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Recherche / Curation / Vérification

Facebook Twitter WHOIS Search. First Draft News - Your guide to navigating eyewitness media, from discovery to verification. Conflict News. Curator. @joelmatriche » Le blog de jo. Comment déterminer/vérifier à quelle heure a, approximativement, été prise une photo?

@joelmatriche » Le blog de jo

Une technique utilisée en fact checking qui nécessite au minimum de connaître le jour de la prise de vue et bien sûr, l'endroit exact. Attention, les heures ne sont qu'approximatives, je suis persuadé que la technique pourrait être améliorée, que des corrections pourraient notamment être apportées pour tenir compte de l'angle de la prise de vue. C'est donc un "work in progress", toute suggestion est la bienvenue.

Dans les commentaires ou via Twitter ( @joelmatriche). Pourquoi vouloir déterminer l'heure à laquelle une photo a été prise? L'objectif est donc, en analysant les ombres portées par un objet ou un bâtiment, de déterminer l'heure approximative à laquelle le cliché à été pris. Pas de zone de guerre pour cet exemple mais une vue satellite de la place du Marché, à Liège, visible sur Google Earth. SunCalc - sun position, sunlight phases, sunrise, sunset, dusk and dawn times calculator. SunCalc is a little app that shows sun movement and sunlight phases during the given day at the given location.

SunCalc - sun position, sunlight phases, sunrise, sunset, dusk and dawn times calculator

You can see sun positions at sunrise, specified time and sunset. The thin orange curve is the current sun trajectory, and the yellow area around is the variation of sun trajectories during the year. The closer a point is to the center, the higher is the sun above the horizon. The colors on the time slider above show sunlight coverage during the day. Please leave your ideas about improving SunCalc or vote for them here, and follow @suncalc_net for updates. Plateforme de veille Twitter. BBC News Labs - Who's talking about what. Keepr - news search engine - from:cnnbrk OR from:breakingnews OR from:bbcbreaking OR from:AP+BREAKING: OR from:ReutersLive OR from:AJELive OR from:AFP+#BREAKING.

Creepy. Search Operators - Google Search Tips - LibGuides at MIT Libraries. Google Search Operators. The following table lists the search operators that work with each Google search service.

Google Search Operators

Click on an operator to jump to its description — or, to read about all of the operators, simply scroll down and read all of this page. The following is an alphabetical list of the search operators. This list includes operators that are not officially supported by Google and not listed in Google’s online help. Each entry typically includes the syntax, the capabilities, and an example. Advanced Search. Whois Lookup, Domain Availability & IP Search - DomainTools. Verification Handbook: homepage. Craig Silverman is the founder of Emergent, a real-time rumor tracker and debunker.

Verification Handbook: homepage

He was a fellow with the Tow Center for Digital Journalism at Columbia University, and is a leading expert on media errors, accuracy and verification. Craig is also the founder and editor of Regret the Error, a blog about media accuracy and the discipline of verification that is now a part of the Poynter Institute. He edited the Verification Handbook, previously served as director of content for Spundge, and helped launch OpenFile, an online local news startup that delivered community-driven reporting in six Canadian cities. Craig is also the former managing editor of PBS MediaShift and has been a columnist for The Globe And Mail, Toronto Star, and Columbia Journalism Review. He tweets at @craigsilverman. Rina Tsubaki leads and manages the "Verification Handbook" and "Emergency Journalism" initiatives at the European Journalism Centre in the Netherlands.

Media Diplomat - Connecting reporters with news sources internationally. Geofeedia - Search & Monitor Social Media by Location. Verification Junkie. Twitter users with "etat islamique" in their profiles. 18 outils gratuits pour optimiser votre veille sur les réseaux sociaux. Twitter Sheep. Using an IP lookup service you can find the whereabouts of a computer or router, the owner and the name of the computer.

For example, you can use IP Address Lookup to make sure an individual is located where they say they are in order to avoid fraud. It is sometimes useful to know whether somebody is contacting you from the USA, the UK, Nigeria or China for example. Newspaper Map. CC Search. IntelliTamper Download. IntelliTamper is a tiny but very practical tool that you can use to scan a website in order to reveal all its files and folders, including the unlisted ones.

IntelliTamper Download

Easy-to-trigger actions The interface is extremely simple to use. Write the name of the website in the address bar and hit the Enter button. IntelliTamper thoroughly scans and displays all contents found on that particular website (including extra links) in alphabetical order (the program uses a dictionary). Website scan results. Whois Lookup, Domain Availability & IP Search - DomainTools. Internet Archive: Wayback Machine. Gallery View. Getting started — storytracker 0.2.0 documentation. PlagSpotter - Free Duplicate Content Checking Tool. Factbrowser - The Research Discovery Engine. Recueillir des données sur le Web. Recueillir des données sur le Web Vous avez tout essayé, et vous n’êtes toujours pas parvenu à mettre la main sur les données que vous voulez.

Recueillir des données sur le Web

Vous avez trouvé les données sur le web, mais hélas – aucune option de téléchargement n’est disponible et le copier-coller montre ses limites. N’ayez crainte, il y a toujours un moyen d’extraire les données. Vous pouvez par exemple tenter les actions suivantes. Obtenir les données par l’intermédiaire d’une API web, telles que les interfaces fournies par les bases de données en ligne et de nombreuses applications web modernes (comme Twitter, Facebook et bien d’autres).