Alerte Fukushima: tous les Thons pêchés en Californie sont radioactifs. News Republic. Dans les jours qui suivirent le tremblement de terre et le tsunami du 11 mars 2011, la centrale de Fukushima allait connaître un accident majeur assorti de fuites radioactives.
Des fuites qui continuent et qui touchent la consommation de poisson non seulement au Japon, mais aussi dans d'autres pays comme en Corée du Sud où ce poissonnier constate la désaffection des clients : “La méfiance sud coréenne pour les produits de la pêche venus du Japon est très importante. A cause de cela, même les ventes des produits coréens sains ont été touchées ». Pour à la fois faire revenir la confiance et remonter les ventes un poissonnier coréen à ni plus ni moins installé un compteur geiger. Les consommateurs n'ont plus qu'à contrôler le poisson qu'ils veulent acheter… Et même si juste à côté des panneaux indiquent que le magasin de toute façon ne vend pas des produits japonais… A se demander si tout ceci est finalement rassurant… Overview of active cesium contamination of freshwate... [Sci Rep. 2013.
Fish stocks threatened by Fukushima leaks. In an interview with Reuters news agency, an official from Japan's Nuclear Regulation Authority called it an "emergency.
" An estimated 300 tons of radioactive water has been leaking every day into the Pacific Ocean since the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant suffered a meltdown following a massive earthquake and ensuing tsunami that hit Japan on March, 11, 2011. The amount of water leaking into the sea is enough to fill one Olympic-size swimming pool in about a week. The announcement came shortly after plant operator TEPCO stated the protective barriers installed to prevent toxic water from spilling into the ocean were no longer coping with the groundwater levels.
The statement confirmed long-held suspicions that the sea was being contaminated. Local fishermen and independent researchers had already suspected a leak, but Japan's largest utility continued to deny the claims until it finally conceded last month. Record cesium levels measured in Fukushima rockfish, signaling radiation woes in food chain far from over in Japan.
The ‘murasoi’ fish, similar to a rockfish – indicating an amount of cesium measuring 254,000 Becquerel per kilogram, or 2,540 times Japans limit for radiation in seafood – was caught at a port inside the plant by its owner, Tokyo Electric Power Co.
(TEPCO) Friday, according to AFP. The utility also released a photo of the fish, caught near an unloading point north of the No. 1 through No. 4 reactors. No fishermen operate in the nuclear plant’s port. Friday’s catch shatters the previous record for wildlife contamination as a result of radioactive contamination, which was was 25,800 Becquerel of cesium per kilogram found in two greenlings caught about 20 kilometers north of the plant in August 2012, the Asashi Shimbun newspaper reported. In May, a tuna contaminated by low levels of radiation was found near the California coast, Reuters reported.
Leakage at Fukushima continues In October, TEPCO admitted that radiation leaks at the plant had not fully stopped, said Asashi Shimbun. How an oceanographer sprung the Nuclear Industry Lie. From late 2011 Japanese and World nuclear authorities claimed that the emissions from the wrecked gaggle of reactors at Fukushima Diiachi no longer emitted radio chemical pollutants into the biosphere.
People who observed or thought otherwise were called every name under the sun by the deceitful nuclear liars. It was not until July 2013 that Japanese authorities, under pressure from reports which showed continued pollution, admitted that the leakage from the wrecked, failed reactors had continued unabated from March 2011 until the present time.
The estimated rate of leakage was initially given as being 300 tons of contaminated water per day, recently undated by TEPCO to 400 tons per day. This admission came after a campaign of intimidation which saw at least one journalist (a Canadian) interrogated by authorities and deported after being roughed up by official thugs at Tokyo airport. Just as well Woods Hole Institute isn’t located in Japan eh. Associated Press end quote Like this: Fishing resumes off Japan’s nuclear-hit Fukushima region. Du poisson au poison: la pêche cessera au large de Fukushima. Nouvel indice de l’ampleur de la pollution nucléaire provoquée par la catastrophe de Fukushima, au Japon.
La pêche au large de l’archipel sera de nouveau interdite dans certains secteurs, après avoir été partiellement relancée en juin. Fukushima Fishermen Ruined by Tepco Now Key in Toxic Fight. Tokyo Electric Power Co. (9501) ruined the livelihoods of the commercial fishermen who trawled the seas off Fukushima prefecture when its leaking reactors poisoned the fishing grounds.
The utility now needs their help. Tokyo Electric has built wells and a pipeline on the hills behind the wrecked Fukushima atomic station to route groundwater into the ocean away from the plant. This will reduce the volume of water getting into reactor buildings, where it’s contaminated and then flows into the Pacific at a rate of 300 metric tons a day. While the company has assured Fukushima fishing cooperatives the water to be piped from the hillside wouldn’t be contaminated, the fishermen have yet to sign off on the plan, citing the utility’s history of faked safety reports and cover ups.
Talks with the 1,500 fishermen are now into their third month. Consensus Sought. Fukushima fishermen can't catch a break.