III - La métaphysique du Yoga - III-1 - Tattvas :… - III-2 : Les… - III-3 : La Réalité… - III-4 : Les grands… - L'Union Divine + la fine fleur du Yoga. Celui qui aime la Vérité est certain de réaliser Dieu.
(Ramakrishna) Invoquez avec amour le Nom béni du Seigneur et la montagne de vos péchés s'évanouira à vos yeux comme une balle de coton brûle et disparait, si une seule étincelle tombe dessus. (Ramakrishna) Il n’y a qu’un seul péché – se détourner de Lui. Que chacun de vos actes, chacune de vos pensées soit devant Lui comme une fleur épanouie et il n’y aura plus de péché. Heureux ceux qui ont le coeur pur, car ils verront Dieu. Celui qui sait voit Dieu partout ; l'ignorant voit le monde dans sa diversité et souffre comme l'enfant imaginant que son ombre est un fantôme. O homme, tu as en toi le Ciel et la terre, fais de ce monde un Ciel sur la terre !
Sois plus humble que le brin d'herbe, patient et endurant que l'arbre, ne revendique aucun honneur pour toi, honore tous les êtres, chante sans cesse le nom du Seigneur. Tout se fait par amour. Ayez de l'amour pour tous, nul n'est autre que vous. L'Amour en vérité est Dieu. Les36Tattvas. Les TATTVAS. 3 gunas sattva rajas tamas purusa prakriti buddhi Ahamkara manas jnanendriya karmendriya mahabuta tanmatra. Yoga darshan les 36 TATTVAS du samkhya karika et du tantrisme. Tattva. Air is blue circle.
Earth is yellow square. Fire is red triangle. Water is crescent shape. Spirit is the black oval shape. Tattva is a Sanskrit word meaning 'thatness', 'principle', 'reality' or 'truth'.[1] According to various Indian schools of philosophy, a tattva (or tattwa) is an element or aspect of reality conceived as an aspect of deity. Tattvas in Samkhya[edit] The Samkhya philosophy regards the Universe as consisting of two eternal realities: Purusha and Prakrti. Tattvas in Shaivism[edit] Main article: The 36 tattvas In Shaivite philosophy, the tattvas are inclusive of consciousness as well as material existence. Shuddha tattvas The first five tattvas are known as the shuddha or 'pure' tattvas. Shuddha-ashuddha tattvas The next seven tattvas (6–12) are known as the shuddha-ashuddha or 'pure-impure' tattvas.
Ashuddha tattvas The last twenty-four tattvas (13–36) are known as the ashuddha or 'impure' tattvas. [edit] Krishna-tattva The Supreme personality of Godhead. Vishnu-tattva [edit] Tattvas and Gunas. The Origin of the Universe In the beginning was SHŪNYĀKĀSHA – “emptiness” or “the void”.
Shūnyākāsha is more than “nothingness”, it is an immense potency of dormant energy in which “everything” exists in a latent state of potentiality. Everything conceivable can be brought into existence, just like text written, or pictures drawn, on an empty sheet of paper. As creation began, the divine, all-encompassing consciousness took the form of the first and original vibration manifesting as the sound “OM”. Just like light, sound is vibration, energy. In the Vedas it is said: NĀDA RŪPA PARA BRAHMA – The form of the Supreme is sound. The vibration of OM symbolises the manifestation of God in form.
OM embraces “all that exists” – past, present and future, all spheres of the Cosmos, the world and its underlying reality, mind and matter, cause and effect, the path and the goal. At the beginning of creation as the sound of OM divided the unity of Shūnyākāsha, two powers emerged from it: Gunas: