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World Insects

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World Lucanidae

Phyllodes imperialis (Espece) Photoset 'Pink Underwing Moth Phyllodes imperialis Life Cycle' by plant.nerd. Parnassius of the World. Michel Tarrier. Base de données des espèces protégées. Site officiel du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle. Espèces Protégées Arthropodes Terrestres Insectes.

Pique-prune. Are Collectors Key to Saving Giant Butterfly? Papua New Guinea is home to the world's largest butterfly, but oil palm plantations are threatening the rare species' habitat.

Are Collectors Key to Saving Giant Butterfly?

Conservationists and local residents alike would like to save the species by lifting a ban on trade in the butterfly and selling it for thousands of dollars to collectors. The insect makes a wide circle around Grace Juo's small stilt house and lands on a bright red hibiscus blossom. In Jimun, the language of the indigenous people, the Queen Alexandra's Birdwing butterfly is called a dadakul.

It's the world's largest butterfly, with females attaining wingspans in excess of 25 centimeters (10 inches). "We are proud of our butterfly, and we take good care of it," says Juo, glancing at the insect, which has now inserted its long proboscis into the flower. Juo, a Melanesian, lives in Kawowoki, a small village of huts on the Managalas Plateau in eastern Papua New Guinea. The search for answers begins behind a barbed-wire fence in Port Moresby, the capital city.

South American Insects.

African Beetles

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Paleartic Insects

Gallery - ACTIAS. Sellers. Great rarities. World Cerambycidae.