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English Timeline

English Timeline
This interactive timeline allows you to explore the evolution of English language and literature, from the 11th century to the present day. Scroll through decade by decade to investigate the richness and diversity of our poetry and prose, as well as the many social, cultural and political strands from which our language has been woven. The timeline includes a fascinating combination of texts: Anglo Saxon tales and medieval illuminations; iconic literary manuscripts and printed texts; as well as letters, newspapers, handbills, posters, charters, speeches and campaign leaflets. Launch the interactive Flash timeline above, or explore the collections within each of the centuries below. Beowulf, Anglo Saxon monsters & more... The beginnings of Middle English & more...

Related:  Timeline tools and resources.English languageRessouces pédagogiquesEnglish - Misc

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One Language, Many Voices - Accents and dialects Short description: Recordings in this collection can be played by anyone. This selection of recordings documents the way that people define their own accent. The collection, created between November 2010 and April 2011 by visitors to the British Library exhibition, Evolving English: One Language, Many Voices includes descriptions of accents influenced by geography, education, friends, family, occupation, social class and the media. Each person was asked to say where they thought their accent came from, including whatever information they thought was relevant. Long description:

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Storytelling on film Introduction Story is at the heart of any good film. Special effects, setting, stars – unless there is a good story to be told – are meaningless. Traditionally, stories were passed down from generation to generation by the storyteller – someone whose job it was to share the stories which help us to make sense of our world. No-deal Brexit: 10 ways it could affect you Image copyright Getty Images Prime Minister Boris Johnson has vowed to leave the EU "come what may" by the 31 October - the date the UK must depart if no deal has been reached. An extra £2.1bn of funding has been announced to prepare for such a no-deal Brexit.
