English language
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Fluent LandList of English Prepositions. Learn English Online with Confusing Words. Research Paper Ideas: 20 Topics For English Classes. Most students have to produce papers on the English language or literature at some point, but few are passionate enough about these subjects to pick a deep and complicated one to explore.
If you are looking for a topic that is easy to write and rich in material, here are twenty ideas: Origins of the English language. The assimilation of Anglo-Saxon dialects into those of early British tribes. The Roman influence; similarities and differences with continental Germanic languages.Old English.
Definition and Examples of Globish. Globish is a simplified version of Anglo-American English used as a worldwide lingua franca.
(See Panglish.) The trademarked term Globish, a blend of the words global and English, was coined by French businessman Jean-Paul Nerrière in the mid-1990s. In his 2004 book Parlez Globish, Nerrière included a Globish vocabulary of 1,500 words.
English Timeline. This interactive timeline allows you to explore the evolution of English language and literature, from the 11th century to the present day.
Scroll through decade by decade to investigate the richness and diversity of our poetry and prose, as well as the many social, cultural and political strands from which our language has been woven. The timeline includes a fascinating combination of texts: Anglo Saxon tales and medieval illuminations; iconic literary manuscripts and printed texts; as well as letters, newspapers, handbills, posters, charters, speeches and campaign leaflets.
Launch the interactive Flash timeline above, or explore the collections within each of the centuries below. Beowulf, Anglo Saxon monsters & more...
English Vocabulary. How to End an Email. You’ve worked to make your email clear, and you’ve carefully edited to streamline your writing.
The body of your email might well be perfect, but it can all go awry if you use the wrong sign-off. It’s just a word or a short phrase, followed by your signature, and yet finding the right tone to close your email often requires a surprising amount of thought and finesse. When you’re struggling with how to end an email, it’s best to consider the context. What works for a friend or close colleague won’t work in a strictly professional correspondence with a distant acquaintance or someone you’ve never met before.
7 Ways to Error Correct - ELT Connect. A Glossary of Blogging Terminology - A PDF Handout. Digital Journalist Survival Guide: A Glossary of Tech Terms You Should Know – Poynter. Back in January, we asked Jennifer 8.
Lee (a former member of Poynter's National Advisory Board) to write a short glossary for journalists on "how to talk tech.
" She wisely enlisted the Hacks/Hackers group, which aims to build relationships between programmers and journalists, to crowdsource the effort. We're publishing the results here. The most updated version of this glossary is on the Hacks/Hackers website. The days are over when a journalist could ignore those geeks in the corner who typed lines of code, worked on the website and spoke in a bizarre language populated with acronyms.
How does ‘Hamilton,’ the non stop, hip-hop Broadway sensation tap rap’s master rhymes to blur musical lines?
Why Do Americans and Brits Have Different Accents?
In 1776, whether you were declaring America independent from the crown or swearing your loyalty to King George III, your pronunciation would have been much the same.
At that time, American and British accents hadn't yet diverged. What's surprising, though, is that Hollywood costume dramas get it all wrong: The Patriots and the Redcoats spoke with accents that were much closer to the contemporary American accent than to the Queen's English. It is the standard British accent that has drastically changed in the past two centuries, while the typical American accent has changed only subtly.
Traditional English, whether spoken in the British Isles or the American colonies, was largely "rhotic.
" Rhotic speakers pronounce the "R" sound in such words as "hard" and "winter," while non-rhotic speakers do not.
Name Every Shade of the Rainbow With This 'Color Thesaurus'. Driving along the highway in Didcot, England, you may notice something strange: the road signs point the way to places like Neverland and Middle-earth.
The names of these and other fictional locales from literature were seamlessly added to road signs by an artist/prankster using Transport Medium, the official font of British road signs. After some sleuthing, BBC News found the man responsible, who spoke to the outlet on the condition of anonymity. He told the BBC that he's been orchestrating "creative interventions" all over England for about 20 years under different pseudonyms, and that this project was a reaction to Didcot being labeled "the most normal town in England" in 2017, which rubbed him the wrong way. "To me there's nowhere that's normal, there's no such thing, but I thought I'd have a go at changing people's perceptions of Didcot," he said of the town, which he describes as a "fun" and "funky" place.
Jackie Billington, Didcot's mayor, recognizes that the signs have an upside.
Words used to describe someone s personality - synonyms and related words. Addictive adjective someone who has an addictive personality becomes addicted to things very easily badass Americanvery informal ready to behave in an unpleasant way when necessary born.
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What will Future English be like?
Everyone Speaks Text Message. Illustration by The Heads of State Illustration by The Heads of State How do you spell “N'Ko” in N'Ko?
Why is English so weirdly different from other langu...
English speakers know that their language is odd. So do people saddled with learning it non-natively. The oddity that we all perceive most readily is its spelling, which is indeed a nightmare. In countries where English isn’t spoken, there is no such thing as a ‘spelling bee’ competition. For a normal language, spelling at least pretends a basic correspondence to the way people pronounce the words.
Hip hop vocabulary compared between artists. Matt Daniels compared rappers’ vocabularies to find out who knows the most words. Literary elites love to rep Shakespeare’s vocabulary: across his entire corpus, he uses 28,829 words, suggesting he knew over 100,000 words and arguably had the largest vocabulary, ever.I decided to compare this data point against the most famous artists in hip hop.
I used each artist’s first 35,000 lyrics. That way, prolific artists, such as Jay-Z, could be compared to newer artists, such as Drake. As two points of reference, Daniels also counted the number of unique words in the first 5,000 used words from seven of Shakespeare’s works and the number of uniques from the first 35,000 words of Herman Melville’s Moby-Dick. I’m not sure how much stock I would put into these literary comparisons though, because this is purely a keyword count.
How Dylan Thomas got playful with English grammar. Actor and artistic director Guy Masterson says the famous Welsh poet didn’t so much defy the rules of grammar as stretch them. Guy will be presenting at the next British Council seminar, live-streamed from London on 23 October 2014 as part of the Dylan Thomas Centenary Celebration. It is a joy for me as an actor to speak great words, be it a play, prose or poetry.
How Shakespearean are you?
The words of Shakespeare are still held, nearly 400 years after his death, to be some of the most poetic ever written and his influence on modern English is indisputable. Contributions such as pound of flesh (Merchant of Venice) and green-eyed monster (Othello) are fairly well-known, but did you know that he was the first person to use the adjectives misplaced (from King Lear) or neighbouring (Henry IV, Part 1); or the adverbs obscenely (Love’s Labour’s Lost) or out of work (Henry V)? These days we often hear accusations of the English language having been dumbed down, so it is interesting to compare English now to that used by Shakespeare. Grammar, punctuation, and spelling are now more standardized than in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, but can English today hold a candle to the Bard of Avon’s work? Enter some English text in the box below and click the button.
10 English words that are difficult to pronounce.
When you learn a foreign language, there are always certain sounds that are a challenge to get right and certain words that you must struggle to get your tongue around. With English, the erratic spelling system means that even if you have no trouble with the sounds themselves, you may often mispronounce words anyway.
Free English Level Test. Test Your Vocabulary. Welcome to the English for Uni Website!
My English Grammar. 10 Best Grammar Resources for Teachers - Grammarly Blog. Every day is a grammar day for teachers, but the whole world is invited to celebrate morphology and syntax on the fourth of March—National Grammar Day. Everyone loves a party, but how can you motivate students to embrace good grammar the other 364 days of the year?
These ten grammar resources might be just what you need. 1 Visual Aids If students visualize how grammar works, they will be able to understand sentence structure.
Accent Map. Placeholder names in English and other languages
If you follow politics, you will have noticed that politicians often invoke the cliché of the ‘man in the street’.
Theconversation. The Greatest Words and Phrases of 2015 - Anglophenia Ep 45. English Language & Usage Stack Exchange.
GrammarBook.com Mobile. Infographics about English Archives - Resources for English Language Learners and Teachers. 12 Awesome Language Resources for the Word Nerd. I’m an unabashed word nerd. I majored in English and have been a high school English teacher for almost 30 years. I run an online program helping homeschoolers develop writing skills, and I manage this wordy blog and a wordy Facebook page.
Video: what does 'pwn' mean?
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. 50 Common English Proverbs (Part I)
100 Popular Idioms (Part I)
« Tune Into English. British Slang. If you’re planning on visiting London in the future, you might just want to familiarise yourself with some British Slang expressions that are very commonly used by the British.
British Accents and Dialects. Wikimedia The United Kingdom is perhaps the most dialect-obsessed country in the world.
English Language: Short Guide to Key Difference Between American English and British English. English news and easy articles for students of English. 12 Horrible Gobbledygook Words We Reluctantly Accepted.
Just as there is nothing certain in this world but death and taxes, there is nothing certain in language but that it will change, and that people will react badly.
Newswordy: Words. Figures of speech. Synonyms for the 96 most commonly used words in English. Amazing — incredible, unbelievable, improbable, fabulous, wonderful, fantastic, astonishing, astounding, extraordinary. Find the Perfect Word for Your Feelings with This Vocabulary Wheel.
Reverse Dictionary. Anagram Genius - fun anagrams and anagram software. Search for Words. Knoword - Expand your vocabulary. English: what you need to know about the language. Find Similar or Opposite words at WordHippo. Vocabulary.com - Learn Words - English Dictionary. Wordnik. Find Synonyms and Antonyms of Words at Thesaurus.com. Reference.com - A Free Online Encyclopedia & Information Reference. Find the Meanings and Definitions of Words at Dictionary.com. The meanings and origins of sayings and phrases. Home : Oxford English Dictionary.
American Slang Dictionary. Dictionary of English slang and colloquialisms of the UK. Longman English Dictionary Online. Word Spy. Free online Dictionary of English Pronunciation - How to Pronounce English words. Scrabble Dictionary, Word Builder, Score Sheets and More.
Word Information - an English dictionary about English vocabulary words and etymologies derived primarily from Latin and Greek word origins. Urban Dictionary, January 5: Sadghetti. List of Cliches. Pseudodictionary: the dictionary for words that wouldn’t make it into a real dictionary. 80 Million Tiny Images. Thesaurus English. Phrase Thesaurus - ideas generator for writers. RhymeZone rhyming dictionary and thesaurus. Pathfinders. Just The Word. ESL Crossword Puzzles. English idioms. English idioms2. WordLo: Free Online Terminology Tools. Find the Right Words - Words To Use.
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