contests not necessarily a measure of worth and some of the resources campaigned more successfully than the others. Since this is a DH awareness activity, if lots of people saw your favoured resource, then we all win! GETTING STARTED: introductions & guides - Digital Humanities - Subject & Course Guides at University of Kansas.
A Companion to Digital Humanities, ed.
Susan Schreibman, Ray Siemens, John Unsworth. Oxford: Blackwell, 2004. (Full Text Online) A Companion to Digital Literary Studies, ed. Ray Siemens, Susan Schreibman. DH Curation Guide: a community resource guide to data curation in the digital humanities. Institute for Digital Research in the Humanities. Projects – DH LAB. Data by Design Data by Design: An Interactive History of Data Visualization, 1786-1900, challenges the commonly-held belief that visualization serves as a neutral method for data’s display. In a series of five “data narratives” —chapter-length web-based texts that employ interactive visualizations in order to advance their claims— this project traces the rise of modern data visualization techniques. (Read more…) The Shape of History. Dhoxss. Welcome to Digging Into Data. El desorden digital. Guía para historiadores y humanistas - Siglo XXI Editores. Digitalhumanities. Center for the History of Print and Digital Culture – promoting the interdisciplinary study of text, technology, and culture.
DH Lab: The Digital Humanities Lab at Georgia Tech. Humanities Data Visualization. Welcome to DH Training - Digital Humanities Training. Visualizing Statues. Mapping the Trade of the Société Typographique de Neuchâtel, 1769-1794. The French Book Trade in Enlightenment Europe (FBTEE) project is a digital humanities project of international significance mapping the production, marketing, dissemination, policing, and reception of books (and hence ideas) in the late eighteenth century. It aims to bring together and make interoperable and publicly available in a single digital resource multiple historical bibliometric databases.
The first of these databases is now available on line via this site. A second stage of the project’s development is being funded by the Australian Research Council and Western Sydney University, where the project is now based. For details of this project and work in progress. Click here. The version of the FBTEE database currently online maps the trade of the Société Typographique de Neuchâtel (STN), a celebrated Swiss publishing house that operated between 1769 and 1794. This resource was publicly launched on 25 June 2012 and is freely available on this website. Welcome. Center for Digital Humanities and Computational Social Science. {*style:<ul>*}{*style:<li>*}{*style:<h3>*}{*style:<a href=' Co-Director Elizabeth Dillon featured in the New York Times{*style:</a>*}{*style:</h3>*} November 24, 2016 {*style:<br>*}Professor Elizabeth Maddock Dillon recently published an op-ed, “Long Before ‘Hamilton’ Brouhaha, Theater Was Anything but Polite” in the New York Times.
You can read her ... {*style:<a href=' more... SEMINARIO HD. Las Humanidades Digitales son una rama de estudio interdisciplinario en las cuales se fomenta el uso de herramientas digitales y nuevas metodologías para el análisis de temas propios de las disciplinas humanísticas y, en algunos casos, de las ciencias sociales.
Actualmente en México existen algunos grupos e investigadores que adscriben sus investigaciones a esta disciplina; sin embargo, no existe una Licenciatura o programa de Posgrado con esta orientación (institucionalmente hablando); por lo tanto, este Seminario surge por el interés de crear un espacio de discusión y trabajo interdisciplinario e interinstitucional que permita conocer y discutir el papel que las Humanidades Digitales tienen en las diferentes áreas de estudio e instituciones en las que esta disciplina está presente. Descripción y objetivos del seminario.
Fulltext. 1.IntroduccionHumanidadesDigitales. Spatial History Project.