Ancient Egyptian Music - Song of Isis - Goddess of Peace from the CD Tears of Isis. Goddess Isis. Nehes prayer to Isis « Star Of Seshat. Isis. Ancient Egyptian Music - Tears of Isis from the CD Tears of Isis. Isis Magic : Rituals : The Opening of the Ways. Thrice-Greatest Hermes, Vol. 3: I. Excerpts by Stobæus: Excerpt XXVII. From the Sermon of Isis to Horus. Sacred Texts Gnosticism and Hermetica Index Previous Next Buy this Book at Thrice-Greatest Hermes, Vol. 3, by G.R.S.
Mead, [1906], at p. 188 (Patrizzi (p. 34b) runs this on to the last without a break. Text: Stob., Phys., xli. 68, 69, under heading, “Of Hermes: A Sermon of Isis to Horus”; G. pp. 476-481; M. i. 342-352; W. i. 458-472. Ménard: Livre III., No. iii. of “Fragments,” etc., as above, pp. 209-221.) 1. 1 In wondrous fashion—(Horus said)—hast thou explained to me, most mighty mother Isis, the details of God’s wondrous soul-making, and I remain in wonder; but not as yet hast thou told me whereto the souls when freed from body go. 2. Give ear, my son; most indispensable is this. Legends of the Gods, The Egyptian Texts: The Legend of the Death of Horus: II.
Sacred Texts Egypt Index Previous Next p. 156 p. 157 48.
I am Isis, [and] I have come forth from the dwelling (or, prison) wherein my brother Set placed me. 49. Behold the god Thoth, the great god, the Chief of Maat 1 [both] in heaven and on the earth, said unto me, "Come now, O Isis, thou goddess, moreover it is a good thing to hearken, 2 [for there is] life to one who shall be guided [by the advice] of another. Hide thou thyself with [thy] son the child, 50 and there shall come unto him these things. I came forth [from the dwelling] at the time of evening, and there came forth the Seven Scorpions 51 which were to accompany me and to strike(?) Thrice-Greatest Hermes, Vol. 1: IX. Plutarch: Concerning the Mysteries of Isis and Osiris: Foreword. Sacred Texts Gnosticism and Hermetica Index Previous Next Buy this Book at
Thrice-Greatest Hermes, Vol. 1: IX. Plutarch: Concerning the Mysteries of Isis and Osiris: The True Initiates of Isis. Sacred Texts Gnosticism and Hermetica Index Previous Next Buy this Book at
The Legend Of Ra And Isis. Sacred Texts Egypt Index Previous Next Now Isis was a woman who possessed words of power; her heart was wearied with the millions of men, and she chose the millions of the gods, but she esteemed more highly the millions of the khu's.
And she meditated in her heart, saying, "Cannot I by means of the sacred name of God make myself mistress of the earth and become a goddess like unto {p. xc} Legend of Ra and Isis. "Ra in heaven and upon earth? " The holy god opened his mouth and said, "I was passing along my path, and I was going through the two regions of my lands according to my heart's desire, to see that which I had created, when lo! {p. xci} his mother,' from whom spring the delights of love. Then said Isis unto Ra, "What thou hast said is not thy name. Thus we see that even to the great god Ra were attributed all the weakness and frailty of mortal man; and that "gods" and "goddesses" were classed with beasts and reptiles, which could die and perish.
Plutarch's Morals: Theosophical Essays: On Isis and Osiris. Sacred Texts Classics Plutarch Index Previous Next Buy this Book at Plutarch's Morals: Theosophical Essays, tr. by Charles William King, [1908], at p. 1 All good things, O Clea, it behoves persons that have sense to solicit from the gods.
But more especially now that we are in quest of the knowledge of themselves (so far as such knowledge is attainable by man), do we pray to obtain the same from them with their own consent: inasmuch as there is nothing more important for a man to receive, or more noble for a god to grant, than Truth. "Both have one source, and both one country bore, But Jove was first born, and his knowledge more. " The Burden of Isis: The Laments of Isis and Nephthys. Sacred Texts Egypt Index Previous Next p. 20 INVOCATION concerning the glorious things done by the two goddesses of the temple of Osiris, Khent-Amentit, 1 the great God of Abydos; performed in the 4th summer month, 25th day; likewise to be performed in every shrine of Osiris at every one of his Heb-festivals. 2 Glorify his soul!
Establish his dead body! Praise his spirit! Orpheus: Myths of the World: Egyptian: Osiris and Isis. Sacred Texts Misc Index Previous Next p. 3 Click to enlargeOsiris and Isis When Osiris reigned death was not in the land.
Arms were not in men's hands; there were not any wars. From end to end of the land music sounded; men and women spoke so sweetly and out of such depth of feeling that all they said was oratory and poetry. Osiris taught men and women wisdom and he taught them all the arts. Isis, Egyptian Goddess of Magic and Life. Isis, the Egyptian goddess of rebirth remains one of the most familiar images of empowered and utter femininity.
The goddess Isis was the first daughter of Geb, god of the Earth, and Nut, the goddess of the Overarching Sky. Isis was born on the first day between the first years of creation, and was adored by her human followers. Unlike the other Egyptian goddesses, the goddess Isis spent time among her people, teaching women how to grind corn and make bread, spin flax and weave cloth, and how to tame men enough to live with them (an art form on which many of us would welcome a refresher course!) Goddess Symbols: Isis symbols and myths.