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How To Make Flavored Coconut Oil Tablets For Oil Pulling. Success - FDA Finally Issues Amalgam Warning. How A Root Canal Could Be Making You Sick. When I was 5 years old, I remember buying a big box of pink tape gum and liquorice strings right before my family and I were about to fly from Newfoundland to our new hometown in British Columbia.

How A Root Canal Could Be Making You Sick

“Gots’ to be prepared for the plane ride,” I mused. But little did I know that over the course of the 7 hour flight I was blatantly over feeding the sugar-loving bacteria in my mouth, and would soon be faced with my first tooth infection at age 5. Even worse, my first root canal. A root canal is hardly an enjoyable experience for a grown adult, let alone a 5 year old kid, and by the time I was 22, I had undergone 3 in total. Clearly, sugar had me. I never stopped to question the dental procedure itself, I mean, what kid or parent would question their dentist? But there are more risks involved with root canals than many are aware of, as I recently discovered, the likes of which are a good cause for consideration. The Dirt - Super Natural Personal Care - Paleo Personal Care: Chemical and Gluten Free Toothpaste, and More! The Dirt Mineralizing Tooth Powder – The Dirt - Super Natural Personal Care. "This was my third order of 'The Dirt' toothpaste.

The Dirt Mineralizing Tooth Powder – The Dirt - Super Natural Personal Care

I LOVE this stuff! I was a little hesitant to try it at first because I have sensitive gums and thought I needed to use the Sensodyne toothpaste I'd been using for years because whenever I tried something new, after a few days my gums would start to hurt. Not so with The Dirt! The Dirt works even better than the Sensodyne AND it doesn't have harmful ingredients! I told my dentist about it and showed him a photo of the jar with the ingredients. . - Jacqueline. "Since earliest childhood, I hated brushing my teeth. 4 Ways to Cut the High Cost of Dental Work. The Dirt Mineralizing Tooth Powder – The Dirt - Super Natural Personal Care.

The Dirt - Super Natural Personal Care - Paleo Personal Care: Chemical and Gluten Free Toothpaste, and More! How to Dial Down Oral Nerve Pain Naturally - Camp Wander. Oh those irritating moments in life when you're torn over how to handle the situation and find the right solution.

How to Dial Down Oral Nerve Pain Naturally - Camp Wander

When it comes to tooth pain - long term, intermittent, painful tooth pain, the obvious solutions are most often drastic, have long term effects and expensive, what's a woman to do? One thing I know for sure, there are solutions out there that may not be a main stream thing but if effective, are better than a visit to the dentist in the long run. This is the kind of knowledge worth sharing, especially considering emergency preparedness when help may not be available and you're all you've got. I'll quickly share a solution that worked for us and you can keep this information in your back pockeet for a later date - that I hope never comes! "Thus, the natural plant product BCP (beta caryophyllene) may be highly effective in the treatment of long lasting, debilitating pain states.

PS - Always use a natural toothpaste - ditch the commercial stuff. 13 signs you have a toxic tooth infection and how to treat it before going to a dentist : The Hearty Soul. 13 signs you have a toxic tooth infection and how to treat it before going to a dentist Marvin Francis Republished with permission from

13 signs you have a toxic tooth infection and how to treat it before going to a dentist : The Hearty Soul

13 signs you have a toxic tooth infection and how to treat it before going to a dentist : The Hearty Soul. This Can Even Whiten Extremely Yellow Teeth And Remove That Nasty Plaque And Tartar Buildup! If you want to avoid going to the dentist, the best option you have for removing plaque buildup is the DIY treatment we recommend here.

This Can Even Whiten Extremely Yellow Teeth And Remove That Nasty Plaque And Tartar Buildup!

What you need: Baking sodaToothbrushHydrogen peroxideSaltWaterCupDental pickAntiseptic mouth wash #1. Start by mixing 1 tbsp. baking soda with ½ tsp. salt in a small container. Wet your toothbrush then dip it into the mix. . #2. . #3. 95c4ff4ff5d43c68e7978430b0193e89.jpg 614×1,020 pixels - Crafting Intensity. Herbal Oil: Clove Bud Oil Benefits and Uses. You're probably familiar with clove, an aromatic spice that is commonly used in Indian and Chinese culture as seasoning and for medicinal purposes.

Herbal Oil: Clove Bud Oil Benefits and Uses

Cloves, also known as clove buds, gained popularity all over the world, especially in the western hemisphere, during the 7th century because of their health benefits. Like other spices, cloves can also be used to make an essential oil. While it is not as popular as other plant oils, I believe there are numerous reasons why you should consider having clove bud oil at home. What Is Clove Bud Oil? Clove bud oil is derived from the clove tree, a member of the Myrtaceae family. Out of the three, clove bud essential oil — also known as Eugenia carophyllata — is the most popular in aromatherapy. During the time of ancient Greeks and Romans, this plant oil was used to relieve toothaches and to combat bad breath.2 Its presence was also found in Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine with the same purpose. Toxic Teeth: How a Root Canal Could Be Making You Sick. By Dr.

Toxic Teeth: How a Root Canal Could Be Making You Sick

Mercola. My Secret to Smarter Internal Use - Camp Wander. Do This Instead Of Flossing. Start Flossing With Essential Oils. Easy Onguard Toothpaste Hack. The New Toothpaste Which Leave Dentists Without Work. 3 Ways To Remove Plaque Easily - Take control of your health! Plaque is the accumulation of bacteria on your teeth.

3 Ways To Remove Plaque Easily - Take control of your health!

It is invisible to the eye, but is harmful to the teeth as it interacts with certain foods, releasing an acid which causes tooth decay. Built-up plaque can also turn into tartar, which is much harder to remove. Removing plaque is very easy to do, as it involves little more than an effective cleaning! Method 1 of 3: Brushing Away the Plaque 1Locate plaque using a stain. 5Remember to brush your tongue. Method 2 of 3: Practicing Good Oral Hygiene 1Brush your teeth twice daily. 5Get regular, professional cleanings. Method 3 of 3: Trying Home Remedies 1Use baking soda. 6Make a homemade toothpaste. Forget Filling Cavities: Regrow Your Teeth Instead. (NaturalNews) If you've got a cavity, maybe you want to try regrowing your own teeth before heading for a filling.

Forget Filling Cavities: Regrow Your Teeth Instead

Our bodies are constantly renewing themselves and although it isn't commonly known, we can regrow our teeth too. In fact, regrowing our teeth is highly preferable to having them filled because most fillings these days either contain mercury (a known toxin that damages the brain and nervous system) or are estrogenic (white fillings release estrogen and contribute to hormonal problems.) Besides, regrowing your teeth is simple.

How To Whiten Your Teeth in Just 3 Minutes! There are many people that are struggling with the problem of yellowish teeth, and feel uncomfortable every time they smile.

How To Whiten Your Teeth in Just 3 Minutes!

Are you one of them? Regular cleaning and brushing is not enough to avoid the problem of stains on the teeth, and even though the whitening strips can be effective, they also cause painful sensitivity of the gums and teeth. Therefore here we are going to recommend you a simple and natural way to whiten your teeth in several shades, without damaging them with harsh chemicals such as those usually found in products for teeth whitening. For this mixture you will need a little baking soda and lemon. In a small bowl put a little baking soda and mix it with fresh squeezed lemon juice, until the mixture becomes slightly foamy.