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Couple, sexualité, parentalité

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How to maintain an intimate long term relationship. Balancing Yaacov Susannah Video. Érotisme. De notre réactivité ou quand Brutus prend les commandes dans la relation. Nos architectures neurologiques sont fascinantes!

De notre réactivité ou quand Brutus prend les commandes dans la relation.

Je vais vous expliquer en quelques lignes comment notre cerveau est en risque de disjoncter dans le conflit. En situation de stress l’amygdale (un noyau gros comme une cerise logé dans le cerveau émotionnel ) prend les commandes dans notre tête et « débranche » notre néocortex (surtout la partie du lobe préfrontal). Le néocortex est le siège (entre-autres) de la raison, du langage, de nos capacités à penser le monde ou à mettre en perspective, de notre conscient. C’est dans notre lobe frontal que se logent des règles comme « tu ne tueras point » et autres lois humaines et sociales, nos valeurs. Il est notre cerveau « pensant ».

Mettre sur « pause » cette partie du cerveau en cas de grand stress permet de court-circuiter la pensée pour apporter une réponse rapide, ce qui peut nous sauver la vie… Mais cette amygdale peut manquer de discernement! (voici une petite vidéo de David Servan Schreiber illustrant parfaitement ce mécanisme ) J'aime : Accouchement A Domicile. Natural birth encouragement - pain and joy. Are You In A Sacred Relationship? About Me I am a Sexual Health-, Sexual Pleasure & Intimate Relationship-"Scientist".

Are You In A Sacred Relationship?

And I myself am my best Guinea Pig. I try, I fall, I stand up, I enjoy, I cry, I triumph, and I share it all with you. Follow me on my journey to grow on your own journey. Visit this blog regularly for updates. As we enter into a new age we begin to understand that relationships are about creative partnerships. The following article has been written by Celia Fenn. Relationships are one of the key areas where the tidal wave of change is being most intensely felt. The old paradigm of relating is.. .. often based on physical attraction or magnetism. The concept of “chemistry”, “love at first sight” and many other romantic concepts fostered by endless movies and novels was the motivating force. #1 It was all about what you looked like And this was accompanied by whole industries to ensure that you stayed youthful, slim and sexually attractive in order to ensure that you would “attract” a suitable partner.

The Fine Art of Penis Thrusting. About Me "The Passionate Wife" is an unapologetic sexual and sensual enthusiast, an advocate of pleasure and eroticism and of course, a very passionate wife.

The Fine Art of Penis Thrusting

Faster…harder…deeper…slower…the man who learns to vary his thrusting technique during penetrative sex will not only be able to last longer, he will be rewarded with greater arousal and delight for both himself and his partner. When it comes to sexual intercourse, many women would be delighted – in more ways than one – if their men viewed thrusting as something more than just a race to the finish line.

Thrusting is a wonderful time for loving couples to touch, kiss and even dialogue – whether whispering sweet nothings or engaging in dirty talk. Thrusting can also encourage intimacy and a sense of connection. Couples who believe the sole reason for thrusting is to achieve orgasm often end up suffering from mechanical sex that is devoid of any emotional depth and lasting enjoyment. #1 The Memorable First Thrust #2 The Shallow Thrust.

Want the Best Sex of Your Life? Just Ask! - Couple, monogamie, fidélité : de l’importance du sexe. Notre culture est totalement schizophrène quant au sexe dans le couple.

Couple, monogamie, fidélité : de l’importance du sexe

Elle minimise l’importance du sexe dans l’entente d’un couple tout en hurlant à la mort au moindre sexe extra-conjugal. l’exclusivité induit une grande responsabilité vis-à-vis du sexe (ref. photo (c) animel sur Dans un couple, le sexe ne devrait pas être important. Secrets about Women and Sex. Six things happy couples do differently than the rest. (NaturalNews) An unhappy relationship can wreak havoc on your emotions and health.

Six things happy couples do differently than the rest

In fact, a ten-year study has shown that stressful relationships are a causal factor in depression. We are all social creatures. When we carry negative emotions - every single day - toward the people in our lives, it destroys us. It's important to get this area of life right. In fact, it is among the most important things you can do. Whenever you want to do something well, it is always more effective to learn from someone who is already succeeding at what you want to do. In this spirit, I've researched the patterns of behavior among happy couples. I also included Jake and Hannah Eagle, co-developers of the most insanely useful romantic relationships program online. 1. If you don't satisfy your need for variety in life, then you will most definitely get BORED. How do you keep things interesting with someone you've known for years? It's the little things! 2. Not just sex. 3. Love is a form of communication. 4.

Être homme - être père.

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