Counterinsurgency & modern interventionism
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You'll Never Guess Where This FBI Agent Left a Secret Interrogation Manual. "Security screwups are not very uncommon.
But this is a first.
" —Nick Baumann on Fri. December 20, 2013 4:00 AM PDT In a lapse that national security experts call baffling, a high-ranking FBI agent filed a sensitive internal manual detailing the bureau's secret interrogation procedures with the Library of Congress, where anyone with a library card can read it. For years, the American Civil Liberties Union fought a legal battle to force the FBI to release a range of documents concerning FBI guidelines, including this one, which covers the practices agents are supposed to employ when questioning suspects. The 70-plus-page manual ended up in the Library of Congress, thanks to its author, an FBI official who made an unexplainable mistake. "A document that has not been released does not even need a copyright," says Steven Aftergood, a government secrecy expert at the Federation of American Scientists.
Governments Admit They Carry Out False Flag Terror. Governments from around the world admit they carry out false flag terror: A major with the Nazi SS admitted at the Nuremberg trials that – under orders from the chief of the Gestapo – he and some other Nazi operatives faked attacks on their own people and resources which they blamed on the Poles, to justify the invasion of Poland.
So Common … There’s a Name for It This tactic is so common that it was given a name for hundreds of years ago. “False flag terrorism” is defined as a government attacking its own people, then blaming others in order to justify going to war against the people it blames. Or as Wikipedia defines it: False flag operations are covert operations conducted by governments, corporations, or other organizations, which are designed to appear as if they are being carried out by other entities.
Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation
Teaching Counterinsurgency to Undergraduates. A Visionary and a Practitioner: the Bernard Kouchner vs. David Kilcullen - Obrana a strategie. Článek ve formátu PDF Více o autorovi AbstraktCílem textu je představení nejnovější teorie Davida Kilcullena věnované protipovstalectví.
Klíčovým prvkem Kilcullenovy teorie je vymezení termínu protipovstalectví. V souvislosti s tím se Kilcullen zaměřuje na otázku člověka a jeho bezpečnosti. Je možné konstatovat, že Kilcullenova teze je spojena s teorií lidské bezpečnosti. Na druhé straně, lidstvem a idejí lidské bezpečnosti se zabývá také Bernard Kouchner, současný ministr zahraničí Francie. Klíčová slovaHumanitární bezpečnost, humanitární intervence, polovojenské síly, povstání, protipovstalectví, vedení války. Keywords Counterinsuregency (COIN), Counter-warfare, Humanitarian interventionism, Human security, Insurgency, Paramilitary forces, Warfare.
The contemporary global situation is dominated by terrorists attacks and, consequently, counterterrorism operations conducted by the international community.
Sic Semper Tyrannis : COIN is a platinum plated axe. "Support for the proposed influx of troops to Afghanistan, however, comes as Americans are about evenly divided about whether the war there has proved to be worth its costs.
They also split 50 to 41 percent on whether it is essential to win in Afghanistan to succeed in broader efforts against terrorism. Nearly four in 10 who said the war has not justified its costs back the new troops, signaling that some people may expect better results after the troop levels rise. (Among Democrats, that number is closer to 50 percent.) While most Americans opposed Bush's early 2007 decision to send additional troops to Iraq, the percentage who saw significant progress there trended sharply higher from the summer of 2007 through the end of last year.
" Washpost Kilcullen's graphic (above) on the elements of insurgency is interesting and instructive. I did COIN. It works.
The J-Walk Blog: Free Counterinsurgency Manual. Free Counterinsurgency Manual Hot off the Department of the Army virtual press: Counterinsurgency Final Draft - Not For implementation (PDF link).
This manual takes a general approach to COIN. The Army and the Marine Corps recognize that every insurgency is contextual and presents its own set of challenges. You cannot fight former Saddamists and Islamic extremists the same way you would have fought the Viet Cong, the Moros, or the Tupamaros; the application of principles and fundamentals to deal with each vary considerably. Nonetheless, all insurgencies, even today's highly adaptable strains, remain wars amongst the people, employ variations of standard themes, and adhere to elements of a recognizable revolutionary campaign plan. It seems kind of odd that they'd put this 241-page document on the Web.
Obama Administration Appeals SOA Watch Court Victory. █████ ██ █ ████ everything ███ █████ is ████ ██ ████ fine ████ ███ █ █████ love. █████ █████ ███ your ████ ████ government.
The Pentagon is Fighting Hard to Keep SOA/ WHINSEC Secrecy Obama Administration Continues to Refuse the Release of Names of SOA/WHINSEC Graduates: Appeals SOA Watch Court Victory Human rights activists and SOA Watch took the U.S. government to court over its refusal to release the names of the trainers at the SOA/WHINSEC - and WON! In a landmark case, United States District Judge Phyllis J. Hamilton from the Northern District of California ruled in April 2013, that the Pentagon had no grounds for refusing to release these names (click here to read the judgment). Now, two months later, the U.S. government is appealing the ruling and fighting to keep information about the SOA/WHINSEC secret, because this school has been connected to the training of torturers, death squads and military dictators throughout the Americas.
Honduras Anonymous #OpHonduras #OpSOA.