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Personalized Learning

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Definitions « Personalizing Learning. CALGARY BOARD OF EDUCATION: “Key components of personalization have been identified as integrating and differentiating curriculum, development of learner profiles, flexible program delivery, technology infusion, social construction, and individual student learning plans.” learning how to learn: helping pupils develop a repertoire of learning skills and strategies to support their development as self-directed learnersassessment for learning: using a range of assessment techniques, with the emphasis on formative assessment that engages the learnerteaching and learning strategies: deploying the full repertoire of strategies, with pupil and teacher make informed decisions about which to use and whencurriculum choice: providing pupils with guided opportunities to develop individual learning pathways that develop skills rather than knowledgementoring and support: ensuring pupils have a one-to-one mentoring relationship with an adult, and benefit from peer support.

Definitions « Personalizing Learning

Sir Ken Robinson on “Personalized Learning” « Personalizing Learning. Thank you to “PW” for posting this content as a comment on Nov. 20th–I wanted to repost to draw attention to what Sir Ken Robinson says about Personalized Learning: “Personalized learning, to me, is the process of contouring learning to the individuals that you’re dealing with, recognizing that we all have different strengths and weaknesses, different interests [and] different ways of learning.”

Sir Ken Robinson on “Personalized Learning” « Personalizing Learning

“It isn’t that everyone has to learn different things, although eventually our interests will take us in different directions,” he continued. “But in terms of the things we want all people to learn … personalized learning is finding the best ways to engage with people with different interests, passions and ways of thinking.” It’s what good teachers have always known, he added. New Tech Network. Project Based Learning.

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K-12 Education & Learning Innovations with Proven Strategies that Work. What is PBL? To help teachers do PBL well, we created a comprehensive, research-based model for PBL — a "gold standard" to help teachers, schools, and organizations to measure, calibrate, and improve their practice.

What is PBL?

In Gold Standard PBL, projects are focused on student learning goals and include Essential Project Design Elements: Episode 7 "Education in 2012" with Steve Wycoff. Khan Academy. Microsoft CEO Summit Innovation in Education.