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Monsanto rider excluded from Senate budget bill - St. Louis Business Journal. An extension of a rider that shields sellers of genetically modified seeds, such as Monsanto, from certain lawsuits will not be included in any Senate bill to avert a federal government shutdown, according to a statement from Sen.

Monsanto rider excluded from Senate budget bill - St. Louis Business Journal

Monsanto: Contamination By All Means Necessary. (Photo: WebbShots / Flickr)What happens when you allow commercial interests free rein over a nation state's food and agricultural policies?

Monsanto: Contamination By All Means Necessary

Consumers and farmers end up paying the price. OGM : comment Monsanto a échappé à l’audition de l’ANSES. Brevets: Monsanto l'emporte devant la Cour suprême face à un petit fermier. GM Soy: Sustainable? Responsible? Genetically modified Roundup Ready soy has been planted over vast areas of North and South America.

GM Soy: Sustainable? Responsible?

Most of the crop is used to feed Europe’s and North America’s livestock. Inflated claims are made for the environmental sustainability of GM soy and the safety of the glyphosate herbicide it is engineered to tolerate. But the 2010 report, “GM Soy: Sustainable? Responsible?” , co-authored by a group of international scientists coordinated by Earth Open Source, summarises over a hundred independent studies showing serious health and environmental hazards posed by GM Roundup Ready soy and glyphosate herbicide.

The report comes at a time when GM firms are trying to win approval to cultivate GM glyphosate-tolerant crops in Europe. The Growing Global Challenge to Monsanto's Monopolistic Greed. (Photo: Monsanto via The New York Times) The common problem we face is the power of concentrated wealth and monopolistic corporate interests.

The Growing Global Challenge to Monsanto's Monopolistic Greed

This has created a crony capitalist economy that uses government to further enrich the wealthy at the expense of the people, often threatening our basic necessities for life.A clear example of this is found in the behavior of the chemical and seed corporation, Monsanto.Monsanto threatens the world's food supply; this is a major challenge of our era. This struggle is central to the global ecosystem, economy and energy crises. Monsanto also pushes poisonous chemicals into the environment and promotes agricultural practices that exacerbate climate change.

How Monsanto Went From Selling Aspirin to Controlling Our Food Supply. Monsanto researchers in Stonington, Ill., are working to develop new soybean varieties that will be tolerant to agricultural herbicide and have greater yields in July 2006.

How Monsanto Went From Selling Aspirin to Controlling Our Food Supply

(Photo: Monsanto via The New York Times) Monsanto controls our food, poisons our land, and influences all three branches of government. This article was published in partnership with Forty percent of the crops grown in the United States contain their genes. WikiLeaks Cables Reveal State Department Promoting GMOs Abroad. Darcey O'Callaghan: US embassies are aggressively and systematically promoting biotechnology and GMO food abroad.

WikiLeaks Cables Reveal State Department Promoting GMOs Abroad

PAUL JAY, SENIOR EDITOR, TRNN: Welcome to The Real News Network. I'm Paul Jay in Baltimore. On May 25 in 36 countries around the world there will be protests against Monsanto and the promotion of GMO in agriculture and animal food products. Monsanto - Kolibri. This Is What Happens When Congress Is for Sale. Truthout doesn’t take corporate funding - that’s how we’re able to confront the forces of greed and regression, with no strings attached.

This Is What Happens When Congress Is for Sale

Instead, we need your support: make a donation today by clicking here. (Photo: Alexis Baden-Mayer / Flickr)While all eyes were glued on the Supreme Court this week and the hearings surrounding marriage equality, Americans were dealt a major blow by the other two branches of government. On Tuesday, President Obama signed into law H.R 933, a continuing resolution appropriations bill that had been approved by Congress – both the House and the Senate – just days earlier. Monsanto's Next Target: Democracy. The battle for food sovereignty is a battle we cannot afford to lose.

Monsanto's Next Target: Democracy

Big Food’s greatest fear is materializing. A critical mass of educated consumers, food and natural health activists are organizing a powerful movement that could well overthrow North America’s trillion-dollar junk food empire. Savvy and more determined than ever, activists are zeroing in on the Achilles heel of Food Inc. -- labeling. But as consumers demand truth and greater transparency in labeling, it isn’t just Big Food whose empire is vulnerable. The biotech industry, which makes billions supplying junk food manufacturers with cheap, genetically engineered (GE) ingredients, has even more to lose. Monsanto contre Mère Nature. Monsanto: A Corporate Profile. April 3rd, 2013.

Monsanto: A Corporate Profile

Research Shows that Monsanto's Big Claims for GMO Food Are Probably Wrong. Photo Credit: Thomas Bethge/ June 25, 2013 | Like this article?

Research Shows that Monsanto's Big Claims for GMO Food Are Probably Wrong

Join our email list: Stay up to date with the latest headlines via email. Oops. Monsanto makes the same case on its website, saying, “Since the advent of biotechnology, there have been a number of claims from anti-biotechnology activists that genetically modified (GM) crops don’t increase yields. But that’s not actually the case. The study compared major crop yields and pesticide use in North America, which relies heavily on GE crops, and Western Europe, which grows conventionally bred non-GE crops.

Monsanto's Death Patents. (Photo: mike / Flickr)Monsanto has yet another case pending in the court system, this time before the U.S. Supreme Court on the exclusivity of its genetically modified seed patents. Narrowly at issue is whether Monsanto retains patent rights on soybeans that have been replanted after showing up in generic stocks rather than being sold specifically as seeds, or whether those patent rights are “exhausted” after the initial planting.

But more broadly the case also raises implications regarding control of the food supply and the patenting of life – questions that current patent laws are ill-equipped to meaningfully address. On the specific legal issues, Monsanto is likely to win the case (they almost always do). Friends of the MST's Website.