Schistes bitumineux et XL pipeline project
Les forêts du Grand Nord - Dispo du 18/01/2020 au 29 juin 2023. Dites aux compagnies d'assurance de ne pas assurer l'oléoduc risqué Trans Mountain. Dites NON au projet Teck Frontier. Nous demandons au premier ministre Justin Trudeau de prendre une décision responsable pour notre avenir et de refuser maintenant le projet de mine de sables bitumineux Teck Frontier.
Les énergies fossiles sont du passé, il nous faut immédiatement investir dans une transition énergétique et écologique. Le gouvernement fédéral a fait fausse route avec l’achat du projet Trans Mountain dans le dernier mandat. Ne le laissons pas répéter ses erreurs dans ce nouveau mandat. Qu’est-ce que le projet Teck Frontier? Une bombe climatique. New York’s Williams Pipeline is denied (but not dead)
When Lee Ziesche heard that New York state regulators had denied the operator of the Williams Pipeline a permit it needed to begin construction, she celebrated with a hearty plate of pasta.
She had been on a hunger strike for two days as one of the lead organizers of the New York-based campaign to stop the proposed pipeline, which would carry fracked natural gas from Pennsylvania to the Big Apple. “I kind of ignored some advice that I got that you’re supposed to ease back into it with fruit,” said Ziesche, “I just went straight for the carbs covered in cheese.” On Wednesday, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation ruled that the pipeline proposed by Oklahoma-based operator Williams Companies would dredge up sediment and contaminants, like mercury and copper, from the bottom of the bay, compromising water quality and the health of local habitats. The project “fails to meet New York State’s rigorous water quality standards,” the department said.
Pétrole: la justice américaine suspend l'oléoduc Keystone XL, revers pour Trump. A Major Decision for JP Morgan Chase Execs - Rainforest Action Network.
Sables Bitumineux au Canada - The Crowd Versus. The Crowd milite Pour mettre un terme à l’exploitation minière des sables bitumineux, protéger les puits de carbone les plus importants au monde et tenir le Canada responsable d’avoir brisé sa promesse constitutionnelle à la Beaver Lake Cree Nation.
Prochaine action en justice de the crowd La phase préparatoire du procès.
Le Crédit Agricole ne doit pas se rendre complice des violations des droits des peuples cyberaction. #sable #bitumineuxMontreuil, le 16 septembre 2018 — Crédit Agricole est appelé à renouveler dans les prochains mois sa participation à des financements pour 3,6 milliards de dollars, dirigés aux entreprises canadiennes Enbridge et TransCanada, derrière le développement des très controversés projets d’oléoducs de sables bitumineux Line 3 et Keystone XL.
Hold the Banks Funding Keystone XL accountable !
Minnesota report: Proposed tar sands oil pipeline would harm tribes.
ExxonMobil’s Pegasus Pipeline poured more than 200,000 gallons of heavy crude into a neighborhood in Mayflower, Arkansas, in 2013.
Twenty-two homes had to be evacuated, and in the aftermath, hundreds of residents complained of nausea, nosebleeds, and respiratory problems. In 2015, the EPA fined Exxon more than $4 million in penalties over the spill. Separately, a federal pipeline regulator accused the company of violating safety standards and imposed an additional $2 million in fines. Exxon disputed those punitive damages, arguing that it met legal obligations. On Monday, an appeals court overturned a majority of the violations and fines.
Exxon, however, was aware of issues with this particular pipeline prior to the Mayflower incident, and an argument can be made that it should have done a better job of planning for an accident.
Fondation pour la Nature et l’Homme. Tell the Nebraska Public Service Commission: Stop the Keystone XL pipeline. The Trump administration has issued the final federal permits for the Keystone XL.1 This dangerous action by the Trump administration reverses one of our biggest climate victories of the Obama administration – but the fight to stop the pipeline is far from over.
TransCanada needs a permit to build part of the pipeline through Nebraska, and the Nebraska Public Service Commission (PSC), which is conducting a multi-month review of the pipeline project, is currently accepting comments from the public. This a crucial opportunity to speak out and pressure the Nebraska PSC to reject TransCanada’s permit and stop Keystone XL once and for all. Tell the Nebraska PSC: Reject TransCanada’s permit to build the Keystone XL pipeline.
Trump Sued Over Keystone XL Pipeline Approval. Although little was said about Karl, Wednesday's House Science Committee hearing with Drs.
Michael Mann, John Christy, Judith Curry and Roger Pielke Jr. was a quite a circus. Which is exactly why someone who's been through Smith's nonsense, Dr. David Titley, wrote for the Washington Post that scientists should boycott these biased hearings. That would be nice, if that meant that Smith would stop holding them. But since he shows no sign of slowing his inquisition, someone needs to show up to set the record straight and push back on all the denial packed into the hearing like so many clowns in a tiny car.
Friends of the Earth: The Biggest Jobs on Earth. Tell the Nebraska Public Service Commission: Block Keystone XL!
Yesterday, Donald Trump's State Department approved the presidential permit for the Keystone XL pipeline. The Nebraska Public Service Commission -- one of the key descision-making bodies in the fight to stop KXL -- is taking public comments now.We need you to speak up, stand with Nebraskans who are fighting KXL and submit a comment! Tell the Nebraska Public Service Commission: Stand up to Trump and block Keystone XL! To whom it may concern: I’m writing to urge you to reject the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline. This pipeline is a bad deal for Nebraskans and a bad deal for America.
Treaty and additional information. Cash investigation du 24-05-2016 à 20:55 - Climat : le grand bluff des multinationales en replay. "Fort McMurray n'est qu'une version hypertrophiée de notre culture" – Naomi KLEIN. Pour accéder à tous nos contenus, vous devez être abonné… L’abonnement c’est maintenant !
Keystone leaks and reminds us why we’re glad there isn’t an XL pipeline out there. A major section of the original Keystone pipeline is out of commission after an oil spill near the pipeline was detected in South Dakota on April 2.
The spill, estimated at 187 gallons of crude oil, serves as a reminder of the risks that pipelines pose — and that with the Obama administration’s rejection of the Keystone XL pipeline proposal, we’ve likely avoided the potential for an even bigger, more disastrous spill. Part of the original argument against Keystone XL was that eventually, the proposed pipeline was bound to spill.
Beneath the tar sands is even dirtier oil, and industry is salivating over it. The price of crude oil has slumped to its lowest point in six years, and that has sent some major oil companies scrambling to get out of expensive tar-sands projects in Alberta, Canada.
Shell has pulled out of one of its largest lease applications, and Petrochina is attempting to get rid of its tar-sands assets. Environmentalists have watched the slowdown with great hope. Yet at the same time, some of those very same companies are positioning themselves to tap into an even more dirty and expensive kind of oil in Alberta: bitumen carbonates. The little-known bitumen carbonates are a far more difficult-to-mine, more unconventional form of the molasses-like bitumen that’s already being extracted from the tar sands. In Alberta, the carbonates are in a deposit called the Grosmont formation, and most of it is underneath the tar sands themselves. Shell, Husky, tar-sands giant Suncor, and the dreaded Koch brothers have all snapped up leases in Alberta’s bitumen carbonates.
Le dieu pétrole dévore le Canada, par Nancy Huston. Au Canada, François Hollande s'assoit sur les recommandations du GIEC. En Alberta, François Hollande a salué « les entreprises françaises particulièrement bien placées », à l’instar de Total, dans l’exploitation du pétrole issu des sables bitumineux, « source du grand développement du Canada ».
Etats-Unis : inquiétudes sur l'inflammabilité du pétrole de schiste. Le département des transports américain a prévenu, jeudi 2 janvier, que le pétrole extrait des gisements de schiste du bassin de Bakken, dans le nord des Etats-Unis, était probablement « plus inflammable que le pétrole brut traditionnel ». « D'après des inspections préliminaires conduites après les récents déraillements dans le Dakota du Nord, en Alabama », et au Québec, impliquant du pétrole brut du gisement de Bakken, l'agence de sécurité des oléoducs et des matériaux dangereux (PHMSA) « requiert de tester correctement, signaler et classifier, et, quand c'est nécessaire, de dégazéifier suffisamment les matériaux dangereux avant leur transport ».
Democrats Demand Clarity On Trade Representative's Position On Tar Sands Oil. WASHINGTON –- A group of Democratic Senators and House members expressed concern Friday that trade negotiators are trying to undermine fuel standards in the European Union so that the U.S. can export tar sands oil from the Keystone XL pipeline. The EU has a policy known as the Fuel Quality Directive, which calls for a 6 percent reduction in emissions from transportation fuels like gasoline and diesel by 2020. As part of that, the EU wants to assign values to different types of fuel based on the emissions they generate. Tar sands oil, which has much higher emissions than conventional crude, would be assigned a higher value under the system. A letter from 21 Senators and House members cites "troubling" reports that the U.S. might be working to undermine those rules as part of the negations over the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).
As The Huffington Post reported back in September, U.S. Sen. Canada has also criticized the EU's proposal.
On n'arrête pas l'éco. Fort McMoney. Judge Blocks Shipment of Oil Equipment Through Idaho Forest. Kochs must move their massive piles of tar-sands waste, Detroit mayor says. EcoInternet : If we kill the planet all other...
EcoInternet : Exhibiting profound sickness,...
Non aux sables bitumineux !
Sables bitumineux - Greenpeace accuse Ottawa et Shell de complicité. Why Tar Sands Oil Is The Dirtiest On Earth [Video]
Thousands of Americans have petitioned, marched, and been arrested in an effort to stop the controversial Keystone XL pipeline. In fact, a poll [PDF] conducted in early 2012 showed that, when fully educated about what tar sands oil really is, and where the oil flowing through the pipeline would actually end up, a majority of Americans oppose the pipeline.
Oil Sands Fever and Lack of Environmental Review. The Harper Conservatives are well known for being defenders of the oil sands (no matter what effect they have on the climate), going so far as to modify the environmental assessment process in the latest budget so the project can go ahead more quickly. The Tories became vicious when Opposition Leader Tom Mulcair suggested the Alberta oil sands were artificially inflating the Canadian dollar and that was hurting other industries across the country, particularly manufacturing in Ontario. The Tories demanded that Mulcair visit the oil sands before having any such opinion on them, and suggested that he could not have an open mind when he scheduled his visit. Now, as Mulcair is in Alberta visiting the oil sands (though the Premier of the province — also a Conservative — refused to meet with him) a new report has come out from the Pembina Institute supporting his assertion that the development is causing a type of ‘Dutch Disease’ in the country.
Deformed Fish Found Downstream of Tar Sands Mines. Written by Jason Mark Chief Allan Adam, the head of the Fort Chipewyan community in the far north of Alberta, has been fishing in Lake Athabasca for all of his life. His father, now 76 years old, has been fishing there even longer.
ExxonMobil’s tar-sands pipeline leaks again. ExxonMobil’s 1940s-era Pegasus pipeline has been shut down since it ruptured more than a month ago in the Arkansas town of Mayflower, spilling tar-sands oil and making a big mess. But the company is legendary when it comes to spilling oil, and it wasn’t going to let a little pipeline shutdown hold back its oil-spilling ways. The very same pipeline that blackened Mayflower has leaked oil into a yard and killed plants in Doniphan, Mo., some 170 miles northeast of Mayflower. From KFVS Channel 12: “My grandfather noticed an oil spill that was in the yard [on Friday, April 26,] and it got bigger so we were concerned that it was going to go into the well water because we have well water to drink,” said Lori Arbeau.
But the spill apparently was not reported until four days later. Doniphan resident Robert Cooley reported the spill to Exxon Tuesday, April 30, after seeing oil and dead vegetation in front of his house that sits on about 18 acres of land owned by Arbeau’s parents, Guy and Pat Meadors.
Paris ne veut plus pénaliser les sables bitumineux. February 21, 2012 - Only a Couple Days to Support European Union Labeling of Tar Sands as Highly Polluting. Additional Background BREAKING UPDATE: EU blocks passage of Canada’s ‘tar sands’ ranking The vote by a European Commission committee to label Alberta oil sands as a highly polluting source of oil has failed.
Proponents of the tar sand fuel quality directive listing failed to win a majority of votes in favor, but neither was there a majority to kill the proposal. As a result, the directive will be taken up by a committee of EU ministers in the coming months.
Le blog de nongazdeschisteinfos. Pétrole de schiste : des forages seraient iminents > Pétrole.
Un autre hydrocarbure non-conventionnel encore plus méconnu que les gaz de schiste risque de faire parler de lui dans les prochains jours : le pétrole de schiste fait en effet l'objet d'après Greenpeace "de projets d'exploration dans le Nord de la France". Rappelons que le gouvernement, par la voix de son ministre de l'écologie, Nathalie kosciusko-morizet, a affirmé suspendre toutes les opérations de forages et de fracturation hydraulique jusqu'au 31 mai, concernant les gaz de schiste dans le Sud de la France. Cependant, Greenpeace révèle que pour les projets d'exploration des pétroles de schiste dans le bassin parisien, seules les opérations de fracturation sont suspendues jusqu'au 31 mai.
Fuite en Arkansas
Schistes bitumineux / gaz de schistes et +
Tar Sands Action Goes Nationwide. Des centaines de personnes se réunissent sur la colline du Parlement pour dire « Non aux sables bitumineux »
Petropolis. Tar Sands in Alberta. ALBERTA ELDORADO DES PETROLIERES... - PLANET DESTROY. Canada Oil And Gas Industry: Shrinking Profits May Be A Sign Of Things To Come. Pipeline spills oil waste over more than 100 acres of Alberta. Keystone XL project. Sables bitumineux: un site web pour mesurer la pollution.
Josh Fox Writer & Director of GASLAND Arrested Protesting Tar Sands at White House. Josh Fox, réalisateur anti-gaz de schiste classé “terroriste”
Tar Sands Action/ Josh Fox. Tar Sands.