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Preserving Christian Publications. Pope Leo XIII and the Prayer to St.

Preserving Christian Publications

Michael Mention is often made of Leo XIII and a famous vision that he saw – that of an attack being made or planned by the devil against the Church. The facts about this vision, however, have been unclear for many decades, for there are different versions of what occurred, and of what was or was not said in that vision. What is fact and what is fiction about this event in modern papal history? To provide clarity about Pope Leo’s vision, Kevin J. Read more about this book!

Books in Print. Fathers Guide - Guide to Priest Taxes and Finances. Magis Center. Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger. Presented at the 10th Workshop for Bishops February 1991 Dallas, Texas In the contemporary discussion on what constitutes the essence of morality and how it can be recognized, the question of conscience has become paramount especially in the field of Catholic moral theology.

Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger

This discussion centers on the concepts of freedom and norm, autonomy and heteronomy, self-determination and external determination by authority. Conscience appears here as the bulwark of freedom in contrast to the encroachments of authority on existence. In the course of this, two notions of the Catholic are set in opposition to each other. One is a renewed understanding of the Catholic essence which expounds Christian faith from the basis of freedom and as the very principle of freedom itself.

Nonetheless, at this point, a contradiction can arise. 1. It has become apparent that the question of conscience leads in fact to the core of the moral problem and thus to the question of man's existence itself. National Association of Pastoral Musicians. MusicaSacra — Dedicated to Sacred Music in Catholic Liturgy. Jesus Christ The Bearer Of The Water Of Life - A Christian reflection on the New Age. Thank You Father Zuhlsdorf. This is from the erudite Fr.

Thank You Father Zuhlsdorf

Z at his Blog WDTPRS (What Does The Prayer Really Say). A priest friend lately asked me about how to handle a biretta while in choir. This only the first time I have been asked about birettas in the last days. Therefore, I will repost some information I have shared before. Religious have other customs if they don’t use the biretta. Some notes about the proper use of the biretta in choro. I am looking for the proper use of the Biretta by a priest at Mass.

Once upon a time I actually had made a little pamphlet on this… but I can’t find it. In the military people need to know what to do with their hats, when to cover and uncover. The same goes for clergy in choir dress. I haven’t a lot of time today, so here are some rapid notes I sent to a priest friend who was going to be attending a TLM in choro for the first time and wanted to know what to do. Father Francis J. Peffley. Catholic Answers. Catholics and "Do-Not-Resuscitate" Orders. The Moral Principles Behind Its Ethical Use | 9941 hits WASHINGTON, D.C., NOV. 3, 2010 ( Here is a question on bioethics asked by a ZENIT reader and answered by the fellows of the Culture of Life Foundation.

Catholics and "Do-Not-Resuscitate" Orders

Q: Is a "do-not-resuscitate" order ever ethical? Shouldn't a patient in an emergency situation always be resuscitated, so that the family can evaluate with some time and care what are the limits of ordinary and extraordinary care (and is that distinction used anymore)? -- K.T., Kansas City, USA.

William E. A: The Church does not explicitly address the morality of a "do-not-resuscitate order," but it still uses the distinction between "ordinary" or "proportionate" (=morally obligatory) and "extraordinary" or "disproportionate" (=morally not obligatory) treatments. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and "do-not-resuscitate" directives "extraordinary" or "disproportionate" A moral principle The hospital scenario The "not-in-the-hospital" or home scenario Conclusion Notes.

Homiletic & Pastoral Review – America's foremost pastoral publication. Since 1900. EWTN Global Catholic Television Network. Papal Encyclicals Online.