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Curious sur Twitter : "We're wrapping up a wonderful conversation with @ceounplugged and @chalsuccess! Thanks for all the great questions! Education Technology on Flipboard. UPDATED: Am I just stupid? Is this a trick question? How flipped learning works in (and out of) the classroom. 10 barriers to creating flipped classroom video content … and how to overcome them. Are you are interested in the idea of generating video content for your students so that they can absorb your inspirational input at their own pace?

10 barriers to creating flipped classroom video content … and how to overcome them

Are you also feeling slightly overwhelmed at the thought of taking this idea through to fruition? If so, read on… Alternatively, are you in a management role where your support and enthusiasm could help to nurture in-house video content creation as part of a flipped classroom approach? Whichever part you play, the key is in sharing the discussion with other stakeholders, so that everyone involved sees the whole picture. Tom Hanks on His Two Years at Chabot College - Photo IN 1974, I graduated from Skyline High School in Oakland, Calif., an underachieving student with lousy SAT scores.

Tom Hanks on His Two Years at Chabot College -

Allowed to send my results to three colleges, I chose M.I.T. and Villanova, knowing such fine schools would never accept a student like me but hoping they’d toss some car stickers my way for taking a shot. I couldn’t afford tuition for college anyway. Teacher spends two days as a student and is shocked at what she learns. A student takes notes at Woodrow Wilson High School in Washington D.C.

Teacher spends two days as a student and is shocked at what she learns

(AP Photo/Charles Dharapak) Do teachers really know what students go through? Malala Yousafzai, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate 2014. Cursive Handwriting Is Not Needed - Teach Skills That Are. I want to begin by saying that I am not a teacher, although I’ve worked in education related careers for many years.

Cursive Handwriting Is Not Needed - Teach Skills That Are

I’ve been reading both sides of the cursive handwriting controversy, and I don’t believe that there is any good reason to keep cursive handwriting in the school curriculum. Many reasons have been giving for saving cursive, yet I can’t help feeling that it is mostly a feeling of nostalgia that is fueling the fight. I don’t feel that nostalgia, and never thought that cursive handwriting was so wonderful to begin with. In fact, I read that part of the reason, other than speed, for the origin of cursive writing, was due to quill pens, which would drip ink when lifted off the paper.

So it was more practical to have a style of writing where the pen stayed on the paper for an entire word. Some teachers argue that the act of learning cursive handwriting has benefits for children. Cursive might have been nice for those who had beautiful handwriting. What Students Really Need to Hear. It’s 4 a.m.

What Students Really Need to Hear

I’ve struggled for the last hour to go to sleep. But, I can’t. Yet again, I am tossing and turning, unable to shut down my brain. Classic Kids TV Show. TechMama Talks: Work, Family, Education and Mobile Tech. It may have been a month since I last posted, but that gave me some time to think.

TechMama Talks: Work, Family, Education and Mobile Tech

During that time I decided to channel my dear Grandmother in my writing, who as she got older decided to share her authentic voice. Of course, that involved some embarrassing moments such as when she met a new boyfriend of mine for the first time and asked “I look forward to seeing you walk down the isle together”. I joked and said “you mean at the grocery store?”. But my Grandmother must of been reading our body language because we did end up walking down the isle and are a happily married couple running after our adorable but energetic three boys.

I feel privileged to have met an amazing community of bloggers online and share my insights on technology. Parents and Work: I am excited to see women developing initiatives to empower and promote career advancement for women at work. Digital Kids EDU SF 2013- Innovations in Education through Digital Media. Girl Rising. "Girl Rising" documents extraordinary girls and the power of education to change the world.

Girl Rising

CNN showcases their stories and highlights the latest news and global voices on the topic. Complete coverage on Impossible odds, unstoppable girls Married away for a car. Trapped by a sexual predator. Voices. Does Gamification Help Classroom Learning? Beth Blecherman is founder of, a site that curates information on family technology.

Does Gamification Help Classroom Learning?

Her new book "My Parent Plan" applies her years of technology project management to helping parents make their own plans. Techmama : EVERYONE needs to see the movie... GirlRising. Does Gamification Help Classroom Learning? Beth Blecherman is founder of, a site that curates information on family technology.

Does Gamification Help Classroom Learning?

Her new book "My Parent Plan" applies her years of technology project management to helping parents make their own plans. Follow her at @TechMama. As a mom of three boys, I see first-hand how making activities into a game suddenly turns stubborn stand-offs into engaging fun. My boys were fascinated with baseball statistics and learned percentages and fractions by following the exploits of their favorite players. They insisted on being the banker in monopoly, only to be disappointed when they later learned all U.S. currency is just plain green and not all the colors of the rainbow they were used to. Some people refer to this as “gamification” which means applying game thinking or even game mechanics into a non-game context. Strategy. Does Spelling Count? - Jessica Lahey. In a perfect world, students might be judged by their ideas alone -- not by whether they write "you're" or "your.

Does Spelling Count? - Jessica Lahey

" Free apps list. 5 Ways to Use Humor as Incentive for Homework. Education Elements Raises $6M To Help Schools Accelerate Learning With Technology. There are few people who doubt the ability of technology to help improve education, whether that be at the primary or secondary level. Of course, there are a hundred differing views on the best ways to manage (or moderate) the integration of technology into the educational process — and the classroom. Many parents, teachers, and schools are not exactly thrilled with the idea of technology or mobile devices playing a leading role in the classroom at the expense of teachers, etc.

And thus, as with so many things, striking a balance (or finding moderation) is key, which is why we’ve seen a rise in so-called blended learning, or the strategic integration of technology into the classroom — with the goal of increasing the productivity of both teachers and students. In the last six months, Education Elements has seen its team grow from 10 to 45, and CEO Anthony Kim tells us that it will be working with 100 private, charter and public school districts across the country by this fall.

Edmodo Launches Third-Party Platform For Education Apps. Three CA Education Revenue Initiatives for November, 2012? A Comparison, Because Voters Will Probably Only Support One. UPDATE: as of March 14, 2012 The Sacramento Bee reports that Governor Brown and the Courage Campaign/CFT have reached a deal in which he tempers the regressive aspects of his ballot initiative by reducing the sales tax rate from .5% to .25% on individuals and businesses, and lowers the threshold at which his tax on the top 5% of earners in California kicks in: Single earners would pay two percentage points more on income between $300,000 and $500,000 (income amounts doubled for joint filers), whereas the governor originally proposed a 1.5 percentage point increase.Singles earning at least $500,000 and couples earning at least $1 million would see their top bracket increase by 3 percentage points rather than the two percentage points Brown originally wanted.The income tax hike on the rich would also last longer than Brown’s proposal, going for seven years instead of five, starting retroactively on Jan. 1, 2012.

Additional updates as the unfold over the next few days. green = worthwhile. Google Expands YouTube's Suite of Services for Schools. Techmamas.

Distracted Driving

1 Out of 5 Textbooks Digital by 2014. Today, digital textbooks for higher education and career education account for only 0.5% of all textbook sales in the United States. According to a new study by social learning platform Xplana, this could soon change. Xplana predicts that digital textbooks will account for almost 20% of all textbook sales within the next five years. This will make digital textbooks a $1 billion market. The iPad in Education: Colleges Give iPads to All Incoming Stude.

PBS KIDS: Educational Games, Videos and Activities For Kids! PaidContent:UK: Penguin's Upcoming iPad books. Gartner: Most Kids Will Use PCs With Touchscreens by 2015. Be a Better Tech Parent. Higher Education Reimagined With Online Courseware - Education L. Integrative Biology 131 - Lecture 01: Organization of Body. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation News. Free Online Course Materials. Open Learning Initiative.

Obama's Great Course Giveaway - Technology - The Chronicle of Hi. Learning for everyone, by everyone, about almost anything. A Sampling of Free Online Courses - Interactive Feature - NYTime. More colleges, professors shutting down laptops and other digita. As a culture, we're at an odd crossroads regarding personal computers. For years, educators have been clamoring to put technology in the hands of young students through partnerships with big tech companies, best symbolized by the One Laptop Per Child initiative. But by the time those kids grow up, they might well find university authorities waging a war on laptops in the classroom.

In 2008, the University of Chicago Law School turned off Internet access in classrooms. At the University of Oklahoma, professor Kieran Mullen became an Internet sensation when a student recorded him freezing a laptop in liquid nitrogen and shattering it. Compose Your Own - Opinionator Blog. In The Score, American composers on creating “classical” music in the 21st century.