Simonopetra Monastery Monks - Polyeleos, Psalm 135. Psalm 135 - Πσαλμός 135 -Pl. 1st, Pl. 2nd, Grave, Pl. 4th Tone. Εξομολογεισθε τω Κυριω - O Give Thanks-Psalm 135-Plagal 1st Tone. Polyeleos, Psalm 135. Psalms 135 Greek OT: Septuagint with Diacritics. Psalm 135 Transliteration and Translation. Septuagint Greek; Psalm 135 in Greek. Paraklesis. Psalm 83. Theotokion. GreekOrthodox's Channel. Byzantine dance music, playlist.
Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America.