Ressources et documentation sur la création de blogs/sites web
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> Création de blog/ site web
Weebly 2013 - Introduction tutorial to Create a Free Website. Creating Blogs and Websites. This page is where you can find resources related to my presentations about creating effective blogs and websites to complement instruction.
10 Excellent Platforms to Create your Classroom Website and Blog. There are several web platforms that allows users to easily create their website in a matter of minutes.
We have handpicked a list of the most popular platforms to start with. Check them out below and if you have other suggestions, share them with us in the comment form below. Enjoy Platforms to create websites for your class 1- Google Sites This is by far our favourite and anyone with a Google account have access to it. 2- Weebly for Education This is another popular platform for creating websites. 3- Webs Webs has a solid site builder that allows users to set up a website in as few clicks as possible.
10 Ways for Teachers & Students to Build Websites. The lines between blogging platforms, website platforms, and wiki platforms are not always clear.
I have a somewhat simplistic explanation that I give to teachers who don't have a web presence yet, but want to create one for their professional work. Here's the explanation: websites are good for providing a static resource of information, blogs are good for frequent updates and communication, and a wiki is great for collaborating on the creation of a reference site. For the teacher who wants to create a website, here are ten good platforms to try. If you already have a Google Account, Google Sites is already available to you.
Just select it from the menu of services that you're not using. Weebly was one of the first website building tools that I played around with when I got started on my technology integration journey.
By Request - A Comparison of 5 Tools for Building Classroom Websites. 5 Blog Platforms for Teachers Compared In One Chart. Maintaining a blog is my first suggestion whenever I am asked to give a recommendation for a good way to keep parents informed about what is happening in classrooms.
The blog can be updated by teachers or by students and teachers. To help teachers decide which blogging platform could be best for them and their students, I created the following chart. The chart compares eight key elements of five common blogging platforms. You can download this chart as a PDF through this link or click here to see it as a Google Document. This is the eighth comparison chart in the series of PDFs that I have been creating in the hopes that they provide people with a quick way to select the best tools for them.
Free photos for education. Comment optimiser son site Web en 10 points. L’optimisation de votre site Web est incontestablement l’un des éléments majeurs qui participe à la qualité de votre présence en ligne et à sa visibilité sur Google.
Un contenu de qualité est un des éléments essentiels. Il sera apprécié par votre cible et attirera nécessairement de plus en plus de visiteurs. Il participera de plus au bon référencement de votre site ou de votre blog. Nous vous proposons donc ici 10 astuces pour optimiser votre site Web que vous pouvez retrouver sur l’infographie ci-dessous. #1 – Utilisez des titres brefs, clairs & explicites Il faut dans la mesure du possible choisir des titres courts : « Simplification des démarches des entreprises en matière de transfert de données à l’étranger » devient par exemple :« Transfert de données à l’étranger : démarches simplifiées ».
Le caractère informatif doit cependant être privilégié au détriment de la longueur du titre. Le mieux bien évidemment est d’être informatif tout en restant concis. #3 – Faites des phrases courtes. Blogueur_ok-4-2.pdf. Create a Teaching Blog! sur Pinterest. Open Professionals Education Network. CC licensed (BY) Flickr photo shared by David Amsler modified by Paul Stacey Reusing existing Open Educational Resources (OER) can save significant time and effort.
The OPEN partners recommend TAACCCT grantees invest up-front time finding OER to reuse rather than starting development of new educational resources right away. A significant benefit of OER is that they provide source material to build your development efforts around. No need to invest development effort in creating something that already exists. OER come in a wide variety of types.
The page below will help you find openly licensed media elements to use within your courses. OER also exist as distinctly education content such as full courses, workshops, textbooks, tests and assessments. The page below will help you find openly licensed education content you can use in whole or in part. It is unlikely that you will find OER that perfectly fit your needs.
Open Educational Resources are distributed across the Internet.
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