Nuclear Waste Dump
> Dirty Energy
Myco-remediation of the Japanese Landscape After Radioactive Fallout. The Nuclear Forest Recovery Zone Myco-remediation of the Japanese Landscape After Radioactive Fallout by Paul Stamets Many people have written me and asked more or less the same question: “What would you do to help heal the Japanese landscape around the failing nuclear reactors?”
The enormity and unprecedented nature of this combined natural and human-made disaster will require a massive and completely novel approach to management and remediation. And with this comes a never before seen opportunity for collaboration, research and wisdom. The nuclear fallout will make continued human habitation in close proximity to the reactors untenable. 1) Evacuate the region around the reactors. 2) Establish a high-level, diversified remediation team including foresters, mycologists, nuclear and radiation experts, government officials, and citizens. 3) Establish a fenced off Nuclear Forest Recovery Zone.
Nuclear waste. Nuclear waste is produced at every stage of the nuclear fuel cycle, from uranium mining and enrichment, to reactor operation and the reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel.
Much of this nuclear waste will remain hazardous for hundreds of thousands of years, leaving a poisonous legacy to future generations. Nuclear waste is often just dumped with little thought to safe storage. Decommissioning nuclear facilities will also create large amounts ofradioactive wastes. Many of the world's nuclear sites will requiremonitoring and protection for centuries after they are closed down. The global volume of spent fuel was 220,000 tonnes in the year 2000, and is growing by approximately 10,000 tonnes annually. Most of the current proposals for dealing with highly radioactivenuclear waste involve burying it in deep underground sites. An example of where industry plans have been exposed as flawed is the proposed dump site at Yucca Mountain in Nevada, US.
Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Dump - The Road to Disaster. Nuke Free Texas: Waste Dump. May 17, 2013 Bad Radioactive Waste Bill Increases Threats to Texas While Rewarding a Major Perry Donor Recent Monitoring Well Data August 2, 2012 Compact Commission letter – Aug. 2, 2012 and highlighted Hazardous Materials Route Registry We are concerned that shipments radioactive waste to Texas are being allowed to move forward when there is still water in monitoring wells in the area of the WCS Compact Facility site.
The Registry attached to our letter shows that there are no designated routes or restricted routes for radioactive waste in Texas. June 26, 2012 May 7, 2012 A District Court ruled today that Texas’ environmental agency should have allowed a contested case hearing prior to licensing WCS low level radioactive waste dump in West Texas Read More … Public Citizen Texas Press Release.
Nuclear disposal plan may taint Ogallala aquifer 06/01/1986. Environmental Racism, Tribal Sovereignty and Nuclear Waste. High-Level Atomic Waste Dump Targeted at Skull Valley Goshute Indian Reservation in Utah "There is nothing moral about tempting a starving man with money.
" – Keith Lewis, of the Serpent River First Nation in Ontario, reflecting on his impoverished community’s 50 years of working in and living near uranium mines & mills, and the health and environmental catastrophe that has resulted.
Private Fuel Storage Targets High-Level Radioactive Waste Dump at Skull Valley Goshute Indian Reservation, Utah. Arctic Sea Dumping. Untold Stories about Somalia Pirates - European ships dump Nuclear Waste into Somalia Ocean. In 1991, the government of Somalia - in the Horn of Africa - collapsed.
Its 9 million people have been teetering on starvation ever since - and many of the ugliest forces in the Western world have seen this as a great opportunity to steal the country’s food supply and dump our nuclear waste in their seas. Yes: nuclear waste. As soon as the government was gone, mysterious European ships started appearing off the coast of Somalia, dumping vast barrels into the ocean. The coastal population began to sicken. At first they suffered strange rashes, nausea and malformed babies. Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah, the U.N. envoy to Somalia, tells me: “Somebody is dumping nuclear material here. At the same time, other European ships have been looting Somalia’s seas of their greatest resource: seafood. The local fishermen have suddenly lost their livelihoods, and they are starving.
'Toxic waste' behind Somali piracy - Africa. Some pirates operating off Somalia's coast claim to act as coastguards [GALLO/GETTY] Somali pirates have accused European firms of dumping toxic waste off the Somali coast and are demanding an $8m ransom for the return of a Ukranian ship they captured, saying the money will go towards cleaning up the waste.
The ransom demand is a means of "reacting to the toxic waste that has been continually dumped on the shores of our country for nearly 20 years", Januna Ali Jama, a spokesman for the pirates, based in the semi-autonomous region of Puntland, said. "The Somali coastline has been destroyed, and we believe this money is nothing compared to the devastation that we have seen on the seas.
" The pirates are holding the MV Faina, a Ukrainian ship carrying tanks and military hardware, off Somalia's northern coast.
No Dirty Energy - The Dirt on Uranium. The planet has reached an energy crossroads. The choice Extracting dirtier and more dangerous sources of energy, or Responding to the climate crisis by embracing clean, renewable and efficient energy. Earthworks’ No Dirty Energy Campaign works to break our dependence on dirty energy while championing cleaner choices. Our future depends on: Avoiding so-called “bridge” energy sources, such as natural gas or nuclear power, that pose greater long-term risk without solving fundamental problems.
No Dirty Energy means adequate public oversight.