What you need to know before marrying an EHR - Jongis. Still, fueled by the incentive programs and other initiatives, EHR adoption in the US has increased significantly over the last few years, but ‘surprisingly’ the percentage of buyers who replace their existing EHR is also increasing, reaching 40% in Q1 2014 according to systems advisory group Softwareadvice.
Another report from KLAS has stated that almost 50% of large hospitals plan to change their EHR by 2016. Knowing that switching to a new EHR involves huge costs, some might be wondering why this trend is rising at such a great pace, well the answer is simple: The majority of EHRs are slow, outdated and absolutely NOT user-friendly. Some of the most widely deployed EHRs give you the experience of a 90’s system, they have an incredibly complex interface, include an unacceptable number of errors, they can’t integrate or communicate with other healthcare systems and with all these limitations they still cost a fortune to adopt.
P3: Toward Privacy-Preserving Photo Sharing. With increasing use of mobile devices, photo sharing services are experiencing greater popularity.
Aside from providing storage, photo sharing services enable bandwidth-efficient downloads to mobile devices by performing server-side image transformations (resizing, cropping). On the flip side, photo sharing services have raised privacy concerns such as leakage of photos to unauthorized viewers and the use of algorithmic recognition technologies by providers. To address these concerns, we propose a privacy-preserving photo encoding algorithm that extracts and encrypts a small, but significant, component of the photo, while preserving the remainder in a public, standards-compatible, part. These two components can be separately stored. This technique significantly reduces the accuracy of automated detection and recognition on the public part, while preserving the ability of the provider to perform server-side transformations to conserve download bandwidth usage.
CNDA - Autres domaines d'activité. INS compatibilité : Liste des logiciels référencés pour le calcul de l'INS-C. HIDE™: Health Information DE-identification. Project Overview Health informatics is receiving a tremendous amount of attention nationally and locally, as a strategic area of technological development in the 21st century.
Recent provisions of standardization of health care transactions will make it faster and easier to share health information. However, such data sharing has been stymied by restrictions of the privacy, security and quality of the data. The HIDE project aims to develop a configurable and integrated Health Information DE-identification (HIDE™) framework for publishing and sharing health data while preserving data privacy.
MIST: The MITRE Identification Scrubber Toolkit. Raaj.pdf. EHR4CR%20-%20April%209%20-%20Claerhout.pdf. Cozy, a personal cloud you can hack, host and delete. Logiciels d'Aide à la Prescription hospitaliers certifiés selon le référentiel de la HAS. Paroles d'Experts Internet Santé. Open Source Electronic Health Record Alliance Joins Open Source Initiative. Association highlights growth of open source software across industries and sectors Dec. 17, 2014 - PALO ALTO, Calif. -- The Open Source Electronic Heath Records Alliance, or OSEHRA, a non-profit community dedicated to supporting open source users, developers, service providers, and researchers engaged in advancing health information technology, has joined the Open Source Initiative's (OSI) Affiliate Membership program.
OSI Affiliates are organizations committed to public support for open source software and the role the OSI plays therein.
Test drive: IBM Watson Analytics free beta. There are lots of free data visualization and analysis tools out there -- so many that's it's getting tough to keep up with them all.
But in an increasingly crowded field, it's hard not to pay attention when a service with the cachet of IBM's Watson joins the fray. Watson Analytics aims to bring natural language understanding to data work. That means you don't need to structure a proper query in some specialized language to find relationships and patterns in your data; likewise, there's no need for knowledge of statistics to decide what results are significant and which are just noise.
Instead, the system does all that in the background for you. La plus grande communauté pour les médecins en Europe - DocCheck. Survey Analysis: Customers Rate Their BI Platform Vendor, 2014. Analyst(s): Rita L.
Sallam, Josh Parenteau Customer Experience and Plans for the Future While platform ease of use and product functionality are key buying criteria, customers also care about their overall customer experience. For the purpose of this research, we measure this as product quality, customer support and sales experience. Figures 3 and 4 show that these measures for both Magic Quadrant and "other" vendors also have a relationship to how customers view a vendor's future. Vendors in the upper right-hand quadrant of each figure that have orange dots are above average in all three measures. A number of "other" vendors such as Kofax (Altosoft), Dimensional Insight, Phocas, Chartio and Dundas scored positively on customer experience, but customers are concerned about their future. Figure 3.
Accueil. SQLI - Spécialiste de la transformation digitale des entreprises. A Docker Image for Graph Analytics on Neo4j with Apache Spark GraphX.
I've just released a useful new Docker image for graph analytics on a Neo4j graph database with Apache Spark GraphX.
This image deploys a container with Apache Spark and uses GraphX to perform ETL graph analysis on subgraphs exported from Neo4j.
StartUp Health NOW, Episode #12. Snips, a pocket brain for your daily life. Applications mobile de santé - Médicale. ScoringData. Rancho BioSciences. Rancho BioSciences curates public and private datasets and imports these datasets into a variety of databases.
As an example of this utility, the following public studies, taken from NCBI’s Gene Expression Omnibus related to oncology, inflammation and asthma have been manually curated by Rancho BioSciences and deposited into a publically available tranSMART instance for the tranSMART Foundation. Our goal is to work with partners to provide more manually curated data sets and to put them in to the public domain. To get the ball rolling we are donating the following GEO data sets that have been manually curated, organized and are available to download FREE of charge. If you are interested in collaborating on other data sets public or internal please contact Oncology.
2014AM Bryant SponsorPresentation. Les Solutions DotRiver — DotRiver, disruptive desktop technology. Soirée 333 - Novealis. Nos solutions. 2014AM Smith LessonsLearned tranSMART ReleaseProcess. 2014AM Guitton tranSMARTEcosystem. Clinical Trial Software for Electronic Data Capture. Faites la connaissance des adeptes des Big Data. Faites la connaissance des adeptes des Big Data. Careers. Careers We believe in fostering a culture where smart and creative people can thrive.
Current Openings. Oryon Portable - OSINTINSIGHT. Collaborative Economy Honeycomb 2 –Watch it Grow. Above Image: Honeycomb 2.0, click and access multiple sizes stored on Flickr, Please share widely, with attribution, non-commercially.
The first version had six industries –now it’s twelve I’ll be releasing this graphic on stage tomorrow at LeWeb conference in Paris, on a session called 2015: The Year of the Crowd. Seven months ago, in May 2014, we published the first version of the Collaborative Economy Honeycomb, which is also embedded at the bottom of this post.
How Can Digital Health Startups Work With Health Insurers And Big Pharma?
Exponential Medicine. Navigation Watch a Brief Day Three Recap.
L'artiste Milo Moiré en démonstration à l'Art Basel - Photos. DSI : construire sa stratégie de veille - Atout DSI. La veille est devenue une activité que les DSI peuvent difficilement négliger, qu’il s’agisse de surveiller leur propre secteur de compétence ou d’intervenir en support à d’autres services au sein de l’entreprise.
L’erreur classique consiste à vouloir trop en faire, trop vite, trop cher, trop compliqué, et à ne pas adopter une stratégie du petit pas. La stratégie du petit pas. Swiss cloud hosting. Framasoft - Logiciels Libres. Home - Maincare Solutions, solutions et services informatiques pour services de santé. EDI : Echanges électroniques professionnels - Vos projets - Enovacom. En s’appuyant sur sa solution ENOVACOM Suite V2 (Antares V2), ENOVACOM est devenu en dix ans la référence et le leader français pour la gestion des flux électroniques métiers des structures de santé. Partenaires. Développement : Les Partenaires Gold Certified ont une relation privilégiée avec Microsoft.
Logiciel d'anesthésie - Feuille d'anesthésie informatisée. Dossier médical informatisé, logiciel de gestion du dossier médical en ligne : Emed. Global Imaging On Line. Lancement d'une banque de données française dédiée aux tumeurs du système nerveux central. Nenobase, la première banque de données française dédiée aux tumeurs du système nerveux central, a été lancée officiellement le 28 novembre, a annoncé le CHRU de Nancy dans un communiqué. Ce lancement marque le début de la phase expérimentale de NenoBase, indique le communiqué.
Cloud4health. 14 essential security stories you need to know. When it comes to keeping your enterprise systems secure your protection is only as good as its weakest link. DDoS attacks, spammers, malware writers, bandits and criminal gangs are working hard to undermine your protection and the battle never ends.
Here are some reports from the frontline fight to keep IT secure.
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Averbis. Averbis. Sophia Genetics. SCAI: Fraunhofer-Institut für Algorithmen und Wissenschaftliches Rechnen SCAI. Averbis. Des images médicales libres de droits. Data Analysis and Statistical Software. Mon dossier médical. PALANTE - Home - PALANTE. Outils de veille et de curation. Build Reactive Applications on the JVM. Distributed SQL database with linear scalability.