> Bitcoin
Pourquoi les banques entrent en guerre contre le Bitcoin. Par Mark Maunder, depuis Seattle, États-Unis.
Un article traduit par le Framablog, sous licence CC. Et si nous vivions dans un monde où toutes les transactions se faisaient de personne à personne et ne coûtaient quasiment rien ? Et si nous vivions dans un monde où la valeur de l’argent épargné augmentait petit à petit, non pas grâce aux intérêts, mais simplement parce que, avec le temps qui passe, vous pouvez acheter plus de trucs avec la même somme ?
Bitcoin : les autorités tentent de calmer la fièvre. Bitcoin and the fallacy of a non-political currency. While it is true that local communities have, in the past, generated successful communitarian currencies (that enabled them to improve welfare in their midst, especially at a time of acute economic crises), there can be no de-politicised currency capable of ‘powering’ an advanced, industrial society.
An important and crucial argument by Yanis Varoufakis: * On “The fantasy of ‘de-politicised’, ‘honest’ money “The Crash of 2008 has infused our societies with enormous scepticism on the role of the authorities, both government and Central Banks. It is quite natural that many dream of a currency that politicians, bankers and central bankers cannot manipulate; a currency of the people by the people for the people. Bitcoin has emerged as the great white hope of something of the sort.
Bitcoin: l'arnaque géante sur internet. Les Américains, encore traumatisés par l'affaire Bernard Madoff, ce financier et escroc qui avait, grâce à ses montages en pyramide, ruiné une tripotée de célébrités attirées par les rendements faramineux de ses placements, devraient bientôt apprendre le nom de Trendon T.
Canada to tax Bitcoin transactions - TV — RT Business. Published time: April 27, 2013 10:39 AFP Photo / George Frey Canadians using bitcoins, the decentralized crypto-currency that recently went mainstream, must report their incomes and pay taxes as with other earnings, Canada's Revenue Agency (CRA) confirmed following a media request. The issue was clarified in response to a letter by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) ahead of the country's tax season. Two separate tax rules are applicable to the electronic currency, CRA spokesperson Philippe Brideau told CBC in an email.
Bitcoin and the dangerous fantasy of ‘apolitical’ money. The Crash of 2008 has infused our societies with enormous scepticism on the role of the authorities, both government and Central Banks.
It is quite natural that many dream of a currency that politicians, bankers and central bankers cannot manipulate; a currency of the people by the people for the people. Bitcoin has emerged as the great white hope of something of the sort. Alas, the hope it brings to many people’s hearts and minds is false. And the reason is simple: While it is true that local communities have, in the past, generated successful communitarian currencies (that enabled them to improve welfare in their midst, especially at a time of acute economic crises), there can be no de-politicised currency capable of ‘powering’ an advanced, industrial society. 1. Bitcoins are digital units of currency that one can use, on the Internet, to purchase (a limited number of) goods and services.
Winklevoss Twins Go Into The Bitcoin Business. Bad news for all the hackers and libertarians out there supporting the bitcoin movement: Your favorite currency seems to have fallen into the wrong hands.
Venture capitalists Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss claim to own about 1 percent of all bitcoins in existence, about $11 million worth. It's utterly unsurprising that the Winklevoss twins, who are famous for suing Mark Zuckerberg over the idea for Facebook, have decided to announce their investment in bitcoins at the height of public mania over the digital currency. The Winklevii told The New York Times that they're excited to get involved with bitcoins on the ground floor.
Senators seek crackdown on Bitcoin currency. Inside the Mega-Hack of Bitcoin: the Full Story. The largest Bitcoin exchange, Mt.
Gox suffered an emergency closure today after a massive hack led to a plunge in value. (Source: Another view shows the same tremendous dropoff as the malicious parties sold off Bitcoins for pennies on the dollar. (Source: Tycale Charts)
Rick Rule: Discusses Bitcoin as an Alternative Currency – Gold Silver Bitcoin. Interview Excerpt: “Philosophically, I like the idea of competing currencies.
I personally don’t like mediums of exchange that aren’t simultaneously stores of value. People say to me that if you desegregate Bitcoin, what really happens is that the community and the information is of value.
Virtual currency: Bits and bob. Un bitcoin dans la tête. Le bitcoin fait pour le moment beaucoup de bruit. Certains y voient une révolution planétaire, d’autres une arnaque comme une autre. Nombreux sont ceux qui l’appellent une pyramide de Ponzi, un terme que tout le monde se targue d’utiliser mais que personne ne se serait attendu à trouver en dehors du menu d’une pizzeria avant 2008.
Plutôt que de démonter cette affirmation en pointant les différences entre Bitcoin et une pyramide de Ponzi ou en arguant que, selon cette même définition, tout marché financier (y compris l’euro ou le dollar) est une arnaque de Ponzi, essayons de nous mettre dans la tête d’un partisan du bitcoin. Qui peut croire au succès du bitcoin et surtout pourquoi ? Afin de comprendre les bases du raisonnement, penchons-nous un instant sur Paypal. Comme on le voit, l’Euro-Paypal est donc bel et bien une monnaie indépendante qui peut être soumise à des fluctuations.
Digital Black Friday: First Bitcoin "Depression" Hits. Much like the New York Stock Exchange, Bitcoin exchanges have suffered from their first massive loss -- a virtual "Black Friday", so to speak.
(Source: Google Images) Some say Bitcoins could make buying illegal drugs easier. However, in reality Bitcoins are far from "untraceable". (Source: YouTube/Beardo/Dirt Nasty) Mt. Currency experiences massive inflation in a single day, markets stay open The day was October 28, 1929 and the sky was falling. Today modern exchanges automatically close to prevent such catastrophic sell offs. I. This Friday the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) was hammered, losing 172.45 points (approximately a 1.4 percent dip) to close below 12,000 for the first time since March 18, 2011 -- nearly three months ago.
Bitcoin is not decentralized : Inside 1712B. Bitcoin was designed by Satoshi Nakamoto, and the primary client is developed by a bunch of folks at
Do you care who these people are? In theory, you shouldn’t: all they do is develop an open source client for an open source protocol. Anyone else can develop their own client (and some people have) and no one, save the agreement of everyone in the Bitcoin network, can change the protocol. This is because the Bitcoin network is designed to be decentralized.
Virtual money, from real central bank mistrust. George Clooney roils the Bitcoin market. Bitcoin: de la révolution monétaire au Ponzi 2.0. Derrière l'idée révolutionnaire, libertarienne et anti-banques Bitcoin ne fait que reproduire un système injuste.
Toucher aux règles monétaires n’a rien d’anecdotique. Lorsque nous dépensons, que nous travaillons, tous les jours, ce que nous faisons a un rapport avec la monnaie, sans même que nous y pensions. Que se passe-t-il alors lorsque des geeks créent une monnaie universelle, décentralisée, sécurisée, anonyme ?
Bitcoin’s Collusion Problem. Yesterday I questioned whether we should expect demand for Bitcoins to be stable over the long run. Today I want to look at the supply side. A constrained supply of money is important to a currency’s stability. One of Bitcoin’s key selling points is that the number of Bitcoins issued will never exceed 21 million. But this promise isn’t credible. To understand why, we need to dig a little bit into how the protocol works. The Bitcoin peer-to-peer network can be thought of as a giant, shared accounting ledger.
Close to US$500k stolen in first major Bitcoin theft - Industry. In the first Bitcoin theft of its size, a user has lost 25,000 BTC — or nearly $487,749 at today’s market rates — to an unknown thief. While the Bitcoin community has always been quick to point out that it’s harder to forge a Bitcoin than to forge a dollar, it’s quite easy to take someone else’s Bitcoins: all you have to do is gain access to their computer’s hard drive. Once you’re in, stealing Bitcoins is easier than taking a wallet in the real world, and there’s no recourse for getting them back.
That said, it is possible to verify the movement of funds to ensure complainants are telling the truth due to Bitcoin’s public nature — services such as BlockExplorer allow users to see every transaction that has ever occurred through the network. The receiving account in this case, for instance, can be seen here.
Deux sénateurs américains veulent interdire la monnaie virtuelle Bitcoin.
Tav's Blog » Why Bitcoin Will Fail As A Currency. Bitcoin mania has now reached such worrying heights that some people are even putting all of their savings into it. Unfortunately, Bitcoin is fundamentally flawed and by the time you finish reading this article, I hope you will agree with me.
The Bitcoin Bubble. Currency is a way for people to exchange value. By itself, the currency does not have a real value.
It only carries the symbolic value that people want to put in it. Try to pay with gold or euro in a Papuan tribe and you will understand what I mean. In order to keep this value to a certain level, the currency should be scarce. The first solution was to use naturally scarce elements like gold. But the money becomes increasingly virtual.
Thoughts on Bitcoin Laundering. “Il n’y a pas besoin d’être un banquier pour créer de l’argent”