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The Potential of Social Network Analysis in Intelligence. The legality of the National Security Agency’s (NSA’s) use of US citizens’ metadata to identify and track foreign intelligence organizations and their operatives is currently a subject of much debate.

The Potential of Social Network Analysis in Intelligence

Less well understood (and consequently routinely misreported) are the capabilities and limitations of social network analysis, the methodology often used to evaluate this metadata. From hierarchies to wirearchies. Work in the network era needs to be both cooperative and collaborative, meaning that organizations have to support both types of activities.

From hierarchies to wirearchies

This may not be an easy transition for companies based almost uniquely on command and control leadership. But in this emerging network era, cooperative innovation trumps collaborative innovation, writes Stowe Boyd. The changing nature of work. In 2013, I was able to spend some time looking at the changing nature of work. I continued to read from many sources, and I observed what and where I could. I used this blog to help make sense and engage with my professional learning networks. Here is a single-paragraph summary of what I see as the major issues affecting the management of work.

Ne vous préparez pas à un avenir de chômeur! A l’heure où l’on dit que les entreprises françaises font du racisme antivieux, et que « vieux » commence à 45 ans (on dit « senior » en langage politiquement correct) les managers que je présente à mes clients ont 54 ans de moyenne d’âge, les candidats que je rencontre pour la première fois en ont 51, et je dépense une énergie folle à expliquer à tout un tas de gens de moins de 45 ans qu’ils sont peut-être bien trop jeunes pour venir chez moi.

Ne vous préparez pas à un avenir de chômeur!

Mais à 51 ou 54 ans, tous ne m’intéressent pas, loin s’en faut. A Neuroscientist's Radical Theory of How Networks Become Conscious - Wired Science. It’s a question that’s perplexed philosophers for centuries and scientists for decades: Where does consciousness come from?

A Neuroscientist's Radical Theory of How Networks Become Conscious - Wired Science

We know it exists, at least in ourselves. But how it arises from chemistry and electricity in our brains is an unsolved mystery. Neuroscientist Christof Koch, chief scientific officer at the Allen Institute for Brain Science, thinks he might know the answer. According to Koch, consciousness arises within any sufficiently complex, information-processing system. Intelligence. The Potential of Social Network Analysis in Intelligence. A smart local moving algorithm for large-scale modularity-based community detection. Our smart local moving (SLM) algorithm is an algorithm for community detection (or clustering) in large networks.

A smart local moving algorithm for large-scale modularity-based community detection

Fiche_client_rff_pdf jcomx - fiche_client_rff_pdf_jcomx.pdf. Passerelles, l'intranet de Réseau Ferré de France. Réseau Ferré de France Réseau Ferré de France, qui compte 1 300 collaborateurs, est un acteur majeur du marché ferroviaire, propriétaire et gestionnaire du réseau national depuis 1997, qui :

Passerelles, l'intranet de Réseau Ferré de France

Jalios, un Intranet collaboratif modulaire. Ces dernières années ont été marquées par l’apparition des technologies sociales dans nos environnements de travail tant à l’externe (clients, partenaires, fournisseurs) qu’à l’interne (collaboration entre les employés).

Jalios, un Intranet collaboratif modulaire

L’utilisation de ces technologies a eu de nombreux impacts sur les autres technologies déjà mises en place dans les organisations. Social Technology for Purposeful Organization.


Online course Next Generation Infrastructures. In April 2014 TU Delft will start the MOOC Next Generation Infrastructures, part 1.

Online course Next Generation Infrastructures

In this course we will explore the challenges of infrastructure design, management and governance for the future. Some of the questions that will be addressed: What are the major changes and drivers when it comes to infrastructure development? Online Browsing Platform (OBP) ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies).

Online Browsing Platform (OBP)

The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. UCD Toolbox Beta. The 13 Most Popular Methods for User Centered Design. User centered design is receiving increasing attention in recent years.

The 13 Most Popular Methods for User Centered Design

Various methods and tools are used within organizations to improve the understanding of user and task requirements, support the iteration of design and evaluation. Global Trade Management Software and Solutions. Amber Road: Mastering the Complexities of Global Trade. Transport de Produits Dangereux. Depuis le 01.07.2013, Ulisse est le référent du CNRS - voir note du Président - pour le traitement de TOUS vos envois de matériels ou produits Dangereux, quelle qu'en soit la destination, la provenance, le type de produit.

Dotée de 6 Conseillers T.M.D., l'UPS peut répondre à toutes vos questions, que vous pouvez poser à l'adresse suivante : Nommé par le Président, le Directeur de l'UPS est le Conseiller Sécurité du CNRS. ** ANF Transport de marchandises dangereuses 2014 ** Formation proposée par ULISSE du 31 mars au 4 avril 2014 près de Lyon. Vous pouver consulter l'annonce de formation et la fiche d'inscription ici. Attention : les places étant limitées, priorité sera donnée aux agents CNRS. Comment transporter un produit ou une marchandise dangereuse ? Mmil13.pdf. FULLTEXT01.pdf. Untitled. 5 Ways to Be More Creative (in a Non-Creative Job)

I’m a research analyst, so the most creative I typically get in my day-to-day work is, well, choosing a color scheme in PowerPoint. So, you can imagine my surprise when, the night before a big presentation, I received an email from my creative director. He wrote, “Everything looks great, but let’s make it into a story. Virginia Tech Online master's Programs. Management of Services: Concepts, Design, and Delivery. Advertisement by LinkedIn Member. Kinaxis Supply Chain Expert Community. Social Media Content Channels: How and When to Focus Your Efforts.

PowToon, free business presentation software animated video maker and PowerPoint alternative. Supporting_the.pdf. Defining the Social Network of a Strategic Alliance. Entretien semi-directif. Transcribe - online software with free trial for transcription of interviews & audio clips.

Leveraging Supply Chain Visibility for Responsiveness: The Moderating Role of Internal Integration. Abstract As global supply chains compete in an increasingly complex and rapidly changing business environment, supply chain responsiveness has become a highly prized capability. To increase responsiveness, supply chain managers often seek information that provides greater visibility into factors affecting both demand and supply.

Managers often claim, however, that they are awash in data yet lacking in valuable information. Taken together, these conditions suggest that supply chain visibility is a necessary, but insufficient capability for enabling supply chain responsiveness. Based on organizational information processing theory, we posit that a supply chain organization's internal integration competence provides complementary information processing capabilities required to yield expected responsiveness from greater supply chain visibility. Volume 18 - Business-to-Business Marketing Management: Strategies, Cases, and Solutions.

The internationalisation from a network perspective: A longitudinal study. Abstract This article explores a range of internationalisation options in terms of their adequacy in explaining the patterns of internationalisation undertaken by contemporary organizations. It is argued that there is a life cycle in the internationalisation of firms and that existing explanations of internationalisation cater for some, but not all, elements in this life cycle. The paper then outlines a longitudinal study of the internationalisation of an Australian firm from its early tentative involvement via export in the 1960's to its acquisition by an overseas firm in 2000. This study shows that network embeddedness appears to offer the most comprehensive explanation for the international life cycle of contemporary organizations.

Network knowledge and business-relationship value in the foreign market. Highlights We review 29 empirical articles on networks and internationalisation and identify four research gaps. These gaps concern the lack of studies on the link between the structure of the network and future development of the firm in the foreign network. The study addresses these four gaps by developing a structural model based on six hypotheses. Missing networks: The case of European freight transport - European Planning Studies - Volume 1, Issue 3. Taylor & Francis Online.

Vidéos Pearltrees

Help. "Au chômage, je donne du travail à tout un écosystème" En recherche d'emploi à plein temps, à peine réveillée et pas même debout, ma première pensée est pour lui: mon portable. Il est mon compagnon du quotidien, qui se doit d'être toujours à portée de main. En parfait entremetteur, invisible cordon, il me raccorde au marché de l'emploi. Il m'alimente d'appels, reçus, manqués et même masqués. Témoin silencieux des aléas de ma situation, du soir au matin, il me parle entretien.