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Brands. Photos - Your photos have a story to tell. Vos photos racontent une histoire Immortalisez vos instants les plus précieux, puis admirez les histoires créées sous forme d'animations, de films, etc.

Photos - Your photos have a story to tell

Des souvenirs qui prennent vie Avec Google+ Photos, transformez instantanément vos photos en de magnifiques histoires, films et animations. Créez des Effets automatiques Importez une séquence de cinq photos ou plus : elles seront transformées en GIF animé. C'est magique ! Des films de qualité professionnelle Les photos et vidéos d'un même événement sont instantanément transformées en un film de qualité professionnelle, avec bande-son. Revivez l'histoire dans ses moindres détails Vos plus belles photos et vidéos sont rassemblées en une séquence chronologique et interactive, avec indication des lieux que vous avez visités.

Capturez l'ensemble de la scène Importez au moins deux photos pour obtenir un magnifique panorama parfaitement assemblé. Hangouts – Google Hangouts. Start a video call - Hangouts Help. To start a video call, you'll need to check that you have all of the equipment, software, or plugins you need.

Start a video call - Hangouts Help

Before you start your first video call Check the system requirements for Hangouts. Make sure you have the latest software for your webcam. For the best video quality, put a light source behind your camera so you're well-lit. Webcams don't work well in low-light situations. If you're using a Chrome browser, you don't need a Hangouts plugin. If your company uses Google Apps, you may still need to download and install the latest version of the Hangouts plugin to make video calls using Chrome. When you try to start a video call for the first time, you'll see a message underneath the address bar asking for permission to access your computer's mic and camera. If you deny access the first time but want to allow it later, you can change the setting during a video call: In the video call, go to the address bar in the Chrome browser.

Start a video call Open Hangouts in Gmail or Google+. Hangout button - Google+ Platform. The Hangout button lets you launch a Google+ Hangout directly from your site.

Hangout button - Google+ Platform

When you use the button, you can set up the Hangout in a variety of configurations. For example, you can specify Hangout apps that launch along with the Hangout and setup the Hangout as a regular Hangout or a Hangout On Air. You can customize the Hangout button to meet the needs of your website by modifying the button size, loading the button when the page loads, or selectively showing the button using JavaScript. Use of the Hangout button is subject to the Buttons Policy. Jellyfish – not really a fish! Did you know that Jellyfish are not really a fish?

Jellyfish – not really a fish!

You see Jellyfish do not have a heart so they are not counted as "real" fishes. The Jellyfish body is composed of two layers – inside and outside layers and most of its body contain water. Actually about 94%~98% of the Jellyfish body is water. For centuries the Jellyfish was not considered as an animal, at first people though it is a planet. In the 18th century it was considered as a hybrid planet-animal creature and only in the 19th century it was declared as an animal. Today sciences believe that the Jellyfish ancestor was some kind of a worm that lived in the water over600 million years ago!

About 540 million years ago some of this worm children turned Bi - lateral, with a symmetrical body geometry and a preferred mobility and orientation ability. Therefore, despite their name Jellyfish were diverged from fish's ancestor too early to actually be considered as fish. Some items with my Jellyfish picture:

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