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8833 Minifigures Series 8. 6283 Voltix. 6283 Voltix is a Hero Factory villain released in July 2012. The set includes a colourful villain with several lightning pieces. Description Voltix wears a helmet that is the same piece as Black Phantom’s. Unlike the other villains with that helmet, however, he does not have any pieces in the double-hole connection parts at the sides; instead, out of the sides of his transparent lime-green head, there are bricks which connect to double lightning pieces, which are smaller than the older ones from Mark Surge.

Voltix’s limbs are red and black. His body armour is the same shape as the Hero body armour, but has no printing and is coloured purple. The only other current set with purple armour is 4527 Joker, from the Super Heroes Ultrabuild line. Background Voltix first appeared in the start of Episode 8, ‘Breakout,’ being escorted to his holding cell by Furno 2.0 and Rocka. Bio Notes His color scheme is gunmetal and purple, with secondary colours of yellow and red. description Gallery. 6230 Stormer XL. 6230 Stormer XL is a Hero Factory set released in July 2012. It includes Stormer in his Breakout form, an XL Hero. Description Stormer XL is in his largest form ever, an XL variant which is the second largest Hero released. Probably one of the most prominent features are the five mini-probes on his arms, three on the left and two on the right. He wields a double-sided sword and a blue-balled plasma gun.

Stormer's feet are new, double-toed, silver pieces, which as of now do not appear in any other set. Background The top Hero of Hero Factory, Preston Stormer is the leader of the prestigious Alpha 1 team. Bio Notes When he is pursuing Speeda Demon, he drives a white and blue version of Furno’s bike, called the Ultra Mach Speed Cycle, which will, sadly, never be a set. Description Gallery Source YouTube External Info Start a Discussion Discussions about 6230 Stormer XL stormer xl 2 messages I relly like this set Why ARE THE xl's only classified as xl's? 6222 Core Hunter. 6222 Core Hunter is a Hero Factory villain released in July 2012. The set includes a black and red villain with a Hero Core remover. Description Core Hunter has a colour scheme of black and red. He uses a pincer-like weapon to remove Hero Cores. His other weapon is a silver-topped blaster with a green ball, and an ammunition belt connects to it. Background According to the book titled “The Doom Box” written by Greg Farshtey, Core Hunter was once a Hero but went rogue much like Von Nebula. During the time of the Breakout, Core Hunter never left the planet (unlike the other villains) and went to Makuhero City to prey on the heroes who were sent to take him down. Eventually leaving, Core Hunter went to recover the mega weapon known as the Doom Box alongside various other villains.

Core Hunter is an extremely methodical and precise villain, with surgical intelligence and a perfectionist attitude towards his job. Bio Description Gallery. 6229 XT4. 6229 XT4 is a Hero Factory set released in July 2012. It includes a yellow four-armed villain from the Breakout line. Description XT4 has yellow-coloured feet, that used in several of the Ben 10 sets, including the Humongousaur, and set 2232 Raw-Jaw. He has two sets of knees, one set backwards like in the Star Wars AT-STs and the other, the higher pair, like regular Hero knees.

This is due to the fact that the designers used three limb pieces on each leg, instead of two. The lowest limb pieces of his legs are covered with long black armour pieces, and the two higher ones are bare. The villain’s head is extended forward slightly, due to a neck-extension limb piece, and funnily enough, in this set the eye connects to the helmet, which in turn connects to the neck. Background With help from Black Phantom, Von Nebula, and Voltix, XT4 escaped from the Hero Factory basement, which held the villains, escaping through a black hole to his home planet of Mechna. Bio Description Gallery Source. 6223 Bulk. 6223 Bulk is a Hero Factory set released in July 2012. The set includes a silver and orange Hero by the name of Dunkan Bulk, the Breakout variant of his assorted forms. Description Bulk retains his orange secondary colour in Breakout, with a total of five major pieces coloured orange. The other armour pieces are an assortment of silver and dark silver, and two large armour pieces protect the sides of his head, similar to that of 4528 Green Lantern.

However, his feet are black, and though they do not contradict the colour style of his armour, there are no black armour pieces included. On his lower legs, he sports two of the new armour pieces that fit over the ones introduced in Ordeal of Fire. Background Dunkan Bulk is a member of the Alpha 1 team led by Stormer, and while he is not the brightest bolt in the bucket, he is incredibly strong and is a machine of destruction. Bio Notes Dunkan Bulk is voiced by Christopher B. Description Gallery. 6282 Stringer. 6282 Stringer is a Hero Factory set released in July 2012. The set includes a black and blue Hero, Stringer’s Breakout variant. Description When the low-strung Stringer returns to Hero Factory in the second Breakout wave, he wears a new colour; blue! All orange and yellow from his former two modes are gone, and now he sports a transparent blue body armour piece, blue arm armour, and blue thigh armour similar to Surge’s. Black is still there, though, with his former 1.0 helmet, black feet, armour, limbs and hands.

He wields a silver sonic blaster with a solid blue sphere. Background An easygoing Hero, Stringer is a member of the Alpha 1 team, and is the only member that enjoys working with rookies. Bio Notes His weapon works as both a launcher and guitar. Description Gallery Source YouTube External Info. 6231 Speeda Demon. 6231 Speeda Demon is a Hero Factory set released in July 2012. The set contains 192 pieces, which includes parts for a motorcycle and parts for the rider. Description Villain Speeda wears lime green armour, some solid and some transparent. Aside from his neck and his two sword-holding arms, all of his limb pieces are black; all the others being green.

His lower arms have small transparent armour pieces, which connect on the other side to curved golden spikes. Motorbike Speeda's motorbike is made from purple, black, and grey/silver parts mostly, with a few other colours thrown into the mix. Background Speeda was captured before Breakout started, and was one of the villains freed as a result of Black Phantom, Von Nebula and Voltix's plan. Bio Notes It is the set with the most pieces in the Breakout series. Description Gallery External info. 6221 Nex. 6221 Nex is a Hero Factory set released in July 2012. The set includes a orange and white figure, Julius Nex in his Breakout form.

Description Julius Nex has three main colours in Breakout; orange, white, and gunmetal. He uses a plasma blaster with a green sphere in his right hand, and a precision laser cutter, made up of a transparent green aerial, a cord, and a large shield piece. Background Nex was built in the 2.0 upgrade, and carried on through the 3.0 and the Breakout versions. Bio Notes Julius Nex is voiced by Jason Canning. Description Gallery External info. 79003 An Unexpected Gathering. 79003 An Unexpected Gathering is a set in the theme The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey released in November 2012. It includes a model of Bag End, Bilbo Baggins' hobbit hole, and six minifigures. The set includes a variety of new elements. Description An Unexpected Gathering includes a model of Bilbo Baggins' hobbit hole, Bag End, and six minifigures: Bilbo, Gandalf, and four dwarves: Balin, Dwalin, Bofur, and Bombur. Bag End is built mainly out of green and bright green pieces, as it is underneath a hill.

It has a round doorway with a green door in the center, with a window on either side of it. Inside, the entire building is one room, with a table on one side. In front of one side window is some mixtures, along with Sting, Bilbo's sword, on a stand. Background The scene which the set depicts takes place at Bag End, where Gandalf and Thorin's company of thirteen dwarves meet Bilbo Baggins to try to persuade him to join their quest to recover the Lonely Mountain from Smaug the dragon. Notes. 9591 Weapon Pack.

9556 Bytar. 9573 Slithraa. 9574 Lloyd ZX. 9590 NRG-Zane. 9526 Palpatine's Arrest. 9526 Palpatine's Arrest is a Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith released in 2012. It contains 649 pieces. Description The set consists of a small speeder, Palpatine's office, and six minifigures. The minifigures included are Palpatine, Anakin Skywalker, Mace Windu, Kit Fisto and Saesee Tiin in new variants, plus Agen Kolar who has never been released before, meaning all minifigures in this set are exclusive. The set includes a landing pad, which is primarily grey, with transparent blue landing lights on each side of it. Background This set represents the scene in Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. Description Minifigures Included Gallery Notes In 2008 when Toys 'R' Us asked LEGO fans what set they'd like for 2009, Palpatine's Arrest was one of the three options given to them.

Sources External links. 9525 Pre Vizsla's Mandalorian Fighter. 9525 Pre Vizsla's Mandalorian Fighter is a Star Wars set released in 2012. It includes three minifigures: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Pre Vizsla, and a Mandalorian, as well as Pre Viszla's starfighter. Description Pre Vizsla's ship has a predominantly grey, white, and blue colour scheme. The cockpit area which can seat two minifigures extends on from the body of the ship connecting the two wings together, and these wings have the ability to rotate, revolving around the center of the ship. The wings have the ability to rotate perpendicularly to the body's rotation, meaning that they can go up and down, depending on whether the ship is in flight or landed, where the wings are vertical. A landing strut mounted beneath the cockpit area can be folded down during landing. The ship has two forward blaster cannons, which can move from side to side, and two rear cannons, which are mounted on a spinning circular piece.

Background Official Description Minifigures Included Gallery External links. 9678 Twin-pod Cloud Car & Bespin. 10227 B-Wing. 9677 X-wing Starfighter & Yavin 4. The 9677 X-wing Starfighter & Yavin 4 is a Star Wars themed set released in 2012. The set featured a mini-model X-wing, an X-wing Pilot minifigure and Yavin 4 planet pieces.

Description The set consists of four parts- an X-wing starfighter, a model of the planet Yavin 4, an X-Wing Pilot minifigure, and a stand to set the various disparate components on. The X-wing is made out of a long centre section, made of white and dark red plates. Slanted pieces add a cockpit and a point to the end of the starfighter. A large section, placed at the back of the starfighter, has four long baton-like sections attached to it, two on either side. To each of the batons is attached a large wing, made of a slanted white plate, with some other small plates attached to it on either end. Background X-wings were vehicles used by the Rebel Alliance in their fight against the Galactic Empire.

Notes Official Description Minifigures Included Gallery External links. Upcoming sets. 10228 Haunted House.