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Monsanto & all that's bad.

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Het verband tussen neoliberalisme en het aantal mensen met psychische problemen - Gezondheid. Committee of 300 Member List. Abdullah II, King of Jordan Abramovich, Roman Ackermann, Josef Adeane, Edward Agius, Marcus Ahtisaari, Martti Akerson, Daniel Albert II, King of Belgium Alexander, Crown Prince of Yugoslavia Amato, Giuliano Anderson, Carl A.

Committee of 300 Member List

Monsanto Hides Toxicity Test Results on RoundUp, Calling them ‘Commercial’ Secret. Christina Sarich Talking about Monsanto’s latest attempt to obstruct justice, halt transparency, and prevent people from stopping their seed and herbicide businesses from spreading is starting to seem redundant, but the company just keeps acting in increasingly objectionable ways.

Monsanto Hides Toxicity Test Results on RoundUp, Calling them ‘Commercial’ Secret

Now, the company is refusing to release to the public lab tests conducted in St. Louis, Missouri, which gave them authority to use glyphosate in China. Just months ago, Chinese food safety volunteers tendered a request to China’s Ministry of Agriculture to release the study that justified issuing the safety certificate for the import into China of Monsanto’s glyphosate-based herbicide RoundUp. Glyphosate was given a safety certificate in 1988 after studies submitted by Monsanto were conducted at Younger Laboratories in St.

Bilderberg Agenda Revealed! 1/3 - BILDERBERG EXPOSED in EU Parliament Press Conference: Mario Borghezio MEP, Daniel Estulin. Fascinating graphics show who owns all the major brands in the world. Could This Be The End Of The Elites? Obama, Queen Elizabeth II, The Vatican!! (Stunning Video) Jon Rappoport's Blog. Inspiratie voor meer strijd tegen dwangarbeid. Stanford-gevangenisexperiment. Rosa Koire: Agenda 21. Open Mind Conference 2013. 10 Signs The Global Elite Are Losing Control. Karma is coming for the elite in a big way.

10 Signs The Global Elite Are Losing Control

Anonymous - Do You See What I See. Photos du journal. Schokkend: superrijken ontduiken voor 21 biljoen (!) aan belasting. Photos du journal. Bilderberg.jpg (3434×2959) Corporate Connection v.2, 2003. Ned-vertaling-van-oppt-lawfully-forecloses-corporations-door-andred.pdf. Home. The illuminati Bilderberg Group Documentary. A Few Important Things To Remember The Next Time A Cop Pulls You Over. Nullify NSA! Trade isn’t working. There is an alternative. You can help us get there. Quote Woody Harrelson. 12 Corporate Espionage Tactics Used Against Progressive Groups, Activists and Whistleblowers. A Moral Question. 9 Toxins to Remove from your Life. Power robs the brain of empathy. Researchers have some new insights into how power diminishes a person's capacity for empathy.

Power robs the brain of empathy

According to scientists, a sense of power shuts down a part of the brain that helps us connect with others. For their study that builds on past information about how the brain operates, the researchers found that even the smallest bit of power - for instance from a job promotion or more money - can shut down our ability to empathize with others.

Anthony Sutton On 'Skull And Bones,' US Banks Financing Hitler, And 'Trance-Formation' Rechtszaak tegen Plasterk om NSA-spionage. Foto: ANP De groep daagt de Staat daarom voor de rechter.

Rechtszaak tegen Plasterk om NSA-spionage

Minister Ronald Plasterk van Binnenlandse Zaken moet op 27 november het beleid van de Nederlandse overheid verdedigen voor de rechtbank in Den Haag. Photos du journal. Het is genoeg. 18 aanklachten tegen Rutte. Photos du journal. Photos du journal. Vrouw ziet arrestatieteam verschijnen na googelen op snelkookpan. MIDWAY trailer (filme de Chris Jordan) Photos du journal.

Alan Watts - Money. Photos du journal. The UK's Proposed Ban on Esoteric Knowledge: Why Institutions Seek to Limit Access to Information. 23rd September 2013 By Ethan Indigo Smith Guest Writer for Wake Up World I want to say I completely understand the UK government’s proposition to ban websites that contain esoteric knowledge.

The UK's Proposed Ban on Esoteric Knowledge: Why Institutions Seek to Limit Access to Information

Top 45 Lies In Obama's Speech At The U.N. By David Swanson. Top 45 Lies In Obama's Speech At The U.N. 1.

Top 45 Lies In Obama's Speech At The U.N. By David Swanson

President Obama's opening lines at the U.N. on Tuesday looked down on people who would think to settle disputes with war. Obama was disingenuously avoiding the fact that earlier this month he sought to drop missiles into a country to "send a message" but was blocked by the U.S. Congress, the U.N., the nations of the world, and popular opposition -- after which Obama arrived at diplomacy as a last resort. Timeline Photos. Photos du journal. Photos du journal. Photos du journal. Photos du journal. Timeline Photos. JSF mogelijk inkomensafhankelijk. Photos du journal. Photos du journal. Photos du journal. Erasing Your Digital Footprint. Brazilië schrijft geschiedenis op Algemene Vergadering VN. Er was nauwelijks aandacht voor de Algemene Vergadering van de VN.

Brazilië schrijft geschiedenis op Algemene Vergadering VN

Rothschild Too Big To Jail? Russia, Iceland, Iran, China, & Hungary Say No. The Shooting Of A Rothschild Czar By Vice President Aaron Burr.

Rothschild Too Big To Jail? Russia, Iceland, Iran, China, & Hungary Say No

First Traitor Of The United States Is The Piece Of Shit Alexander Hamilton. The Biggest Scam In The History Of Mankind (Debt Ceiling Truth) Save the Elephant from Extinction. Landelijke Demonstratie 2013 , Kamervragen (Lange Frans en Baas B) I’ll Puke If One More Politician Swears The Children Are The Future, And This Infographic Is Why. 'Corporate Europe': de echte EU aan het werk, niet voor ons. Met 'Corporate Europe.

'Corporate Europe': de echte EU aan het werk, niet voor ons

How Big Business Sets Policies on Food, Climate and War' scheef Iers onderzoeksjournalist David Cronin een vernietigende analyse van de Europese Commissie en de lobbymachines errond die de gewone Europeaan van al zijn rechten aan het beroven zijn. Photos du journal.


Photos du journal. Photos du journal. Democracy For America - Banking on Education. Why Habitat For Humanity's Newest Homeowner Might Never Pay An Electricity Bill. By Joanna M. Foster. What happens with plastic? Photos du journal. Earth Mother and multinational corporations: someone rather than something. Photos du journal. Photos du journal. This Pink, Female Gang Attacks Their Rapists, And They Don't Give A Damn What You Think About It. Urgenda foundation to sue Dutch State for failing climate change policy. 30 September 2013 Dutch foundation Urgenda is planning to sue the Dutch state for its failing climate change policy. The court summons (Dutch only) will be presented to the state on 23 October.

The plaintiffs claim there rests an obligation upon the Netherlands to reduce its CO2-emissions with 25-40 percent by 2020 compared to emission levels in 1990, in order to prevent damage to the global environment and violations of international human rights law. Various reports suggest that a 25-40 percent reduction is required of all industrialised states in order to have a real chance at limiting the global temperature rise to 2 degrees Celsius.


The Story of Your Enslavement. Story of Stuff, Full Version; How Things Work, About Stuff. The Story of Broke (2011) The Story of Change. Nestle's Wet Dream: They Mark Up Water 53 MILLION Percent. The directors of Nestle must be breathing a sigh of relief as the world targets Monsanto with a barrage of negative publicity, global protests, and grassroots campaigns. While we’re all distracted by Monsanto’s GMO corruption of the food supply, Nestle is taking steps to profit off of the natural world with patents on breast milk and medicinal plants, and the privatization of water,and giving the seed company a run for the title of The Most Evil Corporation in the World.

Between corporate demons like Nestle and Monsanto, the very right to life itself is becoming a commodity with a price tag as access to food and water become a privilege only available to those who have the means to pay for it. The potential death toll would be astonishing. Is that the point? A team effort in which the elite make money hand over fist, massive depopulation, and indentured servitude in exchange for the right to eat and drink? The Global Water Grab Natural Society’s Anthony Gucciardi wrote: (source) PepsiCo’s Naked Juices Have to Drop ‘All Natural’ Label After $9 Million Class Action Lawsuit. (Before It's News) Anthony Gucciardi Natural Society Image from

While government agencies like the FDA keep stalling on demanding rigorous scientific testing of numerous questionable ingredients, GMO foods, and the correct labeling of such foods, PepsiCo has recently agreed to settle out of court for $9 million over a class action lawsuit that claimed ‘natural’ and ‘non-GMO’ on their bottles was misleading since they are made with GMO ingredients, as well as synthetic and ‘unnatural’ items. The amount of synthetic additives in Naked juices are quite possibly more than anything ‘natural’ at all. It certainly isn’t a ‘100% juice” smoothie as the labeling on the bottle currently states.

Fossil fuels

Fracking. These companies test on animals. Western Black Rhino Declared Extinct. Photos du journal. Photos du journal. “Biofuel”: EU destroys 700,000 hectares of rainforest. Almost 250,000 people signed our petition against agrofuels. Here the environmental activists hand over the signatures to members of the European Parliament. Sep 26, 2013. 50% of forest gone. Photos du journal. End Ecocide in Europe.

Native American tribes are blazing a trail for solar power. As energy companies compete for land with ample sunshine, Native Indian tribes have a chance to become leaders as solar developers and users. Photograph: Corbis In the past five years or so, a combination of factors including government mandates surrounding clean energy and lower costs for equipment, have led to what has been dubbed a "solar gold rush" in parts of the US. As energy companies compete fiercely to find large tracts of land with ample sunshine to develop solar projects, Native Indian tribes, many of which have an abundance of both, have been presented with a unique opportunity to become leaders as solar developers and users.

Native Indian tribes living on reservations tend to have higher than average unemployment rates and unusually high energy costs (or sometimes no energy at all). This makes solar projects all the more attractive both as a means of boosting the tribes' economic potential and lowering their energy bills. Campaign against coal. Ban the Use of Palm Oil in our Products & Foods. Ms. Linda Crowley, United Kingdom. Do The Math - English subtitles. Neelie Kroes wil onafhankelijk nieuws onbereikbaar maken. How to Disable Geolocation in Specific Web Browsers.