Twitter. Design pédagogique « ITyPA, un Mooc vu dans les coulisses. Une des premières consignes que nous avons données aux participants sur ITYPA fut d’ouvrir un blog.
Et nous avons réalisé ensuite que cette démarche n’avait rien d’évident, ni même d’attirant, pour nombre d’entre eux. Avec cette injonction, nous avions un double objectif : - A court terme, que les participants laissent des traces de leurs apprentissages en cours. Dans la mesure où il s’agit d’une démarche d’apprentissage par l’action, il nous semblait naturel de passer par la création d’un espace de publication rendant compte des réflexions, échanges, acquis, etc. au fil des semaines. - A moyen terme, que les participants investissent l’espace public du web, non seulement comme consommateurs, mais aussi comme producteurs, sur les sujets qui les passionnent.
Dans les deux cas, la démarche nous semblait non seulement cohérente mais aussi quasiment incontournable dans l’optique de la construction ou du renforcement d’un espace d’apprentissage personnel. Standards eLearning (SCORM, AICC, etc.) : où en est-on ? Après AICC, SCORM 1.2 et 2004, de nouveaux standards sont en préparation.
Un point sur la situation par Sébastien FRAYSSE . 5 Proven Strategies To Improve Creativity. Sharebar If you continuously come up with compelling and novel ideas at a moment’s notice, you won’t need to read this article.
But for the rest of us, there are times when it’s difficult to be creative on demand even though our occupations require it. According to Richard Florida, author of The Rise of the Creative Class, you are probably part of the creative class, a new societal group whose “function is to create new meaningful forms.” When you’re working under tough time pressures, feeling stressed from overwork, or situated in a drab environment, it’s easy to get stuck or to feel spent. Creativity Can Be Developed. New eBook: 52 Tips On Best Practices for eLearning Development and Implementation by News Editor. “If you want to learn from experts how you can create a highly effective content development and implementation process, download 52 Tips On Best Practices for eLearning Development and Implementation for free today.”
The eLearning Guild announces the release of a free eBook, 52 Tips On Best Practices for eLearning Development and Implementation. These 52 tips come from the 12 presenters of the upcoming (September 13-14, 2012) eLearning Guild Online Forum, eLearning Development and Implementation: Best Practices. The tipsters are all experts, with a variety of backgrounds that absolutely qualify them to share trustworthy insights and expertise on topics including establishing a common toolset and methodology, the danger of using proprietary tools, dealing with subject matter experts (SMEs), and optimizing the choice of tools when doing localization projects. Unlearning by Jane Bozarth. “It is what we think we know already that often prevents us from learning.” – Claude Bernard One of the givens in working with adult learners is the importance of helping them access prior knowledge and building on what they already know.
But what if that prior knowledge is no longer useful, or the skills no longer applicable, or it was never very accurate in the first place? I have a friend, a former classroom trainer, who has lately been offering private bridge lessons. When I asked her the biggest challenge she faced in returning to a training role and working with her bridge students, she said, “Getting them to unlearn what they think they already know.” Many learned from novice players; others learned from experienced players who overestimated their own abilities; still others learned via the, “We’re starting a game in 15 minutes, here, let me show you really quickly so you can play too” approach.
Google+ Hangouts in Online Education: A Capable, Low-Cost Solution by Rebecca Bodrero. “Effective use of any tool is most typically the result of how it is used, not the fact that it is used. Procedural and logistical aspects should be part of planning for use of a tool such as Hangouts. For example, it’s common knowledge that in-person meetings and small group activities are more likely to be effective when facilitated and driven by purpose.
Marc My Words: Why I Hate Instructional Objectives by Marc J. Rosenberg. “Ask yourself this: when was the last time a C-level executive in your organization asked anything about what the instructional objectives are for your training programs? “ Okay, I don’t really hate instructional objectives, but I can’t help wondering if we are overusing them, perhaps for the wrong purposes. Ever since Bob Mager popularized instructional objectives more than 40 years ago in his classic book, Preparing Instructional Objectives, they have become part of the Holy Grail for instructional designers and the training industry. Be they enabling or terminal; cognitive, affective, or psychomotor; normative or summative; or behavioral, instructional, or performance objectives, no course is worthy without a host of statements that explain, sometimes in excruciating detail, what the student will be able to do after the instruction is completed.
Why I LOVE Instructional Objectives by Allison Rossett. “I know we agree that crummy objectives are useless, even harmful. Some are too big and some are just silly. Long lists cause eyes to glaze over, defying credulity. You respond and say that we should de-emphasize objectives. I say flush the wicked ones down the toilet.” Hate, Marc? You write that it really is not hate that you feel.
That isn’t the problem I run into. Tips For Quality Control Of Online Learning: The eLearning Coach: Instructional Design and eLearning. Sharebar Nothing is worse than having your client find an obvious error in a program that’s already been released. The troubleshooting, re-testing and scrambling to fix the problem can turn into a heart-pounding race against the clock.
Not that this ever happened to me, of course, but a friend told me this can happen. Our best defense against these high-risk scenarios is to conduct thorough and systematic Quality Control (QC) reviews and testing before any deliverable is released. Graphics Primer: Color: The eLearning Coach: Instructional Design and eLearning. Sharebar Do your graphic designers speak in a secret language?
Do you wish you could let terms like Hue, Saturation and Value roll off your tongue? The Power Of Visual Grouping: The eLearning Coach: Instructional Design and eLearning. Sharebar In the very early stages of vision—before we’re really conscious of it—our perceptual processes are humming away, attempting to organize the sensory data from our eyes into something that might be meaningful. Both the Gestalt psychologists and modern perceptual researchers realized that perception tends to organize information into wholes, rather than parts. eLearning Photography: How To Get The Best Shot: The eLearning Coach: Instructional Design and eLearning. Sharebar Do you have doubts about your photography skills, but need to take photos for instructional purposes?
Then you’ll want to read this interview with Sumeet Moghe, avid photographer, learning specialist, and publisher of The Learning Generalist website. Sumeet often writes about eLearning photography and agreed to share some of his knowledge and experience with us here. No-More-Spilled-Ink-malamed.pdf (Objet application/pdf) How to get students to participate in Online Discussions… This is the first post in a triplet series on how to create effective discussions in an online learning environment.
This post discusses how course instructors can shape and create robust and rich discussions, in post two I”ll share facilitation strategies to develop and sustain course dialogue, and I’ll conclude the series with methods for assessing student contributions and participation in online forums. Please note, this series addresses discussions in the context of online courses for credit – as forums in Massive Open Online Courses [MOOCs} are a different animal altogether [I will share my thoughts on MOOC discussion forums next month at the close of the MOOC course I am taking]. Upskilling by Jane Bozarth. “It should have been part of our work all along to help the learners be better learners.” New media has brought with it new challenges for instructional designers and facilitators.
Where just five years ago we were still primarily concerned with things like authoring tools and content management, we now face new demands for making programs more inclusive of learners and building a farther reach for the L&D department. This speaks to the need for new skills. While every designer won’t need to develop every skill, it’s important that you become familiar with most and, depending on your role, start working toward ways of building the new skills for yourself, or building new approaches into programs that others might facilitate or deliver. Marc My Words: Seven Questions eLearning Developers and Managers Should Answer … Every Time by Marc J. Rosenberg. “There are many important questions to ask in a good design process, but the value of these seven cannot be overstated.
Often, you can answer many of these questions relatively quickly. They are all part of a project’s up-front decision-making, and the more experience you develop over time, the faster you’ll be able to move through them.” Revue du livre blanc 58 Tips for Breakthrough eLearning Instructional Design. Lost in Transmédia : conférences sur les nouvelles formes interactives de narration. « 127, rue de la Garenne », une frise sonore pour racontrer le plus grand bidonville de Nanterre →
Dr. Arnie Abrams. K-12 Education & Learning Innovations with Proven Strategies that Work. Revealed: Shocking Secrets of a Storyboard Pro. Who is the real Kevin Thorn?
In this interview, Kevin Thorn of NuggetHead Studioz fame, reveals the shocking storyboarding secrets you’ve always wondered about but were afraid someone might answer. Read on to glimpse the inner workings of a storyboard master. COACH: When you have a story concept, what’s the first thing you do to carry the idea through to see if it’s instructionally feasible?
A Symbiosis Between Instructional Systems Design and Project Management / Une symbiose de la conception de matériel pédagogique et de la gestion de projet. A Symbiosis Between Instructional Systems Design and Project Management / Une symbiose de la conception de matériel pédagogique et de la gestion de projet Abstract This study is intended to explore a complementary relationship between instructional systems design (ISD) and project management in an attempt to build a plausible case for integrating project management as a distinct course in the core of the graduate instructional systems design programs. It is argued that ISD and project management should form a symbiosis from a curriculum perspective, in a hope for the prepared instructional designers to create values for customers. An integrated view of ISD and project management is proposed, using three concepts of project management as a reasonable bridge for the integration.
Writing Multiple-Choice Questions for Higher-level Thinking by Mike Dickinson. “Your best intentions notwithstanding, you don’t really know how well a question is going to perform until you have data to analyze after learners have taken the test.” We eLearning developers are used to the question, “Which is better, eLearning or classroom instruction?” The answer is, “It depends.” It’s the same answer if one asks, “Which are better, multiple-choice or essay questions?” Either question type is useful for assessing a variety of levels of thinking, depending on how well the designer crafts the questions.
Designing multiple-choice questions is not as daunting a task as one might think. How Much Narration in eLearning? Our Lessons Learned by Don Bair & Mike Dickinson. "We wanted to know the preferences of our employees so we conducted a survey. They almost unanimously said that 1) they do not want the entire course to be narrated, 2) they do not want text on the screen read to them word for word, and 3) about two-thirds of the employees want to be able to turn the narration on or off. The 10-Minute Instructional Design Degree by Jane Bozarth. TEDxUdeM Montréal. Designing Learning for “When Things Go Wrong” by Michele Medved.
“While job aids provide guidelines or best practices, it is also useful to have a real-life input into how to address problems. Community discussion groups provide real value.” A manager needs to respond to an angry customer. BYOD Strategies. Formation à distance et design pédagogique. Standard industry classifications. Beginning Instructional Authoring: Learning How to Author by Patti Shank. “Start simple, so you can accomplish something simple quickly and gain a sense of accomplishment, and then move on from there. Instructional Designer Jobs.
What does an instructional designer do? What Instructional Designers Do-Updated. De nouvelles façons de partager son expertise technopédagogique. Is your creativity blocked? Freelance Instructional Design: More Tips from the Trenches.