5 Things to Know about How Climate Change Impacts the World. Rating: 5.0/5 (1 vote cast) Today leading science experts released the latest United Nations report on the impacts of climate change around the world.
As the Associated Press reported: “The big risks and overall effects of global warming are far more immediate and local than scientists once thought. It’s not just about melting ice, threatened animals and plants. Www-wds.worldbank.org/external/default/WDSContentServer/WDSP/IB/2014/06/20/000456286_20140620100846/Rendered/PDF/889080WP0v10RE0Smart0Development0Ma.pdf. Tackling Climate Change Would Grow Global Economy. According to a new study by the World Bank Group, climate change action could add as much as $2.6 trillion to the global economy through ocean preservation, energy efficiency and other climate-smart policies.
The report focuses on five large countries – Brazil, China, India, Mexico, and the United States – plus the European Union. It found that a shift to low-carbon transport and improved energy efficiency in factories, buildings and appliances could increase global growth in gross domestic product (GDP) by an extra $1.8 trillion, or 1.5%, a year by 2030. If financing and technology investment increased, global GDP could grow by an additional $2.6 trillion, or 2.2%, a year by 2030. These interventions should seem like no-brainers to governments around the world. 4 Climate Change Myths, Debunked. Ghana, Burkina Faso and Kenya Wise-Up to Climate Change. THE climate change phenomenon and how best countries can mitigate the impacts or adapt to them continues to be a priority issue of concern worldwide.
Of particular concern to the international community is the high level of vulnerability of African countries to climate change. This is because their economies, which are mostly natural resources based (agriculture, mining, fishing, etc.) are highly sensitive to climate change and climate variability. Bad Climate for Global Warming - Joshua Green - Politics. Last week, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies announced that 2010 had registered as the hottest year on record.
Nothing new here: nine of the last 10 years have been among the warmest ever. The news highlighted one of Washington's biggest failures over the last two years: its inability to advance climate legislation. It was also a grim reminder that things could get worse. Some crucial policy areas have always been neglected and some initiatives stalled. Home.
Teaching Climate Change to Skeptics. A few years ago, Joseph B.
Lassiter traveled to San Francisco, Houston, and New York to hold discussions with Harvard alumni on the topic of business and the environment. Heaviest rains in 60 years kill 37 in Beijing. A campaign, a competition, and a community that cares about climate change. Reforestation. The Great Carbon Bubble – EoVadis Ltd. >> Feb 22, 2012 If we could see the world with a particularly illuminating set of spectacles, one of its most prominent features at the moment would be a giant carbon bubble, whose bursting someday will make the housing bubble of 2007 look like a lark.
As yet—as we shall see—it’s unfortunately largely invisible to us.In compensation, though, we have some truly beautiful images made possible by new technology. Last month, for instance, NASA updated the most iconic photograph in our civilization’s gallery: “Blue Marble,” originally taken from Apollo 17 in 1972. The spectacular new high-def image shows a picture of the Americas on January 4, a good day for snapping photos because there weren’t many clouds. It was also a good day because of the striking way it could demonstrate to us just how much the planet has changed in forty years.
In fact, it’s likely that the week that photo was taken will prove “the driest first week in recorded US history.” Source: Clesias. THE FUCKING WEATHER. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Naomi Klein: Why Climate Change Is So Threatening to Right-Wing Ideologues. U.S.-China Collaboration on Sustainable Urbanization. This post originally appeared on the ChinaFAQs website.
A group of government officials from China traveled on a study tour in the United States last week. The tour, hosted by the World Resources Institute, focused on low carbon development. The delegation was led by Director General Su Wei of the Department of Climate Change from China’s National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), who is China’s chief negotiator on climate change and a key decision maker for low-carbon development initiatives. The tour passed through WRI’s office in Washington, D.C., to conduct a workshop on low-carbon development. The event began with a signing of a memorandum of understanding between NDRC, China’s main planning agency, and WRI to work together on low carbon city development and related issues. China currently faces many environmental challenges, including mounting concern over air quality, greenhouse gas emissions, and scarcity of water, energy and other resources.
Global Warming, Climate Change, Ecosystems, Sustainable Markets, Good Governance & the Environment. City goes back to school on climate change » Local News. NEWBURYPORT — Some city leaders went back to school this week in an attempt to learn skills in dealing with climate change — and working with each other.
A "Climate Change Exercise" was conducted at the high school Thursday and hosted by the city's planning department and a department at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The two-hour event was facilitated by Professor Larry Susskind, who heads the Science Impact Collaborative at MIT. Close to two-dozen participants focused on an urban problem created by climate change. The role-playing exercise did not reference Newburyport, but Susskind's opening remarks did have a ring of reality.
"I was recently in Vermont and looked at the incredible damage created by river overflow after Hurricane Irene," Susskind said.