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Histoire égyptienne

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Palette de Narmer. Ancient Egypt and The Alternative Story of Mankind's Origins (Full Documentary) »» L'EGYPTE DES PHARAONS ►{DOCUMENTAIRE COMPLET} Carnet de voyage en Égypte. Smelted In Space? Ancient Iron Beads Linked To Meteorite : The Two-Way. Hide captionThe metal in an Egyptian iron bead dating from around 3,300 BC has been found to have originated from space, according to analysis. Here, the bead is seen in (clockwise from top left) a photograph, a CT cross-section view, a model of nickel oxides, and a model in which blue areas represent the rich presence of nickel inside the bead. The Open University/University of Manchester The metal in an Egyptian iron bead dating from around 3,300 BC has been found to have originated from space, according to analysis.

Here, the bead is seen in (clockwise from top left) a photograph, a CT cross-section view, a model of nickel oxides, and a model in which blue areas represent the rich presence of nickel inside the bead. Since it was found in 1911, an Egyptian iron bead has sparked wonder and debate over how it was produced — made around 3,300 BC, it predates the region's first known iron smelting by thousands of years. Astronomie en Egypte ancienne. Ancient Egypt and The Alternative Story of Mankind's Origins (Full Documentary)
